Sentences with phrase «key knowledge so»

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As my knowledge of the Christian and atheist landscape grew, so I began to identify where the key battlegrounds lay.
The key is to do your research and prepare yourself with knowledge so you have options.
In other words, several of the key resignations, including cabinet departures like that of Hazel Blears, are prompted by the need to clean up the government and the knowledge that individual positions may become untenable — if they are not so already.
So, take note of the knowledge base ID and subscription key as you will need them a bit later.
The key is to blend in elements of reality so that online learners can use their knowledge and skills where it truly matters.
They also serve as role models to their children, so knowledge of how to use these tools safely and responsibly are key.
Insufficient knowledge of the necessary insurance, problems with Wi - Fi capacity and fears over damage and storage were also key obstacles to getting staff members on board, so schools were advised to integrate training on these aspects early on into its process.
So as the curriculum does not allow assessment with levels our school use key words: Foundation: e.g. L3 - 4 Secure: e.g L5 - 6 Developing: e.g. L6 - 7 Excellent: e.g. L8 Here I have broken down the KS3 Curriculum into the main focus areas: Design Make Evaluate Technical Knowledge Cooking and Nutrition There are posters and a modified grid available to purchase here: This grid work best in a3 size, and should be «printed to fit»; in your print settings.
Of far greater value to educators, however, are «formative» assessments that provide feedback on which skills, concepts, and key knowledge bits have or haven't yet been acquired by which kids, so that something can be done about it while there's time.
What are some other key strategies teachers can use to build students» background knowledge, so that they can become stronger readers?
It was key to pick a sport that was not familiar to any of them so that the group started at the same baseline of knowledge and skill with the sport.
The UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS), have recently launched a framework which aims to highlight, across all key stages, the skills and knowledge children should have in order to feel safe, and act responsibly, online so that they are able to enjoy the online world.
This discrepancy in the size and number of inferences — a sort of regressive tax on lack of knowledge — is likely one of the key reasons that knowledge influences comprehension so deeply.
The duty holder will have a key role in briefing tradesmen and contractors who arrive on the school premises to carry out any kind of work and it is vital they are competent to do so and have the knowledge to recognise when tradesmen have the necessary qualifications and are not being sent to do a task unaware of any potential asbestos risk.
Especially at the elementary level, where very little time is spent on science, history or the arts, it's critical the texts that underlie the reading curriculum are carefully selected so they coherently build students» rich knowledge of key content - area topics.
The concept of blended learning was fairly new to the majority of teachers, so a key element of Gwinnett County Public Schools» implementation strategy was support to build teachers» knowledge and confidence and to establish effective practices.
Teaching maths for mastery involves employing approaches that help pupils to develop a deep and secure knowledge and understanding of mathematics at each stage of their learning, so that by the end of every school year or Key Stage, pupils will have acquired mastery of the mathematical facts and concepts they've been exposed to, equipping them to move on confidently and securely to more advanced material.
The mission of a 21st century learning organization is to engage all learners in the acquisition of key knowledge and skills and the development of connections so that they can pursue powerful questions, tackle complex problems, collaborate with diverse people, imagine new possibilities, and communicate their ideas.
The key figure was N.F.S. Grundtvig who planned a network of self - governing residential institutions that... would provide a place «where the peasant and the citizen can obtain knowledge and guidance for use and pleasure not so much in regard to his livelihood but in regard to his situation as... a citizen» (quoted in Moller and Watson 1944: 27).
I came away so impressed with his knowledge, passion, and entertaining style of presenting, I immediately reached out to him to work with our staff at Chicago Virtual Charter School as a key component of our Professional Development program.
> This corporation dominates every key segment of the market — translation: «Despite having an established hammerlock on selection, production, distribution, and marketing, our business model is so broken that some upstarts without any knowledge of our industry waltzed in and cleaned our clock.
Rising rates have the potential to touch all segments of the markets, not just fixed income, so it's key for investors to seek out information so that they can fill any knowledge gaps regarding this critical trend.
This breed is very unique, and the key is to find a breeder that knows and understands the breed and they will choose a pup for you and your personality, Please do not take offence to this they have a lot of knowledge when it comes to the Breed and they are doing this to protect the Breed and you, The key to a C.O. is in the first 15 months of their life they are studying you and how you reqct to everyone so when that 15 - 16 month age comes along if you have not trained the dog then, they will act the way you did in that circumstance and they will do so with the intention to purely protect their owner / s - family and property to the death, literally, and when you have a dog that has as much power as a C.O.
Thorough knowledge of employment laws, early recognition of issues, and swift problem solving are key to reducing exposure to the claims that are so prevalent today.
«In the same way that Inafune taught me so much about making games, I'm trying to impart my knowledge to the different key people on the title in order to teach them everything I know about how to make fighting games and how to grow and nurture a community around the game.
It is a kind of scientific conspiracy where key participants are funded to produce poorly substantiated arguments, that are then passed through complicit editors and reviewers so that it enters the official body of knowledge.
The grid connection process can be time consuming and challenging, so intimate knowledge of the process, network standards and operating protocols are key for on - time and on - budget project delivery.
Knowledge and technology will play a key part in future solutions so it is important to ensure we do it right.
There is a wide range of other featured portals, not all of them keyed to highschool / undergrad levels of learning — at least not so far as my limited knowledge goes.
Should you wish to give another person access to a file in your MEGA account you can do so by sending them, under separate cover as it were, a key to gain access to the file, effectively shutting MEGA out of detailed knowledge of what it is that you're sharing.
Employers can take out a life insurance policy on key employees, but are not able to do so without the proposed insured's knowledge and consent (called «key man life insurance»).
Posted in application process, bad customer service, customer service, guarantee, honesty, insurance, life insurance Tagged 7 key phrases every salesperson should know, closing sales, customer service, insurance, life insurance, life insurance agent knowledge, life insurance agent professionalism, life insurance agents close sales, life insurance customer expectations, Psychology of sales, Putting sale before client, reverse psycology, simply a sales tool, why these phrases are so powerful
Because airdrops are so muddled with B.S. and worthless coin drops and require some level of technical knowledge of how cryptocurrency works beyond «send money from wallet A to person in wallet B,» and sometimes even involve the transfer of private keys, many people in the cryptospace stay away from them.
The key to remember is that this is a sales job, so your resume must show that you are a good sales person with deep knowledge of marketing.
I have always been keen to stay abreast of the latest careers knowledge, trends, and best practice — something I regard as key so I can support my clients» journeys in a volatile, unpredictable world.
So, a technical salesperson resume objective should highlight two key points - detailed technical knowledge about a particular product and superb communication skills.
But there are some key principles that are based on scientific knowledge about human beings, which are so universally applicable in romantic relationships that could come as close as to be called «laws».
Product knowledge is key, so make sure you know your area inside and out.
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