Sentences with phrase «key genes during»

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We identify key candidate genes that may control rate - limiting steps during lactation and outline future work in the endeavor to discover the biological underpinnings of poor lactation performance in women attempting to breastfeed.
Researchers have found that the expression of three key genes drops during the fasting - mimicking diet.
That enzyme regulates the way key learning and memory - related genes turn on and off during development.
The egg's very structure, its scaffolding of proteins that guide the chromosomes during cell division, may also play a key role in turning on the necessary genes.
By isolating a key gene in the remaining plants, scientists found the receptor that aids in plant development and helps repair a plant during major events.
Scientists have identified genes that are active during puberty, but most also have key functions in other basic processes, such as regulating fat.
During the 1990s, a team led by Jeffery Taubenberger at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington, D.C., sequenced key gene fragments of the 1918 flu strain, recovered from frozen victims found in the Alaskan permafrost and in archived autopsy material.
The team found deep conservation of certain processes that likely reflects similar underlying regulatory processes between mouse and man, but there were also significant differences in gene expression during kidney development, as well as in the timing, scale, organization, and molecular profile of key cell types and cell structures.
They assessed gene activity at time points known to correspond with key phases of disease: the «induction phase,» the time before the peak level of photoreceptor cell death; the «execution phase,» when the highest rates of photoreceptor cell death occur; and the «chronic phase,» during which photoreceptor cell death continues at somewhat reduced levels.
A key future experiment will involve attaching a malaria - resistance gene to the Myd88 code engineered to get switched on in the offspring during early development.
The transcriptomics and phosphoproteomics data generated by this project will allow the identification of novel host and parasite genes and pathways that play a key role during infection.
Because of these nearly ubiquitous toxic exposures, however, over the past decades many babies have been born with genes scarred from exposure to inflammatory chemicals during key periods of replication.
Here's what you get during those minutes, according to new reports: an instant endorphin surge and drop in blood pressure, regulation of hunger hormones that may help you keep weight off, and key vitamin D synthesis that alters the expression of 291 genes responsible for everything from controlling how quickly your bones age to how fast you bounce back from tough workouts to how fertile you are.
Woolsey brings his movie to Key West, Florida and immediately drums up interest with the local youth — especially teenage movie fan Gene Loomis (Simon Fenton — The Power of One), who lives on the local military base while his father is away serving in the Navy — and the flamboyant showman intends to put on an event that the kids won't forget as he employs every trick in the book to get a reaction during his movie.
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