Sentences with phrase «key research directions»

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Chu cited his role in key reports by National Academies and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences on the competitiveness of the U.S. scientific enterprise and the state of fundamental research, studies that «sounded alarms that the health of science, science education and integration of science into public decision - making in the U.S. was in peril and heading in the wrong direction,» he said in his candidacy statement.
The report points to future directions that much - needed research should take, and should help key actors in the criminal justice system — law enforcement, lawyers, and judges — make more informed decisions.
In addition to perseverance, key to her success was never taking contracts that lasted less than 2 years and having the support of a few permanent researchers «who believed in the research direction I wanted to pursue, thereby giving me confidence, and advised me judiciously,» Boichu says.
The key to the research design, Vogl said, was incorporating information on wind direction, which allowed the researchers to parse out the consequences of pollution from the fires from the beneficial things that are correlated with the fires.
Building on previous citizen science research by Barrows, the researchers argue that citizen science may be the key to keeping natural history relevant in the 21st century and keeping pace with the direction of modern ecology.
The key component of the research was the creation of a solid - state crystal made of «metamaterials» that had the property of negative refraction, which causes light to curve in the opposite direction from where it naturally would while passing through naturally occurring materials, such as air and water.
Another respondent wrote, «Most candidates (95 %) stick to extensions of what they are most familiar with, but the key is, have they figured out some rather creative new directions for the research and have they done a good job convincing us that they can do it based on what is already known?»
Bringing the global research community together to solve challenges related to realizing this goal is a key step in that direction
Sweden provided several key scientists and the research vessel, its prize icebreaker Oden; American and British scientists added analytical capability and equipment; and Russian scientists provided overall direction, instrumentation, and expertise, and they also secured crucial permits to operate in coastal areas within Russia's waters.
Members collaborate in developing research directions and large - scale infrastructures; they encourage and facilitate discussions between like - minded experts within our organisations and beyond; they share developments and results; they collaborate in activities such as technology transfer and outreach; and they provide a coordinated representation on key issues affecting our organisations to the EU and outside world.
Stress resistance has not been assessed however and so the biological relevance of this finding is currently unknown.32 Several IER trials (75 - 85 % ER on restricted days) in overweight / obese populations have reported reductions in various markers of oxidative stress 37, 41, which in one study was accompanied by a complementary increase in the anti-oxidant uric acid.37 In a direct comparison of IER (75 % ER for two days / week) and CER, both ER strategies displayed equal efficacy in reducing levels of fast - acting advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) after six months, which displayed a tendency to occur earlier (i.e. at three months) in the IER group.41 Levels of slow - acting (i.e. long term) AOPP tended to decrease in the IER group and increase in the CER group which the authors proposed may have resulted from IER - induced activation of autophagy, a key homeostatic cellular process in which dysfunctional or unnecessary cellular proteins are degraded and recycled.41 On the other hand, a follow - up study using similar IER / CER protocols demonstrated comparable reductions in AOPP in both groups after three months.48 Summary and Future Research Directions
The research has helped us identify the key areas where we need to change direction, areas of success and areas where we could add value with our schools.
Conclusion - Closing part of the paper; summarize the key points and provide the direction for further research
The report's recommendations rest on a solid foundation of research, policy, and practice and are closely aligned with with key elements of NAEYC's new Strategic Direction, released in November 2014.
Psychological Therapies for Auditory Hallucinations (Voices): Current Status and Key Directions for Future Research.
Jaelea is leading new strategic directions for the Hunter Institute of Mental Health, including the development of key research partnerships and addressing current gaps in national and state priorities for mental health and suicide prevention.
The report concludes with a set of key messaging implications and directions for future research.
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