Sentences with phrase «kids behave»

Some kids behave violently due to poor coping skills.
At my age it's a little blurry, but I can tell you that adults often misunderstand how kids behave and think.
Preliminary studies by Yale, the University of Virginia and the College of Charleston show WINGS kids behave better, perform better academically and attend school more often than non-WINGS kids.
Too much time with peers might make kids behave badly.
There can be a lot of pressure to get it RIGHT — and sometimes this leads us to feel JUDGED by how our KIDS behave.
We all know kids behave very differently than adults, and for most dogs, the unfamiliar can be worrisome.
While the premise seems simple — that French kids behave very differently than American ones — the reasons behind these differences, and how the French raise kids in general, are fascinating.
Preliminary studies by Yale, the University of Virginia and the College of Charleston show WINGS kids behave better, perform better academically and attend school more often than non-WINGS kids.
What you end up with are a bunch of kids acting not like kids, but how adults who've lost all sense of what it was like to be a kid think kids behave.
Early on I would stress about our family photos (would my kids behave, would we have nice weather, is the Photographer as good as I think he / she is, will our outfits look coordinated and not cheesy, will our DOGS sit still long enough to capture a photo with them and the list goes on and on).
Fingers crossed the kids behave and use their manners.
I've already mentioned that kids behave and perform better in school once they've got something in their bellies, but there are other benefits associated with school breakfast — and with universal breakfast in the classroom in particular.
And since behavioral issues can disrupt learning for the whole class, we offer strategies that have been shown to help kids behave successfully — making the learning environment better for everyone.
Alyson explains why kids behave the way they do, then offers easy, practical advice on how to deal with the challenges.
They think if kids behave better right after the physical punishment, that means it works.
Avoiding Power Struggles with Kids: Choices — Again, I really, really like talking about why kids behave the way they do.
Kids behave like the stars they watch on TV.
There is some research showing that kids both behave and learn better if they get some exercise in the morning before school.
kids behave in a way they feel conflicted about or know is wrong in order to please a leader and stay in the group
Having fears or anxieties about certain things can also be helpful because it makes kids behave in a safe way.
Since the only reason kids choose to do what we want as opposed to what they want is that they hope to please us, punishment destroys the only reason kids behave to begin with.
And because my kids behave much better for strangers then they ever do for me, he saved all his annoyance for me when his lesson was over.
Sometimes, kids behave impulsively because they don't listen to the directions.
In addition, kids behave better and less aggressively in the classroom when their parents are involved with their education.
Occasionally, I'll get a compliment about how well my kids behave during church.
Some kids behave violently due to poor coping skills.
The approbation voiced by others when our children arrive seems to have nothing to do with how the kids behave, since we do not permit them to be loud, rude or disruptive of others» pleasure.
I was annoyed because I do not want to make my kid behave because of my anger.
The kids behaved beautifully, and the lesson went exactly as planned, except for one thing — my principal never showed up.
I taught for many years and loved being in front of the class as long as the kids behaved reasonably.
Kids behaving badly: Teaching strategies for classroom behaviour.
Far from offering a Pollyanna view, the dramatizations show adults and kids behaving badly before going over the same situation with different strategies (such as using effective «I» messages) that will lead to much better outcomes.
It means that the most effective parenting skills are about showing your kid that you love him or her irrelevant of how he or she kid behaves... even when you kid is «bad»!
They can't figure out how to adjust to their kids behaving more independently than what was expected in Korea, so they are constantly fighting with themselves and their children about how they should behave.

Not exact matches

If you've ever seen a stranger behaving badly — a mother yelling at her kids in the grocery store or someone who's inebriated in public — you may have reacted by silently judging this person.
Knowing he has two kids, I asked him how they responded and behaved.
That means you shouldn't just allow your kids to behave like whirling dervishes.
Santa Claus: Guy that we tell our kids about in order to bribe them into behaving all year.
Jesus Christ: Guy that we tell our kids about in order to scare them into behaving for their entire life.
Also, kids in Quaker meetings seem to usually recognize the palpable sacredness of the silence, and so they seem to be able to behave better than one might expect.
The bible Belt is also the lynching belt, the segregation belt, the military belt, the illiteracy belt - When I read the Gospels I read Jesus telling me about the kind of relationship i should have with God and my fellows - how I should live how I should behave - we are supposed to care for the poor not lower taxes for the rich and tell poor kids with no health insurance to suck it up - starting a war is not Christian regardless of the provocation Why do you need the 10 commandments on the wall in the courthouse when every town has multiple churches let the churches put up signs with the commandments - do you know what Moses did when he came down the mountain - he lead his most trusted men is a slaughter of 3000 Jews, read it
that they be all together, their marriages perfect, their kids excellently behaved at all times and well versed in scripture.
It's cute to see kids think and behave the way they do, but eventually they have to abandon all belief in fairy tales and deal with real life.
As a Mormon who is active on days the kids are behaving, I completely disagree with your assessment.
They provide a low cost preschool / day care for struggling families, help restore homes, support local business with cheap and sometimes free rent, have an after school program to help kids who do not have the support at home complete their homework and behave in school.
I had to count to 10 and slow talk myself that this was no way to teach my kids to behave when things didn't work out the way you want, because I almost had a full blown temper tantrum.
Next to them were a pair of mothers and four very well - behaved kids.
(And the kids were even well - behaved the entire time... bonus!)
that man is suffering from what old men suffer from where they are so weak mentally and starts behaving like a kid again... I call that diminished returns....
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