Sentences with phrase «key signaling mechanisms»

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The team demonstrated that GPR158 affects key signaling pathways involved in mood regulation in the region of the brain called prefrontal cortex, though the researchers emphasized that the exact mechanisms remain to be established.
With collaborators in the biology department, Dr. Weiss applied these ultrasensitive techniques to investigate the Hedgehog signaling pathway — a critical mechanism that helps give rise to the spatial patterning in developing embryos, but has also been identified as a key culprit in up to 25 % of cancer deaths.
Now, scientists at the Salk Institute have discovered a key control mechanism on the peacekeeping cells that determine if they send a halt signal to the killer T cells.
The STAT3, in turn, goes into the nucleus and it binds to a number of genes, and this is particularly happening in the hypothalamus and that we don't know all of the mechanisms, but this activation of the STAT3 transcription factor is key in exerting the leptin signal, and leptin action.
«A key bottleneck is our limited understanding of signaling mechanisms that dampen Natural Killer cell function,» Sauer said.
To understand the selection mechanism behind mutations, network - based studies were used to estimate the importance of a mutated protein compared to non-mutated ones in signalling and protein — protein interaction networks.10, 11,12,13 Proteins mutated in cancer were found having a high number of interacting partners (i.e., a high degree of connectivity), which indicates high local importance.10 Mutated proteins are also often found in the centre of the network, in key global positions, as quantified by the number of shortest paths passing through them if all proteins are connected with each other (i.e., they have high betweenness centrality; hereafter called betweenness).11, 12 Mutated proteins also have high clustering coefficients, which means their neighbours are also neighbours of each other.10, 13 Moreover, neighbourhood analysis of mutated proteins have been previously successfully used to predict novel cancer - related genes.14, 15 However, to the best of our knowledge, no study has concentrated particularly on the topological importance of first neighbours of mutated proteins in cancer, and their usefulness as drug targets themselves.
Autophagy, the body's mechanism for the removal and recycling of cellular waste, is key to rejuvenation, especially in the mitochondria, and is allowed to proceed only in the postabsorptive state, in which insulin signaling ebbs to its lowest (basal) level.
The relationship between FOXO1 and the sirtuins, both of which are inhibited by insulin receptor signaling, may be the key mechanism behind the life - extending effects of calorie restriction with adequate nutrition (CRAN).
Vitamin D has a key role in the signaling mechanism.
KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Reduced train delay rate by 10 % through vigilant monitoring of track condition and efficient reporting of the same • Designed a 20 page pictorial safety manual which was highly commended by the management • Enhanced safety compliance of railroad signaling mechanism bringing it in line with revised railroad safety guidelines issued by the federal railroad administration
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