Sentences with phrase «keeping a job more»

On the surface, having a college degree might seem to make getting and keeping a job more difficult in the current employment environment.

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Research has shown that those who kept their day jobs while starting their businesses were 33 percent more likely to be successful than their risk - taking counterparts.
If you're looking to gain more recognition on your job, then keeping track of the tasks, ideas and projects you committed to is important.
But factor back in the often overlooked «hybrid entrepreneurs» who keep their day jobs while founding their businesses, and the personalities of entrepreneurs start to look more and more like, well, the personalities of the rest of us.
Marketers are starting to play a more prominent role within their organizations and their job description keeps growing more and more complex.
These so - called «hybrid» entrepreneurs who keep their day jobs make for less thrilling copy and more complicated data analysis among researchers, so they're often undercounted, Raffiee notes, which skews the data on entrepreneurs» traits in general.
What's more, full - time job growth has kept pace with part - time over the past year.
The most talented employees want feedback — more so than the less talented ones — and it's your job to keep it coming.
The move was part of an effort to improve customer service and keep good workers in a tightening job market at a time when working in stores is getting more involved.
And less business on Main Street means no job creation from the small businesses, not to mention even more difficulty keeping small businesses operating as - is.
Much more important job to keep roadways free of debris.
So whilst the closed door discussions will be about how to keep the status quo regardless of the rapidly increasing power costs and breakdown of service that is now being experienced around the country, the open conversations being had by the people are excited discussions about the future because we trust the likes of Elon Musk and Mike Cannon - Brookes to get the job done more than we trust big power and Government to come to any kind of meaningful and affordable long term solution.
In the post, Feld, a long - time advocate for a «Startup Visa» to allow more international entrepreneurial talent to come to the U.S. to build businesses and create jobs, remarks on just how hard the current administration has fought to keep the program from going into effect.
If I could do a better job following that advice, I thought, maybe there'd be more time left over for the tasks I kept nudging to the next month.
Would - be entrepreneurs hamstrung by student debt are more likely to keep their current jobs and less likely to launch new businesses that could create new jobs.
The point is that the single most important job any CEO of a growing company can perform is identifying the constraints that are keeping the organization from sprinting forward in the right direction and then allocating as much of their time as needed to remove them, thus freeing up space for the organization to perform more effectively.
But Trump offers a more dire outlook, arguing that only he can keep Boeing from moving those high - paying manufacturing jobs from Washington to China.
«For me, my clients keep me reined in because I can't charge more than $ 10,000 for a job,» she says.
«In general, people who are more organized do a better job of tracking expenses and keeping records neat for tax purposes,» she adds.
n general, people who are more organized do a better job of tracking expenses and keeping records neat for tax purposes,» she adds.
If the economy improves and the job market opens up, you may need to offer more incentives to keep your best employees.
Meanwhile, demand is likely to keep growing as the recovering U.S. economy generates more new jobs — and ever more fierce competition for people to fill them.
Carrier said last month that it would keep more than 1,000 jobs across two locations in Indiana, following pressure from President - elect Donald Trump.
On Wall Street, stocks rose on Friday after job growth surged more - than - expected in June, reaffirming labor market strength that could keep the Federal Reserve on track for a third interest rate hike this year.
Goodbye and good riddance to that outdated, monstrosity of a tax code that took too much of your money, sent our American jobs overseas, and kept our economy so slow many workers didn't see a pay raise for a decade or more
«Of course, this might be risky, but it's no more risky than not doing anything and expecting to keep your CEO job intact and the stock price rising.
Retraining workers for new, or more highly skilled, jobs also allows a company to keep valuable institutional knowledge in - place.
If you keep mum about what you pay, there's a good chance bright, young job candidates will gravitate toward a competitor that has a more open approach.
But in the past half - century, enabled first by the streetcar, then the automobile, aging citydwellers have become able to keep their connections, ideas, and jobs when they move to the easier, more spacious (but less innovative and wealth - creating) suburbs.
A 2013 University of California, Berkeley, study involving participants in an online job market suggests that employees who know exactly how their pay compares to their peers» exert «significantly more» effort than those who are kept in the dark.
It actually kept them together as a whole — they were more concerned about doing a good job for their customers.
We have an amazing business that keeps growing, that customers and users love, and that provides us with more job stability than almost any other company.
Moreover, rising home prices led to spectacular new residential construction, providing more jobs and more income to keep the party going.
The slowdown in job growth and the absence of any significant wage pressure could strengthen the arguments of those who see little risk in keeping borrowing costs exceptionally low and waiting not just for more encouraging data but also for unruly markets to settle down.
Trump, who takes office on Friday, has repeatedly singled out and criticized U.S. companies across industries for not doing more to keep jobs in the United States and has put pressure on them to hire more U.S. workers.
... China has targets of GDP growth around 7.5 percent and a consumer price index (CPI) increase of about 3.5 percent in 2014, with 10 million more urban jobs to keep the urban unemployment rate at a maximum of 4.6 percent.
Once it is clear that such a setting had done its job, the framework calls for it to be replaced by one more likely to keep inflation at the target.
The researchers found that workers assigned to the telephone intervention reported significantly improved mood and were more likely to keep their jobs when compared with those in the control group.
San Diego's rapidly growing cybersecurity industry is boosting its cooperation with local colleges and universities.The goal is keeping more local graduates in the area instead of Silicon Valley.With more than 7,600 jobs, the industry has an estimated $ 2.37 billion impact.
It seems that there is a big question about more rate hikes this year after the jobs report which could keep the REITs at loftier levels.
More people would be able to keep their jobs even as the PE drops, bitcoin drops, hedges and credit default instruments drop, real estate drops... BASICALLY YOU PROP UP MAIN STREET AND WORKING CLASS WHILE WALL STREET AND REAL ESTATE DEFLATE BACK TO THE MEAN.
«What's going on is that many CEOs, COOs, GMs, and other executives haven't figured out that sales and marketing alignment is more about culture, philosophy and business orientation than it is about marketing providing sales with leads, marketing messages and sexy product brochures and sales selling enough so everyone, especially those in marketing, gets to keep their jobs
«People who work to stop violence agree: women need better paying jobs, more affordable housing and child care, so they can keep themselves and their children safe and secure.
Keeping up with the current job market can be stressful, but you can stand out from the sea of other applicants by learning new and unique job... Read more
The event production company was struggling and Raja needed more money to keep it going, so he decided to continue knocking on doors, but instead of giving the jobs to the landscaping company, he decided to do the job himself.
 Almost a quarter of that was the auto aid. It was important for preserving jobs, for sure. But does it count as «stimulus,» in the sense of stimulating expenditure? I don't think so. It was more in the realm of a balance sheet transfer that kept an important company going. If the auto aid was «stimulus,» then so too was the much larger line of credit which Ottawa advanced to the banks (they could have tapped $ 200 billion under Mr. Flaherty's EFF mechanism)-- all of which was also repaid. In that case, Ottawa's «stimulus» was more like a quarter - trillion dollars... far outpacing everyone else in the OECD as a share of GDP! Of course that's nonsense. This was just one of many ways that Ottawa inflated the true value of its stimulus effort last year (including counting as «stimulus» the increase in EI payouts that automatically accompanied last year's mass layoffs).
I'd like to have a president who doesn't keep his money in Switzerland and the Cayman Islands.I'd like to have a president who knows more people are on food stamps today because tax cuts for the rich did not create jobs and caused this country to go down the drain.
When one reads Studs Terkel's book, Working, a series of interviews with more than 100 workers published in 1974, one gets the impression that most people keep working for lack of alternatives, not because they get much fulfillment from their jobs.
If you listen to Mitt he keeps refering to one God, actually Mormons believe in more than one God and please don't tell me that is not true I was Mormon, and they beieve they are the only true church so there is not tolerance for others and their beliefs, the Mormos job is to turn you into a Mormon.
A more realistic portrayal of the future of Humanity 4.5 would star the relative few who are going to use the enormous wealth accumulated by the globalist bourgeois empire to fund their own Promethean futures, self - cast in the role of «early adopters» whose job is to keep the cutting edge of progress sharp.
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