Sentences with phrase «ketogenic approach»

The phrase "ketogenic approach" refers to a type of diet that focuses on reducing carbohydrates and increasing healthy fats to promote the production of molecules called ketones in the body. This approach aims to switch the body's primary source of energy from carbohydrates to fats. Full definition
A return to a stricter ketogenic approach is on the horizon.
The authors of this study found that the gradual group was equally effective at reducing seizures at 3 months as the classical ketogenic approach.
That's when I decided to quit sugar, grains, and processed foods, and to start following a whole - foods - based ketogenic approach to food.
It's okay to enter this phase following your strict ketogenic approach, but don't be too bull - headed if you notice feeling flat or sluggish during workouts.
To finish this story, I then experimented with Kiefer's Carb Back - Loading protocol which is a targeted ketogenic approach in which I only ate carbs on evenings I weight - lifted.
This garlic keto bread is the perfect party appetiser suitable for those following a healthy ketogenic approach.
This is good as a carb meal on a cyclic ketogenic approach that I recommend because it is so rich in good fats and anti-oxidants.
Below is an example day based on the Modified Atkins Ketogenic approach (the ratio is calculated at 1.2:1).
What is your opinion on stephanie ketogenics approach to eating only around 70 grams of protein?
However, better seizure control was noted with the classical ketogenic approach in comparison to the Modified Atkins approach (42 % vs 34 %)(13).
This garlic keto bread is the perfect party appetiser suitable for those following a healthy ketogenic approach.
So, it's a plant - based Ketogenic approach, where we have very little animal products in there.
If this is the case (or prior experience would indicate adhering to a strict ketogenic approach has worked well), starting with small increments of carbohydrate reintroduction is the best plan of action.
Apart from weight management, the ketogenic approach can be used to treat health conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy, and even cancer.
As a Type 1 Diabetic, I have been exploring a Low Carb, Ketogenic approach to eating and have had profound results.
I've found, that about 75 % of the people that I've worked with that noticed a lot of Fatigue uhm — and cravings as they're following this Ketogenic approach, once we address the hydration and the minerals, they feel a lot better.
There's no better diet and nutrition plan to reduce inflammation fast than a Ketogenic approach or even — or a fasting.
This is one of the greatest differences, in my opinion, between people that follow a ketogenic or low carb lifestyle for overall health reasons or weight loss, and those of us who are experimenting with using a ketogenic approach as a specific disease therapy.
This is what happened to me, as I went a bit too extreme in my ketogenic approach.
By altering your diet to a ketogenic approach, you can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
I hate to abandon the ketogenic approach, since it was helping with the neurological symptoms.
Given the adherence problems that have been noted with the classical ketogenic diet in adults, the majority of people opting for this dietary approach generally may follow one of the other three ketogenic approaches.
I would like to try a ketogenic approach, but I'm having trouble mentally picturing meals.
However, the great news, and something that I was able to experience myself in that 1.5 years, is that a ketogenic approach is an amazing tool for women to use to balance their hormones... when done safely and effectively for our sensitive female bodies.
The major barrier is to establish a ketogenic approach that will result in good compliance.
Perfect Keto Collagen has been designed for people who follow the ketogenic approach.
Apart from weight management, the ketogenic approach can be used to treat health conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy, and even cancer.
I found that a ketogenic approach seemed the most successful in all reports.
Most of the speakers there follow the Low Carb, High Fat or Ketogenic approach, but I tend to use incorporate intermittent fasting quite extensively in my Intensive Dietary Management (IDM) program.
Another fantastic scientific argument for trying the ketogenic approach, is that a ketogenic diet actually increases the number of mitochondria in your brain cells.
For those of you considering the ketogenic approach I would also recommend Primal Fat Burner by Nora Gedgaudas and Jimmy Moore's Keto Clarity, both are excellent all round additions for getting to grips with the diet and ideas for meals.
Dr Thomas Seyfried, author of Cancer is a Metabolic Disease is possibly the foremost authority regarding evidence and practice of the ketogenic approach to cancer.
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