Sentences with phrase «key to this process»

It seemed to take away my ability to focus which is so key to this process.
The spray pattern for the fuel was optimized after extensive computer modeling work, with the angle of how the fuel is sprayed key to the process.
A factor that has proven key to the process of repatriating remains from marginalised and previously colonised groups, such as the First Nations.
The real key to the process is catalysis, which enables and speeds up the necessary chemical reactions.
Sat Kriya is an essential key to the processes of Kundalini Yoga.
Also key to the process is Richard Armitage, who is not the actor from the
Improvisation is key to the process which actively spatializes and temporalizes the body through its movements, activities and gestures.»
Transparency is paramount, and key to the process for both client and therapist.
A species of microbe called M. barkeri is key to the process of producing methane at landfills.
One key to that process, we learned, is the solicitation and integration of feedback from both the design community and the customers who might buy or use the furniture: actual office workers and the property developers, entrepreneurs, and landlords who make purchasing decisions.
Key to that process, he adds, is publicly and formally granting authority to a manager or employee, thus communicating that shift to everyone in the firm.
The key to this process is to walk in your customers» shoes and think about where they interact with your brand.
Let us say that these prehensions are M, N, 0, etc., following the model in Donald W. Sherburne's A Key to Process and Reality (KPR 15).
Whitehead, who is not given to exaggeration, asserted: it is impossible to overemphasize the point that the key to the process of induction, as used either in science or in our ordinary life, is to be found in the right understanding of the immediate occasion of knowledge in its full concreteness» (SMW 64).
It should be noted that this right understanding of the vector characteristic of immediate experience is asserted to be «the key to the process of induction,» not a solvent for the practical problems of inductive inference.
The passage from Process 93 is neglected even more: it is mentioned only three times in the books listed above (An Interpretation of Whitehead's Metaphysics 9, 48, and A Key to Process and Reality 160), and barely commented upon.
Your listening is the key to this the process, not your child's ability to name the feeling.
Key to the process was that city government — then and now a hotbed of political intrigue — was limited to only a minimal role in water policy and operation.
According to Perdew, the key to the process may be a receptor in the gut called Aryl hydrocarbon receptor, or AHR.
Key to the process is the strong van der Waals interaction that exists between graphene and hexagonal boron nitride, another 2d material within which it is encapsulated.
The key to the process is a better understanding of developmental changes in the body's two primary cell types: epithelial cells (those that constitute the skin and most internal organs) and mesenchymal cells (which make up connective tissue).
He says that societies became more politically complex as networks of trade and reputation emerged, and that the key to this process was language, not religion.
Key to this process is a series of protein complexes, large protein globs that embed in the internal membrane of the mitochondria.
Key to this process is a repetitive stretch of a protein building block called glutamine, which is known to serve as a glue for protein aggregates in disease.
The key to the process is the creation of an oxygen - containing «dead zone» between the solid part and the liquid precursor where solidification can not occur.
One of the keys to the process appears to be the number of AMPA receptor proteins, which bind glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter that is believed to be involved in learning and memory.
The scientists determined that the key to this process was the receptor tyrosine kinase Tie.
Key to that process is hitting the right note — the glass» resonant frequency.
The keys to this process are hydrogen, carbon, metals (which act as catalysts), and heat and pressure.
H2O stored in mantle rocks, such as those containing the mineral ringwoodite, likely is the key to the process, the researchers said.
Knowing what you want — where you are — and what kind of romantic involvement that might entail is key to this process.
I hold the key to a process where smart people who know the answers can flourish.»
The mediator is key to the process and is usually appointed by the state department of education or another state agency.
The Key to these processes are the professionals (both at the site and involved as consultants), and their ability to use sound strategic planning processes to select the best services, supports, strategies, and interventions at the district, school, staff, and student levels to facilitate ongoing and sustained success — at all of those levels.
Choice is key to the process.
As Margaret Ford (1994) pointed out, «The need for reflection as teachers integrate mathematics content knowledge, pedagogy, and individual beliefs is a key to the process of becoming an effective teacher of mathematics» (p. 322).
The key to this process is having a lender and a loan specialist that are savvy when it comes to helping veterans with their VA loans, IRRRLs and refinancing.
The key to this process is understanding the difference between subsidized and unsubsidized loans.
Canned and dry kibble foods that are predominantly complex carbohydrates (and lower in calories) are key to this process.
The fluid intersection between grassroots organizing and creative activism is key to this process.
As highlighted in Dedicated to the Workers and Unemployed, a mid-career retrospective at London's Lisson Gallery, the camera is key to this process; a silent, yet indispensable witness to his uniquely prescribed artistic contexts.
The key to any process improvement effort, then, is to find your bottleneck and fix that first.
Understanding the responsibilities of you and your Burlington landlord is going to be key to this process.
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