Sentences with phrase «keeping with»

I mean rather that God encourages all acts that are in keeping with the rule of love.
Though Hartshorne has never given a great deal of attention in his writings to concrete religious phenomena, he has always been concerned about the religious significance of his work, He advocates the neoclassical conception of God partly because he believes it is more in keeping with religious experience than classical formulations of either theism or pantheism.
«13 Wholly out of keeping with Whitehead's developed views, Wieman insisted that God is not concrete but only «the principle which constitutes the concreteness of things.
Therefore, to be true to this principle within the canon, we must consider as non-canonical (i.e., non-authoritative) those portions of the canon which are not in keeping with it.
As several of you have pointed out, NT Wright does indeed consider his views to be in keeping with Calvin and the Reformed tradition, and his recent debates with John Piper and company over justification are something of an internal skirmish rather than a theological divide.
There are, however, two serious problems to such an approach: First, it is difficult to see how some of these passages could possibly be interpreted in a way that is in keeping with Jesus of Nazareth; and second, even if this could be done, the process would necessarily do damage to the original intent and to the established scriptural meaning of these passages.
So, keeping with the idea that love comes first, here are three questions each of us should ask before setting our DVRs for the next episode of HBO's Game of Thrones.
Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight, holding on to faith and a good conscience.
So far in this chapter we have looked at some of the wonders of our reality that fit with a belief in God, we have briefly answered the question of how God acts in this world (in keeping with our common sense), and we have addressed a few questions about what God is like.
That justification makes us just again to act in keeping with God's justice.
(«Unless process philosophy is informed by existential analysis, its lack of an explicit anthropology, which handicaps it for theological employment, can hardly be remedied in keeping with its own implicit principles.»
Brian really wanted to find out this time and I was ambivalent, even leaning towards keeping with our little tradition of remaining in the dark.
The evidence of eternal life is not that you never sin it's that you never stop repenting and that you continue to grow and bear fruit in keeping with repentance.
The production quality is from the dark ages, so it's in keeping with the theme.
And since the distinction within God is one of reason only (God's two natures are not correlative), and in keeping with the ontological principle, there is no metaphysical interval between God's two natures.
But in keeping with his overall objective and his guiding metaphor of «diagnosis,» he must not omit from his moral analysis factors that are essential to a full understanding of the crisis.
The question for Protestants concerns how to appropriate the traditions of historic Christianity in keeping with the reforms initiated by the Protestant Reformers.
Not only is it not in keeping with our faith to write off any group of people, but to ignore this common sense would be to write off the future.
So though we can understand why Mark could come to this curious view (perhaps at the close of a career as an apostle that did not have the success he had expected), we must reject it as a true reflection of Jesus» mind, and as out of keeping with the other things we know about his teaching.
Studies conducted during the 1950s and early 1960s often took an optimistic view of economic development and, in keeping with this outlook, showed how traditional religions were adapting to westernization and saw value in the accompanying cultural shifts toward rationalization and individual piety.
Others changed their day of worship from the Sabbath to Sunday to be more in keeping with their Christian fellow citizens.
In keeping with this historical charge, I argue in a recently completed book, A Blessed Rage for Order: The New Pluralism in Theology (to be published by Seabury this spring), that there are presently five major operative models for fundamental theology: the orthodox, the liberal, the neo-orthodox, the radical and what may be tentatively labeled the revisionist.
In keeping with the purpose of this lecture, I want to share with you a personal experience that helps me depend my own commitment to liberative solidarity as a mode of Christian witness.
Of course if the narrator had originally informed us of Elijah's pleasure and amusement in Obadiah's superbly comic performance, subsequent traditionists would have removed the notice as out of keeping with the proper character of a proper prophet.
I believe he was suggesting that standing during the Mass might, therefore, be more in keeping with the «lived experience and piety» of the People of God in the West today rather than kneeling.
personality; a spirituality that was both authentic subjectively, as well as objectively in keeping with the demands of the kingdom of God on earth.
I think that, in keeping with the separation of church and state (which is a good policy, I think), we should not observe ANY religious holidays, including Good Friday, which is widely observed by public schools throughout the US.
And can we do this in keeping with our common sense?
Last, and paradoxically, the word «inerrancy» undermines its apologetic intent by reflecting a defensiveness toward Scripture that is out of keeping with the gospel's own boldly proclaimed confidence.52 For these reasons, Hubbard has become increasingly uncomfortable with the use of the term «inerrancy» to describe his basic commitment to Scripture's infallibility, though he has no basic argument with those like Pinnock who use the term as qualified and understood Biblically.
I said I don't think you are so bigoted as to conflate, so that would mean we are in agreement about your intention that I was right, and in keeping with what you say about not conflating them.
How about something more in keeping with your mindset, like a good midieval joust, or a hot tar and feathering?
Certainly the document is in keeping with his vision for the Congregation during Francis's pontificate.
In fact, he finds something wholesome, and in keeping with «old - fashioned» wonder at the marvelous complexity in the work of nature, in the work of Intelligent Design theorists.
Although some educators still cling to it with fervent tenacity, most regard it as out of keeping with the conditions and needs of modern industrial democracy.
It seems to be in keeping with the theme of your cartoon and could include, but not be limited to LGBT *.
My horrendously uncool view is that those who appear to be weak in the world can shame those that appear to be strong in keeping with the bible verse I quoted.
Therefore, while the Kingdom can not be directly equated with the social gospel, as American liberal theology has tended to do, the impulse to social action in order to help persons — whether individually or corporately — is in keeping with his spirit and is a legitimate derivative from his message.
In keeping with his dynamic views, Sullivan believed that personality was never fixed and was always subject to the modifications occasioned by new interpersonal settings.
In keeping with his ontological focus, White - head describes the role of language in the former lecture as that which forms the link between one's past and the present.
But in keeping with his more ontological focus, he appears to be far more sensitive to the need for integrating all the environmental factors.
To skip the repent and believe part and try to get people directly to the love part, does not appear to be an approach in keeping with apostolic precedent.
So teaching a trainee to do a job well, to the best of his ability, and to do so in keeping with the laws the land AND of Health and Safety is «BRAINWASHING «him / her so they can no longer think for themselves, is it?
If there is a «wrong» kind of Christian it is the one who uses the Bible as an excuse or to justify their actions (war, slavery, discrimination, oppression, suppression, or condemnation) and it is the one who ignores the preaching of Jesus (tolerance, love, forgiveness, inclusion) and turns instead to a handful of lines in the Old Testament more in keeping with how they prefer to act.
Jesus, in keeping with this tradition, had a special concern for the poor, and opposed the accumulation of possessions.
Such action might be in keeping with President Lincoln's view of what the political branches can do — an alternative interpretation of the Constitution.
The examples I listed were in keeping with that train of thought.
It is about a minority that wants not only tolerance but affirmation, to which end it will exploit a host of emotions (guilt, sympathy, fear), magnify the most extreme examples of vitriolic attacks as representative of all opposition, and try to silence» not rationally defeat, but silence» all arguments not in keeping with its desired goal.
In keeping with Whitehead's principle of dipolarity, religious experience can be defined as a fusion of both physical and conceptual activity in a pervasive type of value experience.
Thus if, in keeping with a process analysis of language - function, both the confession and the metaphysical assumption are to be taken with full seriousness, the meaning or point of the confessional element must be sought on the imagistic, rather than the univocal, level.
The former is in keeping with what is perhaps the distinctive mark of our age — the quantum leap in human power to affect all of life in truly fundamental and unprecedented ways.
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