Sentences with phrase «kids are in bed»

On warm evenings, when the kids are in bed, we come out and sit on the balcony with a glass of wine or a cup of tea and watch the sun go down — exactly as I had envisioned it.
Life is so crazy right now between all 5 kids, the holidays, endless amounts of travel ball games, and All star soccer practices / games that sometimes the only time I have to take pictures is after the kids are in bed....
You've inspired me to work together with my hubby on a few DIY things in the evening after the kids are in bed - so nice projects to work on together..
Just tackle it after the kids are in bed while you watch a show, a bite at a time.
Later, once the kids are in bed, Jim takes the bills and leaves the rest unopened for Andrea, who is busy catching up on office work.
I've been calling it the «ten minute tidy - up» but the gist is that I don't want to sit down after the kids are in bed and see a bunch of toys all over the floor (I also can not stand to have extra stuff all over the counters / flat surfaces).
Some of us working mums fit it in a night at home when the kids are in bed.
I most definitely love the sentimental parts about Christmas decorating... Sitting by the fire with my love after the kids are in bed, handmade ornaments, christmas lights, the nativity and placing ornaments on the tree with my kids.
What rankles most partners are the ten hour work days (plus travel time) with the working partner not arriving home until the kids are in bed.
You may not want to read this book to your child at bedtime, but it can certainly provide some comic relief after the kids are in bed.
Put down your phones and enjoy a glass of wine together after the kids are in bed.
Distinguish between adult time and children time: In other words make sure that the kids are in bed by a reasonable hour so that you have some «adult time» with one another.
Once the kids are in bed:
We literally do nothing as a couple, we even sit in separate rooms after the kids are in bed if he's not out.
This could be after dinner or when the kids are in bed.
If your kids are in bed 30 minutes later... they will get an extra long nap tomorrow.
When things are calm (aka when kids are in bed or entertaining one another) my mind set and perceptions about parenthood are totally different.
It could be putting your phone on your charger until the kids are in bed or turning off ESPN.
Pick a time - whether it's 30 minutes to curl up with your favorite magazine after the kids are in bed or an hour - long run before work - to do something just for you.
I'm even able to squeeze in some TV after the kids are in bed, due to the convenience of Netflix, Amazon Prime, and a deep curiosity about all those old cable shows.
You do sacrifice fidelity to the original recording (loud noises meant to startle you during a spooky movie won't be as loud, for example, nor will tiny noises be as tiny) but it allows you to watch an action movie once the kids are in bed without shaking the walls of the house.
When the kids are in bed, or late at night, you can learn what you need about traffic laws and regulations in your state, on your time.
However, we have a generation of young lawyers who want to leave work when they need to leave to tend to family obligations, maybe leave at 5:00 and spend time with their kids and then plug back in later in the evening after the kids are in bed and work some more.
This is definitely a game you'll want to play after the kids are in bed and fast asleep!
That would probably be the only way I could fit it in right now because I am not a morning person so that kills the plan for a morning workout and I am wayyyyy too tired once the kids are in bed and we are doing dinner right when Corey gets home from work, so yeah.
Settle into your favorite chair after the kids are in bed, or bring your tablet to the breakfast table and complete the quick and easy cash advance loans application form while you enjoy your morning coffee.
By the time my kids are in bed, I'm often too tired to read.
After the kids are in bed, they can sign online and meet potential mates.
As busy as this month has been, I just love how peaceful and serene our little farmhouse becomes after the kids are in bed and all the Christmas lights are turned on at night.
I try my hardest to take care of myself once the kids are in bed and these few beauty products have been saving my beauty routine.
Nights when I'm home alone (sans hubby) and the kids are in bed and I've had more than one glass of red and Scandal isn't on.....
I'd have to make these at night after the kids are in bed so I wouldn't have to share!
Sometimes being snowed in together is way better than going out... kind of cozy and romantic; once the kids are in bed that is!
I will definitely be trying this tomorrow night once the kids are in bed.
(For those of you who are parents who have to leave the office at a set time to do daycare pickup or relieve the nanny, but have to work after the kids are in bed, does it feel like you've lost a major benefit or perk?)
I don't know, I think once the kids are in bed it's easy to say, «I only get so much time to myself or with hubby», so that was my excuse.
I usually run in the am, before breakfast, so eating a meal after is no problem, but my weight routines are usually done in the evening after my kids are in bed.
I personally think it is much more romantic to cook a delicious meal at home and eat after the kids are in bed.
After dinner as a family, we clean up, bathe the kids, read books, say prayers, and the kids are in bed by 8 (usually).
Usually after the kids are in bed
After the kids are in bed, you can serve yourself (and your sweetie!)
OK, the kids are in bed and my hubby is out of town... Time to get partying!
But running your own business successfully means sometimes your hours are round the clock, so when the kids are in bed, I often start my «nightshift.»
«Shower at night after the kids are in bed.
Make it possible for you to sleep even when your kids are in the bed with you!
They all wake up around 5 - 6 am, and Daddy gets up with them primarily because he goes to work at 7.30 and isn't home until long after the kids are in bed so it's his only time to see them during the day, but it also gives me an extra hours sleep (which I might possibly use for facebook time!)
I could / should sleep train her, and I will soon, I just love to snuggle her after the other kids are in bed:)
I even save the treats for after the kids are in bed so I don't have to share.
You can sit on Facebook in the bath once all the kids are in bed!
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