Sentences with phrase «keys to understanding complex»

He draws upon them continually, in diverse contexts, as hermeneutical keys to understanding complex ecclesial and social situations.

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Remarkable leaders, however, understand that managing and growing a complex organization is impossible on their own, so they seek to attract and retain key talent to whom they can delegate important responsibilities and tasks.
We work with some of the leading family business owners around the world and have a deep understanding of the key challenge they face: how to sustain a complex, successful family enterprise across generations under ever - changing global economic conditions.
Laudably, and perhaps surprising to some, the makers of this documentary understand that a key factor in any society's struggle to maintain adequate complex adaptive systems, ours included, is the stories that we tell.
But how do we justify now our claim of Jesus» role as key to our understanding of God, as focus to the whole complex of meaning in our lives?
Modernism developed on the basis of the Newtonian universe, conceived as a complex inanimate machine, operating in absolute space and absolute time according to its own internal laws, which were also believed to be eternal and absolute.4 Understanding this «natural world» was the key to everything; physicists set about uncovering the laws by which the physical world operates; Adam Smith looked for the natural laws by which the economy operates; Darwin thought he had discovered, in the law of natural selection, the origin of species.
It draws on our extensive interviews with key scientists working at the front - line of microbiome and epigenetic research with the aim of presenting complex science in a way that is easy - to - understand and accessible to all.
Although it's too early to know what the model will reveal, linguists say it already may have implications for understanding how quickly key elements of language, from complex words to grammar, have evolved.
It is nowadays widely accepted that the water in complex biological processes plays a key role, however it is still not fully understood, due to the technical challenges associated with probing real - time changes in water dynamics during reaction.
We believe that understanding and ultimately controlling the complex interplay between rearrangements, stress, and structure — here quantified by softness — is the key to improving toughness.»
The scientists suggest that the models could be key to better understanding the condition and its complex relationship to certain diseases.
These resources comprise a «rice diversity research platform» that is widely used the international rice research community to understand the genetic basis of complex traits, to investigate molecular mechanisms involved in key forms of stress tolerance, and to efficiently utilize natural variation to breed highly productive rice varieties for the future that are more nutritious, resource - use efficient, and stress tolerant than those we currently grow.
This handbook for middle school covers key and often complex math topics in a way that's clear and easy for students to understand - from numeration and number theory to estimation, linear and non-linear equations, geometry, and data analysis.
In terms of the CCSS, students must be able to determine the theme poem, as well as the vocabulary (key ideas and details); understand structural elements of poems in terms of verse, rhythm, meter (craft and structure); and read and understand more complex poems (text complexity).
The curriculum focuses on developing students» deep understandings of mathematical concepts, proficiency with key skills, and ability to solve complex and novel
In Understanding by Design, we have chosen the unit as a focus for design because the key elements of UbD — transfer goals, understandings, essential questions, and performances of understanding — are too complex and multifaceted to be satisfactorily addressed within a sUnderstanding by Design, we have chosen the unit as a focus for design because the key elements of UbD — transfer goals, understandings, essential questions, and performances of understanding — are too complex and multifaceted to be satisfactorily addressed within a sunderstanding — are too complex and multifaceted to be satisfactorily addressed within a single lesson.
Understanding and applying complex middle school math vocabulary is often the key to unlocking this challenging subject.
The Bridges program encourages students to develop deep understanding of mathematical concepts, proficiency with key skills, and an ability to solve complex and novel problems.
The curriculum focuses on developing students» deep understandings of mathematical concepts, proficiency with key skills, and ability to solve complex and novel problems.
These keys by Cesar Milan are helpful in terms of understanding the behavioristic part of the rather complex leash training strategy that we are about to share with you.
The key to fully understanding the complex operations of contemporary art that may, to the untrained eye, seem lawless and unskilled, is to understand the concept of «the readymade» in the history of 20th - century art.
The book «provides a new approach to understanding the range and impact of this artist's practice, as well as its complex relationship to several key artistic and ideological debates of the late 20th century, including the instability of identity, the role of appropriation, and the boundaries of expressionism.»
Being part of Earth in Brackets and having taken many environmental politics and diplomacy classes with Doreen Stabinsky, we have cultivated solid background knowledge of the complex and evolving process of the UNFCCC and have a clear understanding of where to stand on some key issues that are on the table here in Doha.
She understands that the key to handling most product liability cases is a detailed understanding of the product's design and utility, and because of her experience and attention to detail, she is at home dealing with complex engineering concepts, picking apart experts» theories and defending her clients» products.
Key among the many factors essential to an effective response is legal preparedness, including a clear and fundamental understanding of basic public health law, clarity about the broader legal obligations and constraints that will govern in the event of a community crisis, and recognition of the complex ethical challenges that inevitably will emerge.
Key to success in complex cases is helping the jury understand what is at stake.
«Transparency is one of Wealth Migrate's key driving factors and we believe that it is important for people to be informed and understand how token sales work, particularly because it is a complex, multi-layered process.
As you can see emotions and feelings are complex, and understanding them from the inside out is key to our success as parents and play therapists.
Complex financial data is broken down into key performance ratios, statistics and detail, providing brokers with a clear understanding of their operation and also allowing them to compare their results with aggregated industry averages around the U.S. and Canada, the company says.
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