Sentences with phrase «kids in one's state»

Almost every day for weeks, I've been scanning through the lists of kids in my state who would like to be adopted.
We found the percentage of kids in each state who have at least three of those four elements nearby.
Then it put special emphasis on the gains (or lack thereof) of the lowest - performing kids in the state.
The scholarship program is the only one that exclusively serves low - income kids in our state.
This school is a nonprofit, independent charter school in the middle of an urban area that serves the most diverse group of kids in the state.
Republican Joan McCarthy Lasonde, a political newcomer, said state fiscal responsibility and better support for kids in the state's foster care system would be her top priorities if elected to the 9th District state Senate seat.
«It took a judge seven years and 607 pages,» the Philadelphia Inquirer reported, «to explain why children in New Jersey's poor cities deserve the same basic education as kids in the state's affluent suburbs.»
We want every one of those schools to have standards, and they have to be the same as [the standards for] other kids in their state.
While charters grew significantly under the Christie Administration, we know that the New Jersey Department of Education set an exceedingly high bar for charter quality, only permitting «high - performing» (in Governor's Murphy's words) schools to grow and have the privilege of serving more kids in the state.
It's really the only way we have of making meaningful comparisons at a national or state level — not just how are we progressing, but how do kids in state A vs state B compare, or racial comparisons.
Anglicare Victoria CEO Paul McDonald met with Tysha and encouraged others to take the plunge this April, noting how kids in state care do not often have the same opportunities and experiences as kids in the wider community.
The quiet kid was far from the strongest player on the team, because another kid, Lamar Williams, was the strongest kid in the state and set a weightlifting record to prove it.
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)- High school kids in California, a state that limits the junk food sold in vending machines, eat fewer calories in school than kids in states without such regulations, according to a new study.
«It was very ill - advised to select a topic that was becoming such a significant problem for teenage kids in the state of Maine,» Mr. Mowatt said last week.
«When we hung up, my students said, wow — we just talked with kids in another state.
«More than 96,000 kids in this state now enjoy educational options,» said Duplessis, president of the Louisiana Federation for Children.
What I would purpose to do if I was elected governor of Indiana is 9:06 use that existing infrastructure around the state of Indiana, identify where that's not happening in communities and see if there's a way in working in conjunction with the legislature to find ways that we can make Pre-K programs — local, organic Pre-K programs more successful and more available to at - risk kids in our state.
You can't say that a majority of African American kids in the state of Texas are just bad kids.»
«Not only is 60 cents or 68 cents unfair, we believe it's unconstitutional, which is why we support parents in the Brown v. New York lawsuit suing to have this inequity resolved for all charter kids in the state.
We've reached the tragic point where 74 percent of kids in the States spend less time outside (< 30 minutes) than the two hours recommended daily for prison inmates.
Says Father Lawrence Dowling, pastor of St. Agatha Parish, which is just four blocks from the Howland School, «We have the highest incidence of HIV in the state, the highest rate of asthma for kids in the state, and the highest percentage of grandparents raising grandchildren in the nation.»
In another health ballot initiative this week, Oregon voters said «no» to a cigarette tax hike to fund health insurance for some 100,000 kids in the state who currently are not covered.
As a teacher or principal, you're always eager for information about how your kids are doing, whether they're making progress, and how they're doing relative to other kids in the state and in the country.
Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine and nearly 100 law enforcement members from Nebraska want more kids in the state to participate in early education programs to help prevent crime later.
And our Big Government - hating new Agriculture Secretary is currently attempting to return deep fat fryers to our schools, an effort which scored big points for him on Fox News but might be a tad less beneficial for the 36 % of kids in my state who are already overweight or obese.
As a kid in State College, Pa., he mowed the lawn of his neighbors, the Paternos.
The mere $ 440,000.00 that trade groups spent lobbying against this bill would improve the quality of school lunches for every kid in my state for twelve years.
That's about half the kids in the state and 59 percent of children under three years old are covered by Medicaid.
The governor this week sought to turn the education equity argument back on de Blasio, suggesting that any bill that doesn't approve pre-K for all kids in the state won't pass.
We will continue to work with New York and look to their leadership to take the appropriate steps on behalf of all kids in the state
«Haven't schools, teachers, and kids in the state been through enough chaos?
With one simple vote, however, Colorado State Board has set in a motion a disturbing precedent; overturning the local school board's decision raises several concerns for those interested in improving educational outcomes for all kids in our state.
Strap on your cowboy boots: A new investigation by the Houston Chronicle finds that Texas has denied special education services to thousands of kids in the state.
Bottom line: we have a constitutional obligation to provide an education for every kid in this state.
We will need strong leadership in our advocacy partners, lawmakers and stakeholders to continue the charge towards ensuring high - quality educational opportunities for all kids in our state.
Therefore, we obviously should force all kids in every state to be held to uniform national standards of proficiency.
«What was very impressive about Delaware and Tennessee is that they are touching 100 percent of the kids in their states» and «doing it in a very convincing way,» Duncan said.
According to the study, kids in states that have the strictest GDL laws are less likely to drink and drive or to get into an auto with another driver who has been drinking.
Frankly, we would be absolutely terrified to raise a kid in the state of our country now.
While overall Nebraska does quite well for the kids in our state, we always want to do better and strive to be the best place in the country for children and families.
While overall Nebraska does quite well for the kids in our state, we always want to do better and strive to be the best place in the country for every child and family.
«However, more than 50 percent of kids in every state are not proficient readers by the time they enter fourth grade.
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