Sentences with phrase «key takeaway messages»

There are several key takeaway messages.
For this was the key takeaway message for me at this year's London Book Fair Digital Conference, which I attended and live - tweeted last weekend: if publishers don't produce digital content, such as apps, there are plenty of men in their basements in Basingstoke in their pants who will.
In an interview with the Minneapolis Star Tribune previewing the summit, Dr. Ahrons said her key takeaway message is «that divorce goes on for your lifetime.

Not exact matches

«To me the real takeaway message is that Venus could have been habitable for a significant period of time, and time is one of the key ingredients to being able to originate life on a planet,» says Lori Glaze, an astronomer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center who was not involved in the study.
Otherwise, the key takeaways and the organizational message may get lost in the shuffle.
Download our report, Insights for Climate Change Communication & Education, for an overview of the key messages and takeaways from the event.
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