Sentences with phrase «kept viewers interested»

The truth is that there is more than enough real - life drama in the start - up business to keep viewers interested.
i think Arsenal is dong a American reality show without us knowing as all reality shows you have to throw in a spanner everyday to keep viewers interested and wanting more
There are too many pop culture references dumb puns, and predictable storylines to really make it all that interesting, but it does have a few serviceable gags to keep viewers interested.
It's a familiar premise (that for some reason reminds me of the film Radio Flyer) but it's done well enough to keep the viewer interested and entertained thanks to a star making performance by Tye Sheridan as Ellis.
Misan Sagay's script does drag in places, which is a shame, as ten - fifteen minutes could have easily been cut out to deliver a much tighter film, but there is enough going on to keep the viewer interested throughout, especially if one is a fan of this hugely popular genre.
It's a dark story about bad children and worse fathers and offers nothing in the way of great performances or riveting storytelling to keep the viewer interested.
It's Leo's film, every scene has her performing to the third degree and that keeps the viewers interest, even when the subject they choose to focus on does not.
The visuals might be strong but they aren't enough to keep viewers interested for a sluggish two hour and three minute running time.
Even with the predictable ending, there are many surprises along the way that will keep viewers interested.
Well I would watch it and it sounds like a nice idea, I think having multiple seasons with 10 - 12 episodes would keep viewers interests rather than having one massive blow out 50 episodes though.
It was short and sweet, they delivered content at a fast pace without skipping over important things which was great and helped to keep viewers interested.
Framing law firms videos is especially important to keep the viewer interested and make sure you don't look silly.
It's no surprise that you want to keep your resume strictly about business and professionalism, but adding small quirks can keep viewers interested.

Not exact matches

Though Hide and Seek starts off good enough to keep you interested, the director doesn't know where to take this story and give us, the viewer an exciting climax.
He moves things along at a strong clip and keeps the viewer attentive and absorbed at almost all points; I only lost interest when we saw the (very few) indications of Bergman's home life.
past work as a photographer explains the stunning picturesque landscapes (the snowy fields of Sweden and the winding roads of hilly Italy), which keeps the viewer's interest from lagging during the down times when the story stagnates and when there are too many long closeups of a brooding Clooney instead of any action.
The film takes an interesting perspective on events, one that leaves enough ambiguity to keep viewers on their toes.
His characters are flawed and interesting and not always charming, and the viewer's sympathies keep changing as Mildred and Dixon, specifically, evolve.
Shot in only 25 days, Joshua is a well - crafted, interesting and fresh thriller with enough substance to sustain the intellectual viewer and enough mystery to keep everyone else attentive.
I am one of the few who didn't read the book, but Flynn reported she has changed the ending of the film to keep interest up in viewers who have already read the novel.
A solid supporting cast lends credibility and enough distinction to give their relatively small roles some memorability, which is especially important given the amount of Vanger family that viewers will have to keep track of (the novel had a genealogical table to supply readers a ready reference), as well as their interests and loyalties.
Running a scant ninety - two minutes, at least sixty of them consist of people frantically yelling at one another in the hopes the profanity — largely in front of a toddler, who's always finding and playing with a dildo as the film's running joke — keeps the viewer's interest.
This is not to say that the film as a whole is a failure by any means — however, it will be up to the individual viewer to figure out for themselves whether it is an okay movie containing a few too many hiccups to keep it from completely pulling together or a not - so - good movie with enough strong individual elements to hold one's interest for at least most of its running time.
is still a very interesting film, and will most likely keep most viewers» attentions riveted right up to the very end, mostly because we are always anticipating something happening to make an important point.
His writing keeps it all together though, and even if it tends to be a little more subdued than it should, it will nevertheless keep the interest of most viewers.
While interesting, the device serves to heighten the artifice, and keep the viewer at a distance from what should be an emotionally involving drama.
For Greater Glory - Interesting forgotten chapter of history doesn't make for a very interesting film, while at - odds violence and religion keep many potential viInteresting forgotten chapter of history doesn't make for a very interesting film, while at - odds violence and religion keep many potential viinteresting film, while at - odds violence and religion keep many potential viewers away.
This will better keep the viewer's interest and give distinction to each of your takeaways.
Because most TV shows have to keep the drama and conflict going for as long as there's viewer interest, they can't cut to the happily - ever - after quite as quickly as a romance novel.
Like a movie trailer, a book trailer is a teaser designed to get and keep viewers» interest long enough that they make that important click: to your website, to your promo site, to wherever more information about your book can be gained.
Like a movie trailer, a book trailer is a teaser designed to get and keep viewers» interest enough they make that important click: to your website, to your promo site, to wherever more information about your book can be gained.
And in order to gain and hold the interest of your viewers, keep your trailer under two minutes.
You need to keep your trailer short; it should be within ninety to one hundred ten seconds in order to maintain the interest of your viewers.
In keeping with He's dynamic and experimental practice, the works shown at Qiao Space are rooted in the artist's interest in sensory perception and in developing visual devices to influence and disrupt the viewer's reactions to his work.
LRF: The challenge of working on the same subject matter for over a decade is how to keep the photographs dynamic and interesting to the viewer over that extended period of time.
Ping says he's «ultimately interested in materials and process, and accomplishing a form that conveys energetic resonance to the viewer,» a feat accomplished by keeping spontaneity alive in otherwise highly - considered compositions.
Hulu with Live TV provides a healthy channel selection and more than enough bells and whistles to keep discerning viewers interested.
We recommend using the STAR methodology to help the viewer understand what you can do, and to keep their interest.
Keep in mind, however, that not everything needs to be static — switching up things like your video background can pique your viewers» interest.
Tour the home and travel through the neighborhood in order to keep the viewer's interest up.
Remember, you want to keep your viewers» attention and get them interested in your property and your service.
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