Sentences with phrase «key drivers rather»

It also offers a unique opportunity for students wanting to understand how happiness and satisfaction are key drivers rather than material goods.

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The key point is this: while monetary easing has been positively associated with stock market gains over the following 10 months or so, the essential driver of those gains has been the recovery of preceding losses in the months leading up to each round of QE, rather than de novo returns.
Much has been made over the past two years about valuations, rather than earnings being the key driver of the rally in the local sharemarket.
«The current study identified sleep quality, rather than pain and low mood, as a key driver of physical activity the next day.
So on balance, by analyzing the muscle - tendon length changes in the hamstring strain injury research specifically, it seems more likely that energy absorbed is the key driver of a muscle strain injury, rather than the size of the strain.
The key criticism is that the GTS always feels completely locked - down, which, juxtaposed with an engine that encourages the driver to stretch it, makes for a rather bipolar machine.
Strategy is key: rather than rely on genre clichés like powerups, players must utilise the abilities offered from different car and driver combinations, collecting coins to charge up these abilities.
On the grounding line, I would imagine it is an indicator of where the balance of forces lies (with some offset for the viscosity of ice) rather than being a key or event driver, if that is what Mauri meant.
CFCs are already known to deplete ozone, but in - depth statistical analysis now shows that CFCs are also the key driver in global climate change, rather than carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
Lloyd has succinctly identified the key aspect of why REALTORS ® are viewed as glorified taxi drivers by far too many clients, and why the client base believes they can do the job of identifying what addresses their housing needs and then buying and selling real property on their own rather than through the use of a REALTOR ®.
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