Sentences with phrase «key aspects of»

The game introduced many key aspects of the Mortal Kombat series, including the unique five - button control scheme and gory finishing moves.
The perfect centerpiece of this dichotomy is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, probably the entry best liked by critics but most refuted by devotees of the books, who claim that the adaptation has missed key aspects of the original novel and harmed the overall progression of the series.
One of the key aspects of the character design in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is the eyes.
Language and articulation are in fact key aspects of Le fort des fous, which was in part commissioned by this summer's documenta 14 exhibition, where it was presented as an installation before its festival premiere in Locarno's Filmmakers of the Present section.
One of the key aspects of the game is regaining territory from rivaling gangs, an idea seen in many games of this nature before (aka: EA's The Godfather and THQ's Saints Row).
There are many, many moving parts that must come together just right to create a cohesive moviegoing experience, and when key aspects of the filmmaking team excel, the final product is all the better for...
Bringing together two key aspects of Clinton's ongoing career — her advocacy for international women's rights and the mission to foster democratic development around the world — I argue Clinton is a transformative leader of global influence.
Baumbach and Editor Jennifer Lame do allow the story to run free at times (resorting to showing mini-sections that are unrelated to others and having some occasional jump cuts), but Baumbach keeps Frances and key aspects of her life (namely the relationship with Sophie) in focus.
Professor Drew Fudenberg Harvard University «This game does an excellent job of modeling many of the key aspects of modern business.
Presumably conscious that key aspects of its franchise have been lapped by rivals Gran Turismo and Project Cars, developer Turn 10 has built carefully on the well - received Forza 6: 700 - plus vehicles, 32 racing locations, endless racing conditions due to the new dynamic weather system — these stats are just the start of it.
Banal background that leads inexorably to a repetitive gameplay, combined with the simplification or the absence of some key aspects of this genre of games, such as the growth of the Pokemon, makes Pokemon Rumble a disappointing WiiWare.
We find your matches by analysing key aspects of your personality, which we understand from the answers to.
BUSINESS WIRE — Dec 19 — secured an exclusive license to U.S. Patent Number 7,203,674 covering key aspects of online speed dating.
How is a dating site going to test matching algorithms, marketing messages, communication functionality and other key aspects of services without throwing a wrench into their relationship with their users?
At its core, the fundamental «parts» that make up charisma can be broken down into two categories, emotional & social — below we have outlined a few key aspects of each that will help improve your charisma both before and during meeting someone.
But when you learn how to get over a breakup or a divorce, it can prove to be the absolute best thing that has ever happened to you — once you begin to address four key aspects of yourself.
As far as our environmental impact is concerned, how we measure and manage our packaging, waste and energy are key aspects of this focus area.
All MELT techniques and protocols were built upon key aspects of these major hands - on therapies and influencers: Neuromuscular Therapy (Chaitow), CranioSacral (Upledger), Manual Muscle Testing (Kendall and McCreary), Lymphatic Drainage (Chikly), Visceral Manipulation (Barral), Anatomy Trains (Meyers), Structural Integration (Rolf), the World Fascia Congress (Vleeming, Pollack, Hedley, Stecco et al.), and others.
We educate you on the key aspects of health and wellness so that you will ultimately understand what it requires for you to live a long, healthy fulfilled life.
Neurotransmitter Metabolites - A special grouping of neurotransmitter metabolites serve as important diagnostic indicators of abnormal metabolism that can underline many key aspects of neuropsychiatric function.
Liquid coconut oil is processed to achieve its unique characteristics, and some key aspects of coconut oil are removed.
Most likely you'll find that one or more of these key aspects of the movement are difficult (or possibly even impossible) for you to perform.
You can also use a stationary bike or treadmill, the key aspects of your Tabata workout are the all important timings and the intensity.
It will improve key aspects of your health without a doubt.
Oxytocin - controls key aspects of the reproductive system and some aspects of human behavior 2.
So far, we've discussed two key aspects of what you can do to get rid of man boobs - diet and nutrition, and cardio training.
In other words, our TriVita name refers to the three key aspects of life — the physical, the emotional and the spiritual.
One of the key aspects of Inner Fire for Elia is that while everyone must continue to engage in growth and inner challenge, there is also fundamental acceptance and respect, that makes the work here feel very human.
By cross-training, you can make gains in all of these areas and work on multiple goals at once without neglecting key aspects of fitness.
The method could go far in interrogating human tissue organization and helping elucidate key aspects of development, human health and disease.
Indeed, key aspects of most human disorders can be modeled in experimentally tractable organisms through the analysis of orthologous genes and pathways, using the genetic, biochemical and cell biological toolboxes that have been developed in each model organism.
Michelson says GLAST could confirm key aspects of this process with its detailed new data.
Restoration of Stasimon in the motor circuit corrects key aspects of motor dysfunction in these models.
«Besides the applications this cell engineering and transplantation approach may find in regenerative medicine, our findings support the broader concept that enhancing the function of interneurons can counteract key aspects of Alzheimer's disease,» said Lennart Mucke, MD, director of the Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease.
To determine how valid the objection against funding of human embryonic stem cell research is because of its use of human embryos, it's important to understand two key aspects of hESCs» unique biology and derivation.
Ensuring appropriate target gene selection and maintaining a diversified pre-clinical engine are key aspects of our strategic approach.
Indeed, the researchers found that restoring Nav1.1 levels in mice that were genetically modified to mimic key aspects of Alzheimer's disease (AD - mice) improved learning and memory functions and increased their lifespan.
Shubin presents key aspects of this vast, multifaceted and potentially overwhelming cosmic history through personal tales of scientific exploration and discovery, including his own arctic adventures.
One group was genetically modified to simulate key aspects of Alzheimer's, and the other was a healthy, control group.
«This gets into the key aspects of our work,» said study lead author Jinhui Yang, who conducted the work as a postdoctoral researcher at JCAP.
But now, scientists at the Gladstone Institutes are shedding light on key aspects of transcription, and in so doing are coming even closer to understanding the importance of this process in the growth and development of cells — as well as what happens when this process goes awry.
John O'Keefe has illuminated key aspects of these remarkable navigational and conceptualising abilities.
New regulations had done little to prevent the problems, the report said, largely because most of the wells involved had been grandfathered in and had not had to comply with key aspects of the rules.
Even when academic physicians are involved, often they don't enjoy anything close to true research independence, Nissen says: «Academic physicians are still involved in the leadership of the study, but not fundamentally in the design of the study, or in the key aspects of the execution of the study.»
A large number of lab studies using rats and mice exposed to high doses of BPA failed to show measurable effects on key aspects of reproductive development, function and behaviour.
«One of the key aspects of these muscles is that they're programmable, in the sense that designing how the skeleton folds defines how the whole structure moves.
«We were surprised by the extent to which these chronic disease health supporters are able to provide support for key aspects of health care, and the sheer amount of help they provide,» says lead author Aaron A. Lee, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow at the VA CCMR.
Recently, for instance, the team found a group of elite suppressors with elevated levels of p21, a cancer - fighting protein that disrupts key aspects of the HIV life cycle in the lab.
«Depending on these varied biographical and structural locations, women affirmed, grieved, critiqued, and contested key aspects of pregnancy mythology,» Bessett said.
«In the future, it will be important to conduct research with larger samples in order to determine whether oxytocin specifically affects sensitivity to infant signals because that is one of the key aspects of parenting,» says Professor Kaija Puura from the University of Tampere and Tampere University Hospital.
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