Sentences with phrase «keeps stealing it from»

But, of course, the saudis only tell the masses that its america's fault that they are poor and miserable to allow them to keep stealing from their people and keep increasing their wealth.
Even my husband, who abhors onions spinach and celery (which I added) keeps stealing these from my stash.
So many of you had asked where I got it, and my daughter even keeps stealing it from me, so it didn't stay here for long.
Arlo's a bit of a runt and has an issue with fear, an undesirable trait Poppa's determined to stomp out by taking him on a hunting mission, their target a young human «critter» who keeps stealing from the family's corn harvest.
They kept stealing them from me during filming.

Not exact matches

Kim was feeling anxiety as a result of the 2016 robbery in Paris in which she was kept hostage while her assailants stole her engagement ring from husband Kanye West, and other jewels totaling $ 9.5 million.
Also this week, hackers breached a community college in the Los Angeles area and demanded a $ 28,000 ransom to keep from destroying data from the school that they had stolen.
They say Zillow used trade secrets stolen from Move to develop its newly launched listing platform, the Zillow Data Dashboard, which Zillow is counting on to keep listings flowing directly from multiple listing services and brokerages when its agreement with ListHub expires April 7.
For Facebook, adding stronger search to mobile can help keep users within the app for longer periods of time, and could even steal business from services like Yelp or Google if people use their social graph for restaurant and shopping suggestions on the go.
The safest user - friendly option in my opinion is multi-signature wallets, as you don't have to bring your private keys with yourself physically or keep it in a place you think it's safe but it could be stolen from, but your money is always accessible and if a third party holds your funds, they just can't use them as they would need the second or third private key».
Either that, or you will have to downgrade from your $ 1300 / mo two bedroom apartment in a normal city to a $ 1300 / mo bunk in a hacker house with 20 other entrepreneurs that share the same bathroom and someone keeps stealing your shampoo.
@Mormon Hawaiian Surfer's mentality: «Jeff, so many people were trying to steal it from ole Joey Smith... i guess its got ta be hidden away to keep those people from stealing them ``
And seeing how as Jesus said nothing of collective salvation and stealing from people to keep the poor comfortable in their condition, claiming Jesus was «leftist» is laughable.
I'm a Catholic and I think government programs targeted at the poor are un-Christian and only HURT the poor by keeping them down and robbing them of their dignity while at the same time STEALING from people in order to do it.
This helped keep the animals safe at night from wandering off, getting eaten by predators, or from getting stolen, and also helped keep the family in the upper room above (If memory serves me right, Kenneth Bailey writes about this in Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the Gospels).
Three hundred workers, mostly young women, couldn't get out of the factory, because the management put steel bars on windows and kept the doors locked in order to prevent them from stealing or leaving the work site early.
Now, if we could just keep the sheep from raping and stealing from each other... ------ Hehehe!
Be blessed my brother cause; this a trap that turns one brother against another; when we turn from our sin the devil is angry and does every thing he can to take you back i believe after this act was done eddie repented years ago; but the devil came to rob and steal and keep him from reaching the next level in Christ why were they quiet so long
They steal from those who do pay health insurance because our premiums go to keep their employees and families healthy.
Police have revealed how a man who stole tens of thousands of pounds from church donation boxes kept detailed notes of his crimes.
joe, sally and susie stole everything from everyone and kept it all.
Just trying to make sure Jumpy does not feel different from her siblings... and it works as they keep stealing her food!
I've been making them for a couple years now, and can not keep myself from eating the entire batch (as long as Ryan isn't home to steal some).
Paired with citrusy coriander, the curry keeps the sugar and butter from stealing the show.
Reilly says, «Out of ego or greed... the grizzled veteran keeps on playing... stealing TV time, fans... and even endorsements from the real athletes.»
Just have to say «well done to the Republican Party for figuring out how to steal elections from the people using arcane rules designed to keep rural landholders in charge.
Tourney favorite Rory McIlroy has kept a low profile heading into Pinehurst but the two - time major champion hopes to steal the limelight from leading man Phil Mickelson.
That's a lot of money, which keeps coaches around, and a lot of facility upgrades, which help steal recruits from longer - established programs.
The Cavs are able to keep the Pacers at a distance throughout with plays like this steal from Kyle Korver.
So, whereas I was of the opinion that heading into Monday's encounter no longer top of the league would have a negative effect on the team, it will instead empower them with so much reassurance and positivity that any sort of result would be enough to keep them on course for the title, but it does also mean they're there to be shot at so don't be at all surprised if United come sprinting out of the blocks this evening and put the Gunners to the sword very early on as don't forget, United had top - spot stolen away from them because of the recent bout of adverse weather.
The latter presented fellow youngster Ryan Mason with a golden chance to steal 3 points with just minutes remaining but he couldn't keep his shot down from 6 yards as the breathless encounter finished goalless.
The kind that constantly keeps our youngsters from admiring their own brilliance and being satisfied... RVP immediately turned and sprinted to get the ball and continue play... Arsene Wenger should absolutely be ARRESTED for stealing Arshavin at the price he did.
They do not only contain the baby, but they are also great for keeping any toy stealing pet from stealing your baby's toys or chewing them and damaging them.
For the past decade on Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the focus may have been on Kim, but Khloé's been able to steal the spotlight from time to time.
For kids in the 5 - 6 range, I love that there are so many great tablets now that are kid safe, (fairly) impervious to drops and bangs, and frankly, keep your kids from stealing your own tablets!
This is because all of the stolen moments that hubby and I count on to get us through the day (nap time, computer time while boys are at school and baby plays quietly in baby - proofed area, early bedtime for kids, hot bath and wine after kids go to bed) never happen because there is a flurry of fun activities that keep us from sticking to our schedule.
It's not unusual for pumps stolen from health care facilities to show up for sale, and the manufacturers generally keep a list of serial numbers of pumps that have been reported as stolen.
Apart from how revolting the piece of biltong could become after a while, the only problem we had was keeping the dogs from stealing it.
Despite the professionals» best efforts, the audience kept stealing the spotlight from the actors.
He mentioned William Lanhan, a consultant who allegedly stole $ 3.6 million from the city Department of Education, and the CityTime scandal that broke last year in which consultants paid to supervise the creation of a software program to keep track of the hours of city employees supposedly bilked the city out of $ 80 million.
Former Suffolk District Attorney Thomas Spota, indicted on charges involving the cover - up of Burke's beating of a man who stole a duffel bag from Burke's SUV, also would keep his pension if convicted.
«Documents were stolen from a safe in the home secretary's office where sensitive material is kept so, for these reasons, we saw it as pretty serious,» he said in a BBC interview last night.
I kept the dollars in my backyard where the oil was stolen from.
Ramon Jimenez, the Green Party candidate for NY Attorney General, discusses the fight to keep Hostos Community College open, clemency for non-violent drug offenders, criminal justice reform, and the failure of the present Attorney General to criminally prosecute those who stole $ 1 million from Puerto Rican Day parade.
Only this time, the rotors would be mounted on posts above and below the wings, a configuration that would prevent them from stealing the air needed to keep the machine aloft.
Adding a particular metal to fishing lines could create an electrical field in seawater that would keep sharks from stealing bait and winding up entangled themselves.
He allegedly stole bottles of C - 25 from his supervisor's desk under the watchful eye of a security camera; kept the receipt he got from mailing the substance to his wife in China; claimed, in documents found on his computer, discovery of the substance and authorship of research done by others; and, in a particularly imaginative touch, «remotely accessed the Medical College servers and deleted [his supervisor's] raw data from the C - 25 research, information the college was later able to restore,» according to the Journal - Sentinel.
Keep Track of What You Eat «This way, you can pinpoint problem areas in your diet, like those «free» bites you steal from your kids» and husband's plates,» says Spring.
Another smart choice, according to pharmacist Suzy Cohen, RPh, author of Drug Muggers: How to Keep Your Medicine From Stealing the Life Out of You, is a cup of tea — but not just any cup.
You'll also learn about surprising energy drains (social media, we're looking at you)-- and how to keep them from stealing your mojo.
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