Sentences with phrase «key findings of the report»

Some of the other key findings of the report stated that their average power users are not exclusively buying e-books, but are also buying print.
Key findings of the report underscore the report conclusion that by and large, it is the system that promotes or hinders student achievement:
So reads a key finding of a report, Capital Raising in the U.S.: An Analysis of the Market for Unregistered Securities Offerings, 2009 - 2014, by Scott Baugess, Rachita Gullapalli and Vladimir Ivanov, staff at the SEC's Divisio of Economic and Risk Analysis.
Another key finding of the report revealed emails sent during the afternoon had the highest conversion rate at 38 percent, compared to 28.5 percent conversion rate for emails sent between 6:00 a.m. and noon, when most businesses send marketing emails.
The charity's chief executive, Ross Hendry, told Premier one of the key findings of the report is parents don't think there's enough support out there for them.
Check out our infographic, highlighting the key findings of the report, here.
Quoting Alderson at Directionless Bones, one of the key findings of the report is:
Quoting Alderson at Directionless Bones, one of the key findings of the report -LSB-...]
Although this was one of the key findings of the report, little attention was paid to this inconvenient fact.
Some of the key findings of the report showed some very promising news.
The key findings of the report are student loan debt relief companies engage in the following behavior:
Some of the key findings of the report include:
Concerning the evidence that the key findings of the report are based on, Saudi Arabia suggested adding «assumptions» or «scientific assumptions» to the list.
Unfortunately, the Government appears to have misinterpreted the key findings of the report», said Global Witness director, Simon Taylor.
The key findings of this report are summarized in the report's Abstract, reproduced below.
The key findings of this report are summarized in the report's Synopsis, reproduced below.
But the key finding of this report is that alternatives to the existing framework of civil justice cooperation must be in place before the UK's withdrawal is completed.
Consequently, one of the key findings of the report is a recommendation to reinstate the prohibition on retention of irrelevant material on attendance at public events,
However, the key findings of the report, that the police are not investigating crimes as adequately, effectively or efficiently they should be doing are valid.
The key findings of this report are published in Perspectives in Infant Mental Health Vol.23 No. 3 (Summer 2015).
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