Sentences with phrase «kernel would pop»

You'll know that all / most of the kernels have popped when you hear the popping slow down - once there are about 5 seconds between each pop, remove the pot from the heat, your popcorn is ready.
Once the tester kernel pops, add the rest of the kernels, cover, and shake the pot every few seconds, until all the kernels have popped.
Cover the pot and heat over medium heat until all of your kernels have popped!
Add the popcorn kernels, cover, and keep the saucepan moving until all of the kernels have popped, about 4 minutes.
Transfer to the microwave and microwave on high until all the kernels have popped, about 4 - 5 minutes.
once all three kernels have popped, remove the pan from the heat, add the rest of the popcorn, and cover the pan again.
Continue to cook and swirl the popcorn until the last kernel has popped.
When the there kernels have popped, add sugar mixture and popcorn to pan.
Once popcorn starts to pop, shake pan over flame until all the kernels have popped.
Once the kernels have popped, add the rest of the kernels and remove from heat to shake and coat all kernels in the coconut oil.

Not exact matches

You can customize the flavour by adding spices to the oil before cooking the popcorn (I'm a fan of chili powder), or tossing around add - ins like nuts, seeds, coconut, chocolate chips, Parmesan cheese, etc. when the kernels have finished popping.
The great thing about the corn pops is that you don't have to worry about the annoying hulls and hard kernels that you get with popcorn.
To cook, hold the lid on the pot, lift the pot off the burner, and shake it around every 15 - 20 seconds or so until the kernels have stopped popping.
Add 3 - 4 popcorn kernels, cover, and continue heating until they have popped.
Soon enough, you'll have the very exciting moment where your first kernel pops.
I never have to shake it to get all the kernels to pop.
I have an air popper that pops the kernels in like 2 minutes tops, but I hate buying the popcorn butter all the time.
Quinn and Both realized that the pressure differential between the inside and the outside of the kernel would be a critical factor in determining the size of the popped flakes.
However, it has been demonstrated that the kernels of teosinte can be readily «popped» for human consumption, like modern popcorn.
Often it's a pop standard that she's adopted for her own use, but one never has the sense that she's hijacking the intrinsic emotionality of the music to compensate for an absence in the filmmaking — rather, it's as though the rest of the film has been built out from the kernel of the song.
Have students hypothesize what might happen when the kernels pop and why.
Popcorn pops because each kernel has a tiny bit of water inside it.
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