Sentences with phrase «keeps the conversation going too»

It doesn't just spread the word, but keeps the conversation going too.

Not exact matches

Way, way too many business blogs seem terrified that they might actually strike up a conversation and never say anything that incites a reaction from readers — and if somebody does comment, there's nobody around to keep the conversation going.
fred... yes fred, i have a better way — but you sir, i have no need to keep this conversation going, for you are terribly thick headed, and beyond brainwashed by religion... you claim to believe the bible and what is has to say yet allow for me to be a di - ck to god without fear of recourse or any form of punishment from god — back in the day, i would have been smoted, now you losers claim that he will just torture me forever in hell as my punishment — this implies that god has learned better ways to function as god — whoa, did anyone else just see what i said, god learned... thats rather un-godly, to learn, being he is all knowing - but your right, i am wrong... jesus christ where did i put my fuk you card, oh god - dam - nit... i must have thrown it away with all the other garbage i don't use... well too bad.
I keep going over the conversation in my mind and asking myself «was I too pushy?»
Yes to keeping the conversation going, not just here, but where they are writing these rules too!
It is time to crack jokes (not poor jokes), to know how to keep a conversation going, how to keep a woman from wanting more, surprising her with lovely (not too mushy) messages.
It's best to keep the tone friendly and inviting — don't get too intense until you are in a conversation with someone who has agreed to go there.
GAAD is only one day of the year, we need to keep on with this for the 364 too, keep the conversation going, keep letting people know that this matters.
In the video below, I will tell you how long you should talk, how to make sure you aren't talking too long, and how to help the interviewer keep the conversation going in your favor.
Here's some conversations starters and pointers to keep things going, too!
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