Sentences with word «ketoconazole»

Give ketoconazole with a fatty meal to reduce stomach upset and increase absorption.
These drugs should not be given with ketoconazole: astemizole, cisapride and terfenadine.
Diazepam can interact with many different medications, including antacids such as cimetidine (Tagamet ®), heart medications such as propranolol and digoxin, antibiotics such as erythromycin, antifungal medications such as ketoconazole, and other medications.
In another study external beam radiation therapy was combined with administration of ketoconazole.
I visited a renowned trichologist and she suggested medicated shampoos containing ketoconazole, an anti-fungal drug used extensively by cosmetic companies.
Give your Westie prescription oral medications, including ketoconazole if the itching is not resolved through bathing or flea products.
Surprisingly, men with the genetic anomaly fared better on ketoconazole than men without the variant.
I used Ketoconazole shampoos regularly for months, and while it helped temporarily, the dandruff returned sooner than later.
In severe cases oral ketoconazole for two weeks may be necessary.
When ketoconazole therapy will continue for months at a time, many veterinarians will monitor liver enzymes with complete blood counts.
Some individuals show a lightening of the hair coat while taking ketoconazole.
Garlic is one food that has powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and several scientific studies have found it to be as effective as the popular anti-fungal pharmaceutical drugs Ketoconazole and Nystatin in destroying candida albicans.
However, keep in mind that Ketoconazole doesn't prevent DHT production.
He or she may recommend an adult dandruff shampoo, such as one containing 2 percent antifungal ketoconazole medication.
His vet has prescribed prednisone, cephalexin, ketoconazole for the last 3 years.
Thankfully, fluconazole has fewer side effects than the older drugs like ketoconazole and itraconazole.
Do not give ketoconazole within 2 hours of an antacid.
Do not give ketoconazole if your pet is being given astemizole (Hismanal), cisapride (Propulsid) or triazolam (Halcion).
When ketoconazole therapy will continue for months at a time, many veterinarians will monitor liver enzymes and complete blood counts.
Some veterinarians combine Atopica with ketoconazole administration because Atopica is very expensive.
Your doctor may also elect to prescribe ketoconazole cream.
Ketoconazole attaches to androgen receptors on hair follicles and thus, prevents the receptors from interacting with the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
Concurrently administering ketoconazole can increase cyclosporine blood levels, and this interaction can be used advantageously to decrease the required cyclosporine dose (possibly decreasing cost for owners, especially when treating large breeds).
If s / he has a secondary infection (pustules, hot spots, etc) a medicated shampoo with Chlorhexidine + / - ketoconazole in it would work nicely as well.
So adding ketoconazole probably doesn't alter the risks of cyclosporine side effects.
They include: Corticosteroids, acetaminophen (Tylenol), Non-steroidals like Rimadyl and Metacam for arthritis, Griseofulvin for ringworm infections, Halothane anesthetic, Ketoconazole anti-fungal medication, Mebendazole (Flagyl), anti-tumor medications, Methoyflurane anesthetic, Phenobarbital or primadone given for sezures, sulfonamide antibiotics and tetracycline.
May cause bleeding problems Some individuals may need prednisone administered along with ketoconazole Testicular secretion of testosterone is reduced; may produce a feminizing effect or infertility in males.
Store ketoconazole at room temperature away from heat and moisture.
Give ketoconazole exactly as directed by your veterinarian.
Normal liver function is required for the body to properly process ketoconazole.
Like amphotericin, it takes effect quickly, and has the same cure rate as the amphotericin - ketoconazole combination.
This drug may be expensive, and it must be given twice a day; however, compared to the cost of ongoing testing with Lysodren treatment, the increased cost of Ketoconazole may be inconsequential.
If there is no obvious redness of skin or sores on the feet, the smell can be managed by washing the feet in a shampoo containing ketoconazole or 2 percent chlorhexidine.
New ingredients include ketoconazole and aloe vera.
For more serious infections, an oral antifungal agent, such as Ketoconazole, may be necessary.
If your pet is on ketoconazole, itraconazole or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (Rimadyl, Metacam, DeraMaxx, etc), has decreased liver function or is older, your veterinarian may want to monitor liver enzyme values along with the kidney values.
Oral ketoconazole or itraconazole (5 - 10 mg / kg) for 30 days may be indicated.
After taking ketoconazole he's back to his normal weight and his hair is coming back and the dandruff is gone.
The side effects are related to liver toxicity, like ketoconazole, with the addition of ulcerative skin lesions and swelling of the legs at the higher dose.
Do not give Ketoconazole within 2 hours of antacids.
Cyclosporine is not metabolized as quickly by your pet's liver when ketoconazole is present.
These patients were subsequently treated with the drug ketoconazole, which blocks the production of androgens outside of the testes (e.g., those developed by prostate cancer cells that are evading ADT treatment).
I still use griseofulvin, as any minor added benefit of using itraconazole or ketoconazole does not justify their increased cost when compared to griseofulvin.
Drugs other than those listed in this guide may also interact with ketoconazole.
Fully disclose to your veterinarian any medications your pet is taking before giving ketoconazole.
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