Sentences with phrase «key difficulty»

This follows publication of the European Commission's Internal Market Strategy yesterday which, among other areas, aims to address key difficulties that SMEs and start - ups face in all phases of their lifecycle within the EU Single Market.
Another key difficulty in forecasting personal income tax revenues is that the taxable base is much broader than its underlying economic tax base, as measured by Statistics Canada.
(4) A key difficulty with Whitehead's theory of initial aim lies in its exclusive reliance upon eternal objects.
Hawking's legacy, says Bousso, will be «having put his finger on the key difficulty in the search for a theory of everything».
The researches note that their results are awaiting an experimental verification, but the key difficulty has been eliminated.
The key difficulty that has to be overcome with «Azkaban,» however, is that there is too much standard Harry Potter stuff the film seems compelled to include, material that both swells the running time to that counterproductive two hours and 21 minutes and detracts from the story's intrinsic drama.
Phonological processing problems are widely accepted to be a key difficulty for many dyslexics.
The key difficulty is finding a reward (usually a food reward for simplicity) that will encourage your cat to keep trying to perform a behaviour to get the treat.
According to Beven, some of the key difficulties with modelling include computational limitations, limited measurement techniques, and «uncertainty about uncertainty estimation».
That is a key difficulty in social science modelling.
A key difficulty for those trying to police the issue is that there simply isn't the structure in place to deal with cyberbullying as a standalone offense.
Arguably, one of the key difficulties in introducing new equality requirements is knowing how to deal with existing (now - illegal) inequalities without either continuing them or indeed creating new ones.
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