Sentences with phrase «kept in households with children»

The study concerns the Salmonella status in reptiles kept in households with children suffering from gastroenteritis due to an exotic Salmonella serovar, to collect information on eventual transmission paths.

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The distinction between the nuclear and traditional family was also blurred in the recent report on human sexuality by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) titled Keeping Body and Soul Together: «Although many Christians in the post-World War II era have a special emotional attachment to the nuclear family, with its employed father, mother at home, and two or more school - aged children, that profile currently fits only 5 percent of North American households
Nowadays in the U.S.A. we lean more to psychotropic drugs in order to keep in line the depraved of love within many households where the parents can not cope with child rearing.
With the onset of working outside the home, the dynamic changed, but keeping children involved in helping the household run is paramount to developing and maintaining that sense of inclusion and importance.
For many people, safety gates are primarily associated with child safety and keeping children from venturing alone into areas in a household that can not be rendered childproof (like the kitchen, the bathroom, and staircases).
As the new Mr. Mom struggles to keep up with their children and the household chores, Caroline becomes her ad agency's star employee, fully assuming her husband's old role in the family and bringing some tension between the two of them.
You can also use the tablet to keep track of your child's household responsibilities with the Chore List app; you can add tasks specific to each child in the app's calendar.
Seventy percent of American households with children under 18 admit that they would have trouble keeping up with living expenses within a few months if the primary wage earner in the home died today.
A: The big problem [with both Liberal and Conservative plans] is that by failing to come forward with the child care piece and continuing to incentivize couples to solve the problem within their own household is an excellent way — whether it's for the best of intentions in the world — to continue to keep locking women into the overworked, under - resourced, underemployed position that they continue to be in.
Poisons — including household cleaners, bleach, and the like — are best kept on high shelves or in cabinets secured with child safety locks.
Among the provisions is one that allows the court to grant»... to the petitioner the exclusive care, possession, or control of any pets belonging to or under the care of the petitioner or minor children residing in the residence or household of either party, and directing the defendant to refrain from harassing, interfering with, abusing or injuring any pet, without legal justification, known to be owned, possessed, leased, kept, or held by either party or a minor child residing in the residence or household of either party.»
The court is allowed to enter an order «prohibiting the defendant from having any contact with any animal owed, possessed, leased, kept or held by either party or a minor child residing in the household
In West Virginia, the terms of a protective order may include awarding the petitioner the exclusive care, possession, or control of any animal owned, possessed, leased, kept or held by either the petitioner or the respondent or a minor child residing in the residence or household of either the petitioner or the respondent and prohibiting the respondent from taking, concealing, molesting, physically injuring, killing or otherwise disposing of the animal and limiting or precluding contact by the respondent with the animaIn West Virginia, the terms of a protective order may include awarding the petitioner the exclusive care, possession, or control of any animal owned, possessed, leased, kept or held by either the petitioner or the respondent or a minor child residing in the residence or household of either the petitioner or the respondent and prohibiting the respondent from taking, concealing, molesting, physically injuring, killing or otherwise disposing of the animal and limiting or precluding contact by the respondent with the animain the residence or household of either the petitioner or the respondent and prohibiting the respondent from taking, concealing, molesting, physically injuring, killing or otherwise disposing of the animal and limiting or precluding contact by the respondent with the animal.
As often as you can, be specific in telling them things that you love about them, such as how they help you with the children or to keep the household running smoothly, or that you love it when they rub your back or snuggle at bedtime.
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