Sentences with phrase «keep them upright until»

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Keep whisking until it reaches stiff peak stage (the mixture stands upright on the whisk).
Keep baby reclined flat in a stroller until he can sit upright with only a little support (or better yet, wear your baby!).
Holding this tight position, pick up the weight while keeping it as close to your body as possible, until you are standing in an upright position.
Keeping your chin off your chest, lift your torso up until you reach an upright position before slowly lowering your body back down to the starting position.
Start with a normal bodyweight squat remembering to keep your heels on the ground while bending at the hips, keeping your chest upright until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
Keep your upper body straight, and continue until your body is upright.
Keeping your torso upright, lower your body until your rear knee nearly touches the floor.
If you can't keep your balance or stand up straight, bring the non-stretching foot back a little until you can stand completely upright.
Maintain your balance, and keep your torso upright, lower your body by bending your back knee until your front thigh is parallel to the floor.
EXECUTION (MOVEMENT): Keeping your upper arm in tight to your body, rotate your shoulder so that your forearm moves in an arching motion from your waist to a vertical position (until your forearm is vertically upright — perpendicular to your abdomen).
But the engine cover also keeps a low profile until it hits the seats, where an upright window and small wing gets installed... much like we've seen on the limited edition Reventon Roadster.
The plastic cereal container is a great solution because of its slim, upright design (it can fit right into that envelope - dealie on the back of the driver's seat), the fact that it's a perfect fit for disposable plastic bags, and because the lid snaps tight, keeping everything from spilled coffee to chip crumbs locked inside until you come to a public dumpster.
Choose your flowers Choose a mix of trailing and upright plants — geraniums, begonias, lobelias, sweet peas and petunias work well — keep baskets in a greenhouse or sheltered spot until any danger of late frosts has passed
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