Sentences with phrase «keep them short enough»

Just keep it short enough to keep intensity high, so nothing over 800m.
I can't keep them short enough without cutting into the part of the nail you shouldn't cut.
There's no way you can add all of these instances to the resume and keep it short enough.

Not exact matches

To avoid the truncated tweet, make sure you're keeping tweets short enough - under 120 characters if you can.
In short, there is enough «good» to keep us right here.
All three are really endorsing that single lesson that Branson keeps referring to, however: raising kids who are brave enough to try new things, and if they fall short, to get back up and try something else.
I figured that would be long enough to catch my breath and let my muscles recover a little, yet short enough to keep things challenging.
First, you automatically delete anything that isn't vibrant enough to be remembered (a positive), and second, you keep things short and concise because otherwise you wouldn't be able to remember it.
The Bank of England has pursued a «stop - go» policy, raising the interest rate to attract enough foreign short - term loans to keep the exchange rate from falling.
Davis will never be a great passer, but he can throw short well enough to keep the defense alert, and that is all Bryant expects.
The Baggies have done alright at the Bridge recently, but they are probably going to come up short in this one because they haven't been keeping enough clean sheets to suggest that they are going to keep the Blues quiet.
If this isn't possible, keep baths short, but just long enough to get the job done.
And keep the get - together short — between one and two hours is more than enough time.
It's a wonderful product to keep in the car, carry around in the stroller, or taken on short trips where you don't need to carry around enough stuff that you should consider calling yourself Mary Poppins.
And if you've been turning down the heat in your home to keep your heating bills from skyrocketing, here's a gauge for knowing that baby's room is warm enough: Keep it at a temperature that feels comfortable to an adult in a short - sleeved shkeep your heating bills from skyrocketing, here's a gauge for knowing that baby's room is warm enough: Keep it at a temperature that feels comfortable to an adult in a short - sleeved shKeep it at a temperature that feels comfortable to an adult in a short - sleeved shirt.
I think this is a truly wonderful idea and I hoping to make one for my daughter that will hopefully keep her busy long enough for her mom to get a short breather and retain her sanity.
Keep waketimes lengths short enough.
Little Blue Truck is a great story that is short enough to keep your child's attention.
Keep the meetings short (20 - 30 minutes is long enough), and make attendance by all family members a priority.
Updated 11:09 p.m. While a majority of House Republicans appear ready to support a short - term continuing resolution to keep the government open through Feb. 16, enough Freedom Caucus members remain uncommitted to make passage questionable.
While this approach has had some clinical success, in most cases, the immune response resulting from dendritic cell vaccines is short - lived and not robust enough to keep tumors at bay over the long run.
Chip - scale atomic clocks keep time well enough for many applications requiring timing synchronization over short periods, such as GPS receivers.
«But when you feel as though you keep falling short, never seem to get things just right, never have enough time to do your best, are self - conscious, or feel criticised by others, you end up feeling bad.»
If you execute each movement with enough weight, speed, with short rests and keep your intensity up the entire time youre doing your workout, you're gonna get the most bang for the buck.
You've heard me say it enough, so I'll keep it short.
The short length is enough to keep you covered without going below your knee.
I wanted to keep this look a little casual so I paired the top with some distressed high waisted denim shorts, but still dressy enough for a nice brunch so I threw on these amazing strappy heels!
I love wearing oversized sweater dresses that keep me comfy and warm, but that are short enough to leave about a 3 - inch gap between the end of the sweater and over the knee boots.
The skirt itself is short but the fringe layers are long and provide enough coverage to keep the look fairly modest.
But once you put in these shorts keep in mind that you are not going bling bling rather one piece is enough gold.
The short sleeves keep me warm enough inside (along with a scarf over my legs....)
I realize this might look like not enough but for me keeping it short like this worked well in first emails.
Long gone are the days where cheap thrills and short flings were enough to keep you happy and - as a professional, a parent, or simply an all - round responsible adult - your relationship goals have become more serious.
Keep it short and sweet, but enough so that person wants more.»
Keep your description short and attractive, do not make it a novel, no one has enough time to a profile with too much contents.
i am short brown skin dougla with long hair i love going out meeting new people, learnig about my the type that is loving, caring, will always try my best two keep are smile on someones face in times that are needed but enough of that the rest is for u all my new friends two find out one love
I'm assertive and honest enough to come right out and speak my mind, but kind enough to do it with tact, my creative energy is never in short supply, and I like to keep my mind and eyes open to new learning...
Short messages of just a few sentences and questions are enough to keep them intrigued.
Long gone are the days where cheap thrills and short flings were enough to keep you happy and - as a professional, a parent or simply an all - round responsible adult - your love life has become more serious.
Keep your profile short and intriguing — offer just enough information to create interest & make potential partners want to message you to find out more.
Keep your essay to a few short paragraphs so they will be intrigued enough to want to find out more.
Although Overlord Dark Legend is fairly short and easy to finish, it delivers enough fun to keep you playing.
It's short but engaging, with some fiendish platforming segments, and introduces enough new concepts as you snake up the Solar System to keep you spinning on your axis.
The levels are short enough to keep it casual, but the game play is fast paced, and fun enough, that you wont want to stop.
I think Chaplin worked best within shorter spans and he can't fill the 125 minutes with enough to keep us occupied.
Night at the Museum possesses only special effects and a short - attention span style to keep us entertained, and while that has sometimes proven to be enough for other family - oriented films, it falls quite short of the mark here.
While the four tracks are great, they aren't quite enough to keep the fun going into the night, leaving Coffin Dodgers a kart racer best suited for short bursts.
It can't keep up that kind of energy throughout, especially as it's set mostly in one room, but it's charming enough — and short enough — that there are no hard feelings.
While a regular gamer may find some enjoyment out of it as well though but the enjoyment may be short lived... some of its short comings may be enough to keep gamers at bay from this title.
However, for the truly romantic at heart, the short length of the film just doesn't seem long enough, as we too want to keep following these two very fleshed - out characters and eavesdrop on their conversation all day.
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