Sentences with phrase «keeping knees»

As you squat down, focus on keeping your knees in line with your feet.
Keeping your knees together, come into a squat, lifting your heels and rooting down with your big - toe mounds, hands in Anjali Mudra.
Sit back into your heels, sending your butt and hips back and down, keeping knees over the toes, shoulders and chest tall.
Keeping your knees fully straight helps isolate the gastrocnemius.
Crawling across the floor on your hands and toes whilst keeping your knees off the floor and your bum down low is quite tricky!
Squat, sending the hips straight back, and, keeping the knees behind the toes, roll the ball out as far as you can, stretching the arms and chest.
Keeping the knees straight, slightly go down with the wheel.
To lean back, bend at the hips while keeping the knees locked.
Lean forward, keeping your knees slightly bent and one foot forward of the other.
Never keeping their knees out and never breaking parallel.
Keeping your knees on the ground, lift your left foot in the air, and slowly swing your foot to the left as you look over your left shoulder.
Next, still keeping your knees locked, point your toes away from you and hold that position for 20 seconds.
If this is too tough, do this move on your knees, keeping the knees directly under the hips and the hands under the shoulders.
Keeping my knees straight / out can be quite cumbersome as I have slight knock knees, they turn in for about a 20 - 30 ° angle I think, so letting them cave in during exercises happens quickly.
Bend knees to lower torso, keeping knees directly over ankles, as you raise arms in front of you to chest height, hands clasped, for balance.
Crawl forward using the ball of your foot, with the opposite arm in a very low crawl stance and keeping your knees close to the ground.
After six repetitions, remain folded in Uttanasana, keeping the knees slightly bent to support the lower back.
Then extend your legs back to the starting position, keeping your knees in line with your toes and pushing through your heels.
Keeping the knees bent slightly at first, lengthen your spine, draw the tailbone away from the pelvis, and soften your chest.
You need to keep your body stable while rolling in and out, keeping your knees and arms tight and concentrating on your abdominal muscles.
Hold the posture, keeping your knees slightly bent, for 3 to 4 minutes.
Hold for 1 second and slowly lower to the starting position keeping your knees bent throughout the movement.
The correct way to squats is to always remember keeping your knees behind the toes when you sit down in a squat position.
And with the swing you remain grounded, keeping the knees and ankles safe from impact.
Stand with your feet hip width apart and push your hips back, while keeping your knees directly over your ankles, until your hands are just below your knees.
Step 1: From a standing position, drop your hips to the ground and roll onto your back, keeping your knees tucked to your chest.
Push back and lower your hips until your thighs are parallel to the floor, keeping your knees behind your toes and your spine straight.
While hanging, lift your legs up until they become parallel with the floor, keeping the knees extended.
Keeping the knees stationary, lower the dumbbells to over the top of your feet by bending at the waist while keeping your back straight.
Extend back out, keeping the knees bent.
Form: Exhale and raise onto your toes while keeping your knees straight.
For one, many individuals have trouble keeping their knees over their ankles due to weaknesses or limitations in their hips, says D'Amelio.
- Bend both knees to about 90 - degree angles, keeping the knees aligned directly over the feet (not rolling forward).
Be sure to modify poses when you need to, i.e. keeping the knees bent when forward folding, and using props like blocks to reduce the distance between the ground and the floor whenever possible.
For heavy items, squat down and engage the muscles in your thighs and butt when you stand up, keeping your knees bent and back straight.
Once you're hanging with your feet off the floor, pull your knees up and across to the left side of your body, keeping the knees and feet together.
Sit down on the machine and place your feet on the front platform, keeping your knees slightly bent.
Bring your knees back into your chest and repeat for 10 reps. Pro tip: Intensify this exercise by keeping your knees straight as you lift your legs and as you lower them, slowly drop your upper body back toward the floor as well.
Keeping knees stacked over hips, lift shoulders and crunch up; inhale and hold for 3 - 5 seconds.
Keeping the knees tracking over the toes will produce the least internal load on the soft tissue surrounding your knees, thus keeping them functional and healthy.
Keeping the knees inline with your ankles, pull the muscles in the legs towards each other to relax through the glutes.
Keeping both knees straight, point your toes and split your legs as far apart as you can, bringing your right leg toward your head and your left leg in the opposite direction.
There's a more challenging variation, by keeping the knees rigid and trying to lift as much of the body off the bench and curling it up towards the chest.
Lift one foot off the floor at a time, keeping knees in place.
Hold a good posture; keeping your knees slightly bent with your shoulders back and chest out, slowly start pushing your hips back and lowering the dumbbells down until you feel a good stretch in your hamstrings.
Keeping your core tight, lift your legs off the floor while keeping your knees as straight as possible, and keep your toes pointed.
Keeping your knees slightly bent, grasp the loaded end of the bar with your left arm with an overhand grip and put your other hand on your thigh for support.
Keeping the knees straight and close together, slowly lift your legs straight up towards the ceiling until they are about perpendicular to the floor, if possible.
Slowly bend forward at the hips, keeping your knees straight, and lowering the bar until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings.
This pillow equally supports the back and front while keeping the knees in a raised position.
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