Sentences with phrase «key statistics such»

Not exact matches

Such statistics likely reflect the impact of the voter attitude behind another of our key findings: over 80 % of respondents to our survey either «agreed» or «strongly agreed» that a politician who is dishonest in his or her personal life can not be trusted in their professional role.
As well as bringing together all ESRC - funded research and key online resources such as the Social Science Information Gateway and the UK Data Archive, non-ESRC resources are included, for example the Office for National Statistics.
As well as bringing together all ESRC - funded research (formerly accessible via the Regard website) and key online resources such as the Social Science Information Gateway and the UK Data Archive, non-ESRC resources are included, for example the Office for National Statistics.
The Tories say the income gap is not growing and cite statistics that ignore key contributors to the wealth of the top 1 % such as capital gains and inheritance
This 12 page booklet provides investors, developers and businesses with key pieces of information such as downtown statistics and demographics as well as an overview of the development projects transforming the urban core.
Key areas which will be monitored are high entries for qualifications that are not core subjects; double entry in qualifications that overlap in content such as statistics and free standing mathematics qualifications; and entry for GCSEs in English language and literature when «the latter is not taught with sufficient time to support effective achievement».
The dashboard reports include key indicator statistics, such as total live release and live release rate by species, calculated from those numbers.
The code shows the specific values used for the key parameters such as degrees of freedom for estimates of likelihood statistics.
Investigators outside NOAA are finding interesting trends and showing that they seem to be correlated with trends in such variables as SST [Sea Surface Temperature] in key regions, the changes of which almost certainly are due to human - induced changes in the climate, though having enough data to get all the statistics right is often problematic.
Participants looked at all types of energy: oil, gas, renewables, electricity and coal as well as energy efficiency and prices, and were introduced to some of the key building blocks of good energy statistics such as the UN International Recommendations for Energy Statistics and good data gstatistics such as the UN International Recommendations for Energy Statistics and good data gStatistics and good data governance.
The following statistics published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will give you a brief look at the seriousness of motorcycle accidents throughout the United States and some of the key factors in such accidents.
Establish, publish, apply, and periodically review key certification policies and procedures concerning existing and prospective certificants, such as those for determining eligibility criteria; applying for certification; administering assessment instruments; establishing performance domains, appeals, confidentiality, certification statistics, and discipline; and complying with applicable laws.
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