Sentences with phrase «key feature of»

Another key feature of Encounters Dating is the enthusiastic team working behind the scenes.
This is one key feature of the search algorithm which does all the hard work for you in seconds.
Hats became a key feature of every uniform, designed usually in the pillbox shape; these hats were circular and covered just the top of the head.
A key feature of the brain - healthy Mediterranean diet, olive oil actively combats age - related cognitive decline by protecting against inflammation and oxidative stress.
The key feature of bacillus subtilis is that it produces the digestive enzymes protease and amylase in the body.4 Protease and amylase are both crucial digestive agents which are responsible for breaking down the food we eat into usable nutrients.
The key feature of copper toxicity is Emotional instability.
They key feature of this supported variation of Corpse Pose is that the child is lying on an angle and her knees are slightly bent, supported by a bolster from behind, allowing her back and belly to relax completely.
A key feature of both approaches is the use of manual muscle testing, along with posture and gait analysis, to help determine the neuromuscular cause of the imbalance.
Given that ovulatory dysfunction is a key feature of PCOS, one group investigated a cohort of PCOS patients to determine if there was an association with this polymorphism.68 They reported significant differences in the genotype distribution and allelic frequencies between controls and PCOS patients that supported a correlation with the G / A polymorphism.68 To date, the underlying mechanism has not been established.
Concise alignment is another key feature of Iyengar yoga, used to correct the bad posture that we tend to develop over time.
Biofilms are a key feature of long term infections; conditions like candida and athletes are stubborn because of these tough bacterial structures.
The key feature of this research paper actually has nothing to do with the NNS sucralose, and it's a confirmation of Pavlovian conditioning.
But regardless of where your eyes go, ALWAYS maintain your cervical spine neutral since this is the key feature of a proper squat, even if this limits the amount of weight you can handle.
The new study found that T cells can be tricked into thinking dopamine neurons are foreign by the buildup of damaged alpha - synuclein proteins, a key feature of Parkinson's disease.
«While almost all the cells in our study exhibited at least a partial transformation, about 20 % of them were capable of transmitting electrical signals — a key feature of beating heart cells,» said Dr. Fu.
The study notes that a key feature of the new CRISPR tool is that it uses a protein called Cpf1, more recently referred to as Cas12a, to essentially function like scissors for cutting out and inserting a targeted line of genetic code.
A key feature of the team's grant proposal was that the researchers are making information about how to build and use the device available for free to other scientists.
The ability to monitor the insects we release and the effect on the target population in real - time, is a key feature of this approach.
A key feature of endothelial cells switched to their angiogenic phenotype is their ability to invade the surrounding space.
Because, of course, it is this abnormal proliferation of blood vessel cells, which we term angiogenesis, in the back of the eye that is the key feature of wet AMD.
Neuroplasticity is a key feature of the normal brain development and the basis of learning and memory.
A key feature of SCs is that they localize to specialized niches, where they remain unspecified but sense the needs of the tissue.
«The NFT is thought to be more closely related to memory decline than other forms of aging - related pathologies, but there are still very few genes that have been implicated in the accumulation of this key feature of Alzheimer's disease and other brain diseases.»
Napabucasin is a first - in - class stemness inhibitor targeting STAT3, a key feature of colorectal cancer stem cells.
The degeneration of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells as a consequence of impaired mitochondria has emerged as a key feature of early - stage age - related macular degeneration (AMD).
A new study by Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) researchers strongly supports the latter, demonstrating that abnormal tau protein, a key feature of the neurofibrillary tangles seen in the brains of those with Alzheimer's, propagates along linked brain circuits, «jumping» from neuron to neuron.
A key feature of this system is its speed, as donated T cells can only survive outside of the body for two to three weeks.
This «chromosomal disorder» is a key feature of the gibbon genome and has probably occurred after their secession from the ancestral line of the apes and humans.
Implications A key feature of this discovery is recognition that all the seep mounds formed during a very narrow range of geologic time.
A key feature of this strain appears to be its ability to acquire resistance to commonly available antibiotics.
A key feature of antimatter is that when a particle of it makes contact with its ordinary - matter counterpart, both are instantly transformed into other particles in a process known as annihilation.
«Once precisely assembled with a specific base sequence, these combined strands can be reproduced in a biotechnological process, as with single strands of bacteriophage DNA,» says Dietz, explaining the key feature of the process.
The tendency for adults to care for their offspring beyond birth is a key feature of the reproductive biology of living archosaurs — birds and crocodilians — with the latter protecting their young from potential predators and birds, not only providing protection but also provision of food.
«A key feature of these modern plagues is alteration of the gut microbiota in a manner that promotes inflammation,» says Gewirtz.
«The key feature of our material is the combination of a very strong adhesive force and the ability to transfer and dissipate stress, which have historically not been integrated into a single adhesive,» says corresponding author Dave Mooney, Ph.D., who is a founding Core Faculty member at the Wyss Institute and the Robert P. Pinkas Family Professor of Bioengineering at SEAS.
Such an extension is a key feature of the president's plan, as our colleagues David Malakoff and Jim Austin have reported.
Catalysis is a key feature of biology that RNA can not perform with much versatility.
The ability to travel long distances is also a key feature of feline roars — the calls of lions can be heard kilometres away — and might mean that the mirids use these signals to advertise their presence to other bugs.
A key feature of the new solvent system is that it does not require changes to existing DNA nanotechnology designs that were developed for water.
A final, and key feature of Ramirez et al's labeling system was that it could itself be switched on or off, under control of the common antibiotic doxycycline.
A key feature of this technique is that it entirely relies on free, publicly accessible Internet resources.
A key feature of the MIT system is that the scientists were able to create a «library» of many different materials and quickly evaluate their potential as delivery agents.
A key feature of STB is the long symptomless growth of the fungus — called Zymoseptoria tritici — which can affect the host plant's cells before it switches to the visible disease phase that eventually destroys the plant's leaves.
This time, the subtle tremor of spacetime that signaled the merger also revealed a key feature of the black holes: their spins, which were out of kilter.
This famous ability is a key feature of quantum reality and has been demonstrated in countless experiments.
Quantum entanglement is a key feature of a quantum computer.
Such impacts are a key feature of the core - accretion model, yet nobody expected to find the process continuing around a star as old as Vega.
Climate change adaptation is expected to be a key feature of the forthcoming «COP21» Global Climate Change conference this November in Paris, making these results particularly timely.
DROPS of gel full of a swirling protein mix can move themselves, mimicking a key feature of life.
«The key feature of prostate cancer deaths is that it is likely to decline further across the EU, and in all age groups, including the elderly.
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