Sentences with phrase «keeps rodent control»

TNR reduces most cat - related nuisances, poses no threat to public health and safety, and keeps rodent control in place.

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Physical pest control products generally kill the rodents on the spot; keeping these devices away from places where food is packaged or stored can prevent food contamination.
Now research in rodents suggests that gut microbes may alter the inventory of microRNAs — molecules that help keep cells in working order by managing protein production — in brain regions involved in controlling anxiety.
Cats and sailors have had a long relationship: For centuries, felines have been kept on ships for rodent control and as good luck charms.
Unlike rodent models, which are developed from inbred strains of mice kept in controlled environments, companion animals, like humans, are genetically diverse and are exposed to many of the same environmental influences as their owners are.
A hunter at heart, Shiba Inus should not be left with small animals unless you need some help in keeping the rodent population under control.
Although these cats won't be in the household, they will make a wonderful addition to your family and offer many benefits such as rodent control and keeping wandering cats away.
Rodents such as mice and rats also carry Leptospirosis so make sure you keep any pest problems under control to minimize risk of infection to your pets.
These cats would love the opportunity to earn their keep controlling rodent populations and patrolling your barn, farm, or rural / industrial property!
Not only was the Siberian Forest cat talked and written about, it was also highly revered for its natural hunting abilities in keeping the rodent population under control on the local farms.
An added attraction is that feral cats earn their keep as farm cats or yard cats by controlling rodents at farms and stables.
Over time they were bred for smaller sizes to be ratters, and they were often brought aboard on ships to keep the rodent population under control.
Keeping kennel areas clean, controlling rodents, and testing females prior to breeding can all help prevent the spread of parasites.
If you've decided that a dog is the perfect animal to keep mice or other small rodents under control, we have to have a talk... But there's always the Rat Terrier, which is a smaller breed, bred for — you guessed it — catching rats.
«The cats, who keep the rodent population under control, will be killed in a ferocious manner, using Compound 10/80, which is a gut - wrenching poison of the most unimaginable and lengthy horror.
Cats that are allowed out help keep the rodent population around your home and garden under control.
As long as a colony is maintained and kept healthy, fed, spayed and neutered, feral cats do an amazing job of rodent control
Rhinos play an important role in the environment, dispersing seeds and keeping vegetation — and as a result, rodents and snakes — under control.
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