Sentences with phrase «key effects of climate»

Click through the gallery for a look at 10 other key effects of climate change, some of which may surprise you.
One of the key effects of climate change is that extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, heatwaves, and rainfall variations become more frequent and more severe.

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But these do not affect the key point: the effects of climate change, for example, will cause massive adjustment costs so higher GDP may well not feed through to higher living standards.
Despite this key role, the effects of climate warming and increased litter input as a result of shrub expansion on N2 fixation in mosses are ambiguous.
Daintree is just one of the sites in Australia's Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN), an information - sharing organization that collects, manages, and shares data on flora, fauna, and other environmental factors to capture snapshots of what key wilderness ecosystems look like now and measure the potential effects of climate change.
«With the potential negative effects of climate change, one key question we are trying to answer in the study of tropical ecology is how a tropical forest responds during a long - term drought,» says Kaiyu Guan, an environmental scientist at the University of Illinois.
«The results of our study suggest that efforts to mitigate local perturbation such as nutrient enrichment in the Baltic Sea could pay off in the future, because it might help key species such as the bladder wrack to better cope with the effects of climate change and to maintain their ecosystem services.»
A key issue in considering the decision has been the potential climate effects of natural gas versus coal.
«Deep - sea biodiversity impacted by climate change's triple threat: Researchers find a key effect of oxygen loss and that climate change impacts vary by region.»
The Arabian Peninsula is a key region for understanding hominin dispersals and the effect of climate change on prehistoric demography, although little information on these topics is presently available owing to the poor preservation of archaeological sites in this desert environment.
KEY DOCUMENTS 2012 Decision that federal protection may be warranted 2010 Federal Endangered Species Act listing petition Map of predicted climate change effects on white - tailed ptarmigan's range
Indirect effects of climate change on forests include disturbance — a key component of forest ecology — and may be more important, immediate, and longer lasting than direct effects.
The results of this analysis on the indirect effects of climate change on Montana's forests produced several key messages, some of which are shown below (for a complete list of key messages, see the Forests chapter):
In their contribution, Janetos and his co-authors present key policy - relevant findings concerning the relationship between observed and projected effects of climate in the natural and human environment.
The results of this analysis on the direct effects of climate change on Montana's forests produced several key messages, some of which are shown below (for a complete list of key messages, see the Forests chapter):
Key facts about the lesson are: The content covered by the lesson are; the definition of deforestation, methods of deforestation (slash and burn, industrial clearing etc), the causes of deforestation and the effects of deforestation (on the climate, on the soil, on biodiversity and on people) Learning resources used in the lesson are; images (including a satellite image), map, video clips, analysis and writing task and a quiz.
KEY FEATURES — Stunningly detailed pixel graphics — 10 challenging, well - designed boss battles — Hypnotic electronic score by composer Karl Flodin — Modern take on the classic Metroidvania genre: Players can freely explore the world at their own pace — Organic storytelling: The environments tell the story, along with some holo - tapes that are scattered around the drowned cities — Plausible plot driven by real - life issues: Explore the effects of climate change and technological progress
The running head for our paper is «indirect effects of climate warming,» because the key seems to be the change in habitat structure (due to warming) that has altered predator - prey relationships.
They say their findings, which focused on the effect titling had on forest clearing and disturbance in the Peruvian Amazon between 2002 and 2005, suggest that the increasing trend towards decentralized forest governance via granting indigenous groups and other local communities formal legal title to their lands could play a key role in global efforts to slow both tropical forest destruction, which the researchers note is responsible for about the same amount of greenhouse gas emissions as the transportation sector, and climate change.»
By definition this means that the effects of cyanobacteria as a key driver of oceanic climate simply can not be ignored.
Fluctuating tea prices, effects of climate change, the rising cost of production, political instability in key markets, changing consumer tastes, and global over-production are putting the future of East African tea producers in jeopardy.
Although some important future effects of climate change are difficult to quantify, there is now increased confidence in how global warming of various levels would relate to several key impacts, says the report.
In the Arctic, the tipping points identified in the new report, published on Friday, include: growth in vegetation on tundra, which replaces reflective snow and ice with darker vegetation, thus absorbing more heat; higher releases of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, from the tundra as it warms; shifts in snow distribution that warm the ocean, resulting in altered climate patterns as far away as Asia, where the monsoon could be effected; and the collapse of some key Arctic fisheries, with knock - on effects on ocean ecosystems around the globe.»
Other key areas that require attention include quantification of the effect of trawling and mining on benthic habitats, assessment of the impacts of alien species, quantification of the impacts of pollution (sewage and storm water) in the nearshore environment, and the quantification and prediction of future climate change effects.
Major themes included key vulnerabilities of the climate system and critical thresholds, socio - economic effects both globally and regionally, emission pathways to stabilize greenhouse gases, and technological options to achieve stabilization levels.
As cities generate over 75 % of the world wealth, attracting more people and conducing to urban sprawl, infrastructure and planning are key to reaching greener cities in order to alleviate the effects of climate change and provide a clean environment to their citizens.
One of the key effects of global warming and climate change is an increase in extreme weather events and natural disasters.
Project Purpose: To identify key audiences in Canada that have ethnic or cultural ties to countries most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, and build an effective engagement campaign to mobilize and educate these populations to become advocates in the drive for climate change solutions.
A multidisciplinary renaissance of quantitative empirical research has begun to illuminate key linkages in the coupling of these complex natural and human systems, uncovering notable effects of climate on health, agriculture, economics, conflict, migration, and demographics.
What are the thresholds of climate changes that must occur before a negative effect occurs for particular key resources?
Jones and a collaborator have been accused by a climate change sceptic and researcher of scientific fraud for attempting to suppress data that could cast doubt on a key 1990 study on the effect of cities on warming â $ «a hotly contested issue.
Key points: «Globally, irrigation's effect on climate is small — one - tenth of one degree C (about 0.2 degree F).»
These numbers raise a key question of huge importance if nations are to avoid the worst effects of climate change: Is the world on a path toward «decoupling» economic activity from carbon dioxide emissions?
Second, the effect of the induced increase in perceived scientific consensus is fully mediated onto support for public action via the key beliefs about climate change.
As hypothesized, the effect of the treatment (i.e. increased belief in the scientific consensus) on the expressed need for public action is fully mediated by the intervening variables (i.e., key beliefs about climate change).
Thus, while the model predicts that the perceived level of scientific agreement acts as a key psychological motivator, its effect on support for action is assumed to be fully mediated by key beliefs about climate change (H3).
Using software program Sketch Engine, I looked at how frequently the key corporate terms «climate change», «greenhouse effect», and «global warming» were used in each year to reveal how patterns of attention changed over time.
Experts agree: Creating affordable housing to combat the effects of gentrification is a key factor in tackling climate change.
The four key messages call for a Paris accord whose short - term actions fit with long - term emission goals; adoption of actions that can freeze energy emissions by 2020; greater energy innovation; and increased energy - sector resilience to the effects of climate change.
In particular, relocation and vulnerability reduction measures should be further developed, due to their two key features of 1) reducing the impacts of all floods without reducing their frequency, thus strengthening the resilience of societies and ultimately the «adaptation effect»; and 2) reducing the effects of uncertainty in future climate on the consequent risk reduction due to adaptation measures.
Some of the key concerns regarding spraying these particles into the atmosphere are not only the potential detrimental effects on Earth's climate, environment and natural systems, but also the potential effects on human health.
As the effects of our changing climate, such as extreme weather events, poorer air quality, and rising surface temperatures, are becoming more apparent, it is key to provide accurate and timely information to those in need.
In one of these, a team of scientists led by Gavin Schmidt undertake a review of related scientific literature and use the radiation component of their GISS global climate model to examine the role of each of the key components of the greenhouse effect for current and 2xCO2 conditions.
It is intellectually dishonest to devote several pages to cherry - picking studies that disagree with the IPCC consensus on net health effects because you don't like its scientific conclusion, while then devoting several pages to hiding behind [a misstatement of] the U.N. consensus on sea level rise because you know a lot reasonable people think the U.N. wildly underestimated the upper end of the range and you want to attack Al Gore for worrying about 20 - foot sea level rise.On this blog, I have tried to be clear what I believe with my earlier three - part series: Since sea level, arctic ice, and most other climate change indicators have been changing faster than most IPCC models projected and since the IPCC neglects key amplifying carbon cycle feedbacks, the IPCC reports almost certainly underestimate future climate impacts.
IFAD will implement the following four key actions in order to improve its strategy: take all possible measures to climate - proof IFAD operations; develop climate change strategy to ensure common understanding of potential effects of climate change; use core funding, plus new sources of funding and scale up engagement in climate change issues; work with partners to (a) support development of post-Kyoto regime that responds to needs of poor rural communities, and (b) work with them to benefit from the new regime once in place.
Its effects may not be fully realized for some time (or may be interrupted), but the signs point to a significant shift: the incorporation of forest and soil restoration into the climate and development strategies of most countries, the enshrinement of the land sector's key role in the international climate agreement, the first fruits of coordinated research efforts aimed at integrating climate goals into land management, and the availability of large - scale financial investments to fuel the climate - related benefits of better land management.
Disaster risk management plays an increasingly key role in dealing with the effects of climate change on food security.
A significant uncertainty in future projections of sea level is associated with dynamical changes in the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets and a key aspect of this uncertainty is the role of ice shelves, how they might respond to climate change, and the effect this could have on the ice sheets.
He notes that after publishing a paper in 1981 that described the likely climate effects of fossil fuels, the Department of Energy (DOE) reversed a previous decision to fund his research, deliberately parsing through and criticizing key sections of his study.
As a reviewer of the Greenland paper in question, the key item is that «The positive - feedback mechanism between melt rate and ice velocity appears to be a seasonal process that may have only a limited effect on the response of the ice sheet to climate warming over the next decades.»
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