Sentences with phrase «keeping it straight lift»

Now extend one leg in front and while keeping it straight lift and hold the extended leg as high as you can for a count of twenty.

Not exact matches

When you do lift your toddler, bend your knees rather than bending over, and try to keep your back as straight as possible.
Keep your arms straight and lifted toward the ceiling.
When you reach down to lift your baby from the floor or car seat, you should keep your back straight and lift with your legs.
Keeping shoulders and head neutral and abs tight, lift hips so your body forms a straight line from shoulders to knees.
Keep your chest, shoulders, and hips facing forward and your left leg straight and strong as you push your right foot into your right hand and lift your right leg up.
Pushing mainly with your heels, lift your hips off the floor while keeping your back straight.
From child's pose, lift hips then extend legs toward straight, keeping the feet hip width or wider.
Keep the legs and arms straight, bring the left hand to the right foot, then the right hand to the left foot, lift the head, neck, and shoulder off the floor.
Do it right: During this exercise, keep your leg straight and glute contracted as you want to focus on using your glute to lift your leg.
Keeping the knees straight and close together, slowly lift your legs straight up towards the ceiling until they are about perpendicular to the floor, if possible.
While keeping your back straight, lift the dumbbells straight up in front of your chest, to just below chin level.
Keeping your arms straight and the torso stationary, lift the weights out to your sides until they are about shoulder level height while exhaling.
Keep them lifted as you roll the ball forward until legs are straight; bend knees to roll the ball back in.
Keeping your core tight, lift your legs off the floor while keeping your knees as straight as possible, and keep your toes pKeeping your core tight, lift your legs off the floor while keeping your knees as straight as possible, and keep your toes pkeeping your knees as straight as possible, and keep your toes pointed.
Lift your butt off the ground, keeping your legs straight.
While planting your left foot on the ground, lift your right leg straight up (keeping your leg straight and toe towards the ground) as high as you can.
TIP: Keep the knees and elbows straight, and focus on reaching out as you lift.
Continue lifting through tailbone, keeping spine straight and head between arms.
Keeping your arms very straight, curl your toes under and lift your hips up and back away from your hands, creating one straight line between your wrists, shoulders, and sit bones.
Keeping both legs straight, lift your left leg.
Slowly lower legs, keeping them straight and together, until about 12 inches away from floor; lift back up.
Start with your feet together and on the ground, keep your knees lifted and the body in one straight line.
To get the most out of this move, you'll want to keep your back straight and your chest lifted as you sit back into the lunge.
Keeping shoulders above elbows, walk feet toward torso, legs straight, lifting hips above torso.
Keeping your back straight, lift one leg on the side under a 90 degree angle and raise it up to your hip level.
You can also perform side planks by lying on one side and keeping your legs straight and fully extended and resting on your forearm with the elbow directly under the shoulder, then bracing your core and lifting your body up so that it forms a straight line.
As you inhale, draw your belly button toward the spine and engage your lower abs, then extend your right arm and left leg and lift them off the floor until they form a straight line with the rest of your body, keeping the spine neutral.
Slowly lift your pelvis up while keeping your back straight until your torso and thighs form a straight line.
Lift right leg up, keeping it bent, and extend right arm straight up (A).
While keeping your arms straight, lift your shoulders up toward your ears as high as you can.
You should keep in mind to lift the bar to forehead level while keeping your back rigid and straight.
Using your core, and keeping your chin and chest lifted, draw your legs up straight and bring your arms in front of you.
Bring your knees back into your chest and repeat for 10 reps. Pro tip: Intensify this exercise by keeping your knees straight as you lift your legs and as you lower them, slowly drop your upper body back toward the floor as well.
Keeping arms and legs straight, bring your right hand towards your left foot, then your left hand towards your right foot, lifting your head, neck and shoulders off the ground.
Lift yourself up by pressing into your heels and driving your hips forward, keeping the back straight and chest parallel to the wall.
Engage the glutes to lift the hips up as high as possible (make sure the lift is coming from your glutes and not your low back by keeping back straight and core engaged).
Lift the hips and keep your legs straight as you begin to slide your legs out laterally — in and out, pressing through the heels.
Whereas coaches such as Mark Rippetoe recommend that one should keep one's neck aligned with the rest of the spine at all times (which means that one ends up looking down at the floor a few meters in front of oneself as one bends over), others prefer to look straight ahead during the whole lift.
Lift the hips and keep your legs straight as you begin to slide your legs out laterally - in and out, pressing through the heels.
Single Leg Bridge Lifts - Really lift and squeeze with your glutes and keep your lifted leg straight.
Keep your core engaged and your legs and torso straight as you lower and lift yourself.
keeping your legs straight, lift your legs up to one side, then down, then back to the other side.
Keeping your left leg absolutely straight and your inner left thigh firm, inhale and lift your left leg up toward the ceiling.
Form: While keeping your leg straight, exhale and lift your leg off the floor.
I then asked them to keep both knees straight and lift one leg up as high as they could.
From here, you're going to press your hands straight up, lifting the elbows, keeping forearms close together (they form the number 11).
Keep the head lifted straight in a line with your neck and spine or if you can you can rest your forehead gently on the ground.
Arms should always be kept straight during the lift, with triceps tight.
Keep the glutes contracted to lift the body into a bridge position, making a straight line from knees to head.
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