Sentences with phrase «key signaling molecule»

Specifically, the paper shows that a key signaling molecule, EIN2, is an essential component in the ethylene - response process.
They also identified a key signaling molecule, an enzyme called Rho that stimulates stem cells to turn bone - like.

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He and his colleagues discovered many of the key molecules and signaling systems that guide nerve cells to make connections during development of the nervous system.
For the first time, the response of more than 10,000 genes was followed simultaneously, which identified brassinosteroids and auxins and their signalling molecules as key to the growth stimulation observed in biochar.
Signaling by molecules called prostaglandins plays a key role in the body's response to inflammation.
Because Zika typically has trouble establishing infections in mice, the researchers used animals that were genetically altered so that they could not produce interferon, a key immune system signaling molecule, thus dampening the animals» immune response to the virus.
«By tweaking the dormant state of the molecule, we can get myostatin to signal without the need for cutting, basically picking the lock without a key.
The mutations inhibited key molecules involved in insulin signaling (IIS) and the nutrient signaling pathway Target of Rapamycin (TOR).
Jirtle says the nutrients probably help by providing a ready supply of methyl molecules, which act as stop signals at key places in the genome.
Gangliosides are lipid molecules that were proposed to play key roles in numerous biological processes, including the formation of raft domains, the entry of toxins into cells and chemical signal reception.
These compounds, known as neurotransmitters, are the signaling molecules responsible for key brain functions.
By culturing human stem cells in this manner and treating them with specific signaling molecules, the investigators were able to guide cells through key processes involved in the development of the human inner ear.
The team, led by Ashleigh Theberge, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, will create new analytical chemistry and engineering tools that pull out key molecules from a mix of molecular noise in order to selectively «listen» to molecular signals produced by specific fungi, bacteria, or human cells.
On the next slide I show you basically the key domain that's involved in this signaling interaction, so when the insulin receptor is phosphorylated, in order to recruit adaptors such as IRS - 1, it uses an important domain called the PTP domain, or phosphotyrosine containing peptides that can actually mediate this interaction, and lead to the interaction of these various molecules within the pathway.
In 1993, while at the Sloan - Kettering Cancer Center in New York, Rothman performed the key experiment that has forever linked his work to that of Thomas Südhof and Richard Scheller, by demonstrating that the same molecules that control this process in the nervous system, in the release of signaling molecules called neurotransmitters, are important to vesicle transport and fusion in all cell types.
A signaling molecule called interferon gamma could hold the key to understanding how harmful autoantibodies form in lupus patients.
The shorter version of the gene, which is called GRIK4, makes a more stable receptor for glutamate, a key brain - signaling molecule.
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