Sentences with phrase «kids jumped on them»

Which only lasted until the next time someone sat on them or the kids jumped on them.
It was amazing to see how many kids jumped on right away and completely immersed themselves in blogging.
Do you regularly find your kid jumping on the bed or the couch?
Do you want more candid lifestyle shots of you in the house, folding laundry, big kid jumping on the bed, doing whatever it is that happens during the day when you are nursing your kids, sometimes watching HD TV.
Kid jumping on a branch would never grip wider then little over shoulder width, because it's subconciously most natural positon for body.
So any chance I get to shop a great sale such as the #Nsale for affordable back to school clothes for kids I jump on it.
Maybe your friend doesn't mind if the kids jump on the bed at her house, but you don't want it happening at your house.

Not exact matches

Yesterday afternoon, as dusk arrived, we were all in the pool, kids climbing on Steve's back and jumping off the diving board in tandem, which I'm absolutely sure is illegal.
Ironically, fifty feet away, another stage (for high school kids) was just getting jumping with a Christian rap group (more on that in a bit).
Along with the cheap fabrication of art, there was a smattering of drug use, one - night stands, shady financial deals and egos run amok by artists who would jump on stage, flip on a switch and «praise the Lord,» often giving canned speeches between songs that drove soccer moms to the merch table to pick up an album so their kids could have «positive role models.»
Now that hubby wants to jump on board this will be perfect — and the kids usually love chill so hopefully they won't notice the missing beans * crossing fingers *
For us at Hey Tucker, though, we're hedging our bets and jumping ship to the new kid on the block.
jump to recipe Every June, on or about the last day of school, we take the kids to Pennsylvania to ride the rails at Strasburg Railroad.
After seeing the difference going dairy free made with my kids, especially my 3 year old, you would think that I would jump on the band wagon too!
In one episode, Bal tries to speed up a home construction project by feeding her carpenter friend a Spice - infused Steak, then escapes the construction zone by taking her kids on an impromptu bungee - jumping expedition.
The jury is still out on Jaylon Smith, but the Cowboys jumped at the chance to take this kid because they saw the ultra-freak of a LB he was at ND...
Folks, don't let your kids grow up to be the kind of football players who jump at a pump fake when they have a free run on the quarterback.
I think well see a different chambers than the one we saw on Monday I don't think he'll feel as pressured but let's not jump on the kids bCk I don't get why our fans are so quick to degrade our players
When a guy gets on a roll like this kid, he could jump on a stable pony at the barn and think he could win a race.»
Harrison would probably just stare at the water, all the fish would jump out of the lake on the other side, and he could have his kids over there to pick em up.
When Marvin Jones and his teammates go full - on elementary school kids jumping rope on a playground, it's the embodiment of fun.
Idk why, but I have a feeling Ortega takes it via Sub, not because he KO'd Frankie or I'm trying to jump on the bandwagon but the kid is really calm & collected, has fairly good reach & height to hold his own against Blessed.
Little Mike knew early on that he didn't want to be another suburban rich kid with a pretty jumper but no heart, and he did all that he could to make sure of that.
«But after a while they're gonna jump in your face and say, Hey kid, can you beat me on a comeback route?
I jumped in the Mighty Mobile on Sunday full of excitement as the LFC Foundation sent out special invites to over 500 kids and I got one of them!
Then quick as a flash I jump up run to the kids swipe their «swords» away from them and of all things I go sit down on them... just to hide them, get them out of sight.
Our older cat, the evil one, will jump up on the kids bed and meow.
The good thing about the lack of springs is that it discourages kids from jumping on it (hey, it happens!)
The toddler Tri-fold is wonderfully soft, thus making your kids want to jump and sit on it.
Helicopter parenting is when parents do too much for their kids on a regular basis, but many of us are guilty of jumping in when we should let our teens fend for themselves, even if we're not always hovering.
Whether you consider the activity of your kid on a baby jumper as an exercise or not, it inevitably burns off some notable amount of energy.
And when another parent circulated a letter — which turned into a petition — arguing that our kids need more than fifteen minutes to eat a healthy lunch, I jumped at the opportunity to sign on.
Your kid will love to have this jumper to play with the toys or jump on it.
If you are getting ready to make the jump and buy a new laptop before sending your kid off to college, consider these factors before finally settling on one.
If children are only allowed to run, jump, and climb when strictly supervised, they aren't going to find it very fun and are likely to do less of it which can have detrimental consequences on both their physical and mental health (think unimaginative obese kids).
Student classes build on basic positions and technical training until kids are ready for jumps, turns, and leaps.
Instead of immediately jumping into problem - solving mode and taking on the job of the referee when my kids fight, I pause.
I'll chat with the other mothers on the playground as we watch our kids jump and run, their bodies radiating energy and happiness.
Parents may wonder how jumping on a trampoline can give benefits to their kids.
I'm actually in the middle of potty training my youngest and getting my oldest ready for his HS graduation I know CRAZY moments happening in here (w / 2 more in between too) for me what has been working for our Isy is being her ULT cheer squad she LOOOVESS it even when she jumps up from her crib at 5:30 in the AM and is screaming MAMA Peeeeee PEEEEEEE PEEEEE (she has a pull up on but she's doing SO awesome at it) I get her to her potty and cheer her half asleep and we sing the song we made up just for her lol... I also learned with all my kids do NOT push them.
I picked up on the idea that good moms made everything their kids ate, and so I jumped on that bandwagon.
Some parents have 2 kids jumping together on this trampoline without any problem.
From my previous experience, and lots of research on some particular types and brands of baby jumpers lead me to have a bunch of great kid jumper in my day care center.
My kids constantly have the couch cushions and extra pillows on the floor to jump between them.»
Kids will love jumping over cracks in the sidewalk, rocks on the driveway, into puddles or off of curbs, even on one foot.
We've had dogs jump on kids and scare them, and we've had dogs running around the building,» he said.
Kid warning: This mattress isn't built to be jumped on, or stood on (Dreamfoam calls it «weight concentration or abuse»).
Kids can swat at it with their hands, crouch on the floor and jump on toward the balloon (like a rocket going to the moon), kick it with their feet, and so on.
A few of the other kids then gave it go, or rather, they walked out on the plank and jumped off, but only Charlotte tried the three bounce swan dive.
When it came time for me to go back in on my own to explore (leaving Z with the instructor and some other children) the kids wanted me to jump off the boat.
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