Sentences with phrase «key to understanding dark»

Dwarf satellite galaxies, therefore, are considered key to understanding dark matter and the process by which larger galaxies form.

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Even if my intellectual history is questionable, the collocation of ideas gave me a key to understanding why the practice of silent solidarity might have deep political as well as personal effects: the unleashing of «dark,» subversive divine power as the antidote to racist despair, marginalization and repression is symbolically encoded in this practice.
He adds that more studies like this one «will provide a key component of our attempts to understand the nature of the dark universe that has recently been revealed to us.»
Scientists believe that dark energy may be the key to understanding why the expansion of the universe is accelerating.
These models are key to understanding the mysterious nature of dark matter.
New observations show that tiny galaxies in the early universe could have triggered the epoch of reionization — a period when harsh radiation tore apart hydrogen atoms — which astronomers consider key to understanding how stars and galaxies arose from the universe's early dark void.
That huge camera means the telescope would be able to gather the staggering amount of detailed information about galaxy size, shape and location that astronomers think will be key to understanding how dark matter and dark energy shape the universe.
As a gamer that primarily plays online (Smite, Dark Souls, etc), I understand that cooperation is key to not only winning but having fun while playing.
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