Sentences with phrase «ketone bodies in the blood»

One of the key benefits of a Ketogenic Diet is Ketosis — a fat burning metabolic state where most of the body's energy is supplied from ketone bodies in the blood, as opposed to a state of glycolysis where carbohydrate sugars provide most of the energy.
Another way of measuring ketone bodies in the blood is via a blood glucose and ketone meter.
Typically, epileptic children must consume very little carbohydrates and large amounts of fat to increase ketone bodies in the blood, however adding coconut oil will allow a bit more carbohydrates in their diet (10, 11).
When in the state of ketosis, the elevated level of ketone bodies in the blood will lead to a reduction in the frequency of the epileptic seizures.
Ketone adapted is when the body has changed to a fat burning metabolic state where most of the body's energy is sourced from ketone bodies in the blood, opposed to a state of glycolysis where simple or complex carbohydrate sugars provide most of the energy.
Ketone bodies in the blood have substantially increased to higher than average amounts.
This diet involves eating very little carbohydrates and large amounts of fat, leading to greatly increased concentrations of ketone bodies in the blood.
This reality becomes apparent in the body chemistry when you can detect elevated level of ketone bodies in the blood or urine, a state known as ketosis.
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