Sentences with phrase «key points of your essay»

Dedication, training, investigation of idea and good brain are the key point of every essay.

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The key point here, at least for our purposes in this essay, is that the structured society or field of activity is «alive» because of the interrelated individual agencies of all its constituent occasions.
Aside from what Gunter has suggested in his essay, I should point out that Deleuze, in his study Bergsonism (13 - 35) devoted a chapter to outlining some of the key principles of «Intuition as Method.»
Then, keeping in mind one to three key elements that we want to emphasize, we put a draft of a student's essay that is a good model of these elements on the overhead (with his or her prior permission) and annotate it with a few of the sentence - starters targeting these instructional points.
Having a lump sum of great words is the key to success in writing the best essay, this is because a great essay is characterized by the use of proper vocabularies, all awesome essays don't beat around the because readers don't like having their time wasted with long, rambling points that could have been expressed in half the number of words.
The body of your essay must contain the key points of your argument.
It is absolutely necessary to build your critical essay on well - reasoned statements of the key points.
Of course, after many descriptive and impressive essays, they have got used to write during the years of education, where emotions are key elements of success in writing it is rather difficult for students to hide their own points of view and to present existing ones without adding some of personal emotionOf course, after many descriptive and impressive essays, they have got used to write during the years of education, where emotions are key elements of success in writing it is rather difficult for students to hide their own points of view and to present existing ones without adding some of personal emotionof education, where emotions are key elements of success in writing it is rather difficult for students to hide their own points of view and to present existing ones without adding some of personal emotionof success in writing it is rather difficult for students to hide their own points of view and to present existing ones without adding some of personal emotionof view and to present existing ones without adding some of personal emotionof personal emotions.
To help you take in the sheer sweep of perspective in this increasingly influential author's viewpoint, I'm going to give you his 13 key messages in a stripped - down list, with only an excerpt of the detailed text he offers on each point in his essay.
The essays place Manolis» Key West paintings in perspective, portraying the island, the southernmost point of the United States, as a storied artists» colony and a centuries old source of inspiration for such legendary figures as John James Audubon, who depicted the abundant tropical wildlife, and Winslow Homer, whose mesmerizing harbor scenes are considered some of the greatest watercolors ever painted.
The key point here is that, even as we struggle to come to terms with the latest climate science, we need to remember (see particularly James Davis» essay) that catastrophism is the «native terrain» of the right.
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