Sentences with phrase «kids generation the one»

its such a shame, i feel bad for my kids generation the one before theirs and all the ones after theirs.

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DHX Media executive chairman Michael Donovan is building a kids» TV empire for the Netflix generation.
Next year, look out for how that shapes the next generation's dinners, with 76 percent of chefs considering healthy kids» meals a hot trend.
But, if I could slip into inner indignant old fogey mode for a moment, do we really want to encourage a generation of kids into thinking they can sing, when they really can't?
He realized that the closed - off nature of computing systems and gaming consoles had led to a generation of kids who like computers but had no idea how to program them.
Four generations later, the author abides and his kids are still shoveling away.
The «touch - screen generation» is still a huge, largely untapped market — 2013 research from Mintel pegged these kids» collective allowances alone at US$ 44 billion a year.
Current generations, because kids born today will see sea levels rise by more than a foot, maybe six feet according to some projections, in their lifetimes.
Kids in the «touch - screen generation» are blithely racking up huge bills, making parental controls the biggest thing in apps since Angry Birds
The real question is whether we have the guts, the resolve and the strength to implement the necessary changes before we doom another generation of kids to lifetime under - employment, second - class citizenship or worse.
Whether that crowd is Generation Z kids in a mall or Baby Boomers stuck in traffic on a freeway, the ads they see are not customized to them.
That focus has helped them adapt to a generation of digital native moms and what she calls «glass kids» — children born after the advent of the iPad, who don't remember a time before touch technology.
What has happened is that the entire Millennial generation seems to have been chalked up as a bunch of kids who just need some new toys to keep them entertained.
That was our initial effort, and that led to the development to a first generation treatment that our kids have been on for more than a decade.
But the mood is black these days inside One Geoffrey Way in Wayne, New Jersey, spiritual home of the cartoon mascot who's been beckoning to kids for generations.
While millennials continue to be an important market for companies, a new purchasing powerhouse is demanding attention: Gen Z, the generation encompassing kids born between the mid 1990s and the present.
So if we don't take action now, today's kids and tomorrow's workers will be the first generation in history to live shorter lives than their parents, not due to war but to complications from diabetes.
For a kid in the MTV generation this spelt a death knell.
Compared with earlier generations, Millennials are known to delay marriage and having kids by several years, and wait a few years before buying a car and property.
And yet I'm hopeful precisely because of this generation of kids.
Whereas an entire generation of kids who grew up wishing for fame imagined being on an ABC sitcom or starring in a big - budget blockbuster, tomorrow's daydreaming kids will likely be imagining a very different image of super-stardom.
We inherit our basic blueprint of how to raise our kids from our parents, but according to child psychologists many classic expressions that get repeated down the generations actually teach harmful lessons to children.
Having spent generations idealizing equality and punishing high - skilled, high - income earners with punitive tax rates, it's entirely plausible that Swedish kids and their parents would finally realize education, ability and work ethic are irrelevant to success in adulthood.
Ultimately, though, one question overshadows all others: Is the toy capable of casting a spell over an entire generation of kids?
And now even kids from the post-millennial generation are turning 21.
The acquisition was invented so you can sell your business and leave the kids money, still spoiling them rotten, but at least sparing the business from second - generation ruin.
Claire's is where generations of kids have gotten their ears pierced.
Unfortunately, most startup businesses require some form of debt that many millennials just don't want to take,» she said, adding, «Millennials tend to do things later than previous generations — like marriage and kids — and I don't think entrepreneurship is an exception.»
«The new generation of kids, they're the ones who are going to be the next Khaled, the next Oprah, the next...
As a result, too many British Columbians are living paycheque to paycheque — worried about their jobs, worried about whether they can afford to retire and believing their kids are in B.C's first generation to be left worse off economically than their parents.
«By starting as early as 3 - years - old, your kids can grow up to be part of a more prepared and financially savvy generation
Here at the Girls and Kids Learning Code Camps, we're deeply passionate about empowering the next generation of technological builders.
PNC's senior economist has the facts to show today's kids will do better than the previous generation.
Sinek cites «failed parenting strategies» — a generation of children raised by parents who told their kids they were «special, all the time.»
In this way, you are not only helping your kids become more successful, but you are also pushing the momentum forward on female entrepreneurship and leadership that is so necessary for future generations.
Last August, Netflix's Stranger Things made the entire country pine for the «80s, even those Generation Z kids who never actually experienced them.
It's been more than thirty years since Jesus turned everything right - side - up for my folks and I felt the weight of that choice at the table that night, watching all this little kid crew, another generation, all perched around my kitchen table by the light of candles in the darkness, telling us grown - ups all the things we already knew about Jesus.
and that's why the Republicans want to cut funding for public schools — so ghetto kids will never be able to leave the ghetto because they have no education — and they won't be able to get birth control either so they will proliferate and perpetuate their situation for generations — and this will never stop until America ends its dependence on fossil fools like Romney, McConnell, Cantor, Ryan, The Bohner, Limbaugh, etc..
Most Mormon women of my generation are college educated (actually were my mother and grandmother), working women or if they are at home, are active in their schools, communities, etc. while they raise their kids.
Gay marriage will be self evidently correct within a generation (and the kids will wonder why it was such a big deal for people now).
I feel very bad for the kids of this generation who are being led to believe that truth is either relative or non existent.
In closing Bill Nye the Science Guy... you can not tell parents to go against and not teach their kids, the traditional beliefs that have been handed down from generation to generation because it goes against what you believe.
In 10 or 20 years, where new generation of kid will be learning history.
So it makes a kind of sense that Jobs, who like all the brave hip kids of his generation became Experienced, was one of the men who helped make this I - World of ours possible.
If we could teach our kids to think critically, we would be rid of God and other Bronze Age sky - fairies within a generation.
More than a decade ago, David Brooks described a generation of America's elite university students as «organization kids
this kid is a model for the generations to come!
While deep lessons for acting humanely can be learned from eating kosher (not cooking a kid in its mother's milk or not eating higher life forms like whales or monkeys) the ultimate reason for observance must simply be that it is divine and thus immutable and enduring — but it is still up to each individual to maintain the links of the chain of this unparalleled tradition for it to endure for future generations, for Mose and his children and their own...
Like many Protestants of their generation, my parents had been raised with a mild form of anti-Catholicism; they weren't allowed to date Catholics, for instance, and as kids they heard the usual warnings about statue - worship.
I have meet a lot of people in 2 years who have Do nt be surprised if your kids or generations after you open up their minds to reason and accept Islam.
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