Sentences with phrase «key to productivity»

Actually, I think the main key to productivity in writing is to have the most regular habits you can.
For people who read a lot on the web or need to scan pages quickly, the page up and page down keys are vital keys to productivity.
Study after study has provided consistent results showing employees general well being / mental health is the real key to productivity and motivation.
With good workplace culture being recognized more than ever as key to productivity, these professionals are finding their skills in demand in many parts of the corporate structure, both private - and public - sector.
The World Bank strongly promotes social and emotional skills, together with cognitive and technical skills as key to productivity, employability, -LSB-...]
Leo's arguing that one of the keys to productivity is just spending time with productive people.
The key to productivity is twofold: half planning and half hard work.
Such joyful immersion is key to productivity.
«Automation is, perhaps, a key to productivity.
«The key to your productivity all comes down to understanding what is most important to you — and what activity will provide the greatest leverage to getting there — right now,» says Kruse.
In other words, the key to productivity zen lies in this question: How well can you actually have nothing on your mind?
What's the key to productivity?
Knowing and understanding how to scale your business effectively is key to your productivity and your business's success.
But when you're sitting alone, it could be a key to productivity and relaxation.
Maintaining your process equipment in good working order is the key to productivity.
A lot of people assume that the key to productivity is hard work, and of course hard work is essential.
For some, silence is key to productivity.
Lots of people think that multitasking is the key to productivity, but science is clear that focused effort, not multitasking is the answer to getting things done.
So if the key to productivity is organization, what is the key to organization?
Document Assembly The key to productivity in any legal firm is the automatic assembly of documents.
The key to his productivity message is elimination to the extent possible of all the distractions of modern life and our own bad habits that get in the way of our focus on what we should be doing.
Whilst there may be times that working extra hours is necessary, most of the time, working smart and not hard is the key to productivity.
The key to productivity success lies in prioritizing the list, clearly indicating the first item that needs to be dealt with and then the second-most important, and so on to the end of the list.
One of my favourites is Richard Robbins and I recently enjoyed one of his conference calls on three keys to productivity and profit.
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