Sentences with phrase «kids see their parents»

Kids seeing their parents bake at home is a big positive when you think of how much processed treats they are exposed to.
At group meetings kids see their parents liking and supporting one another, while also forming their own friendships with the other children.
Many families were separated by deployment and some kids saw their parents return with health problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder, Walje said.

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A retired prison warden, he's seen teachers, parents and grandparents bring kids in to «make sure they never wound up in [a prison].»
«These Gen Zers have seen their parents struggle financially [due to the recession and student loan crisis], so parents are having conversations about finances, money and debt with kids earlier.
Parents agree: toys and activities the kids have never seen before are the biggest attention getter.
So it isn't hard to see why parents might be tempted to make paying for their kids» college education a priority over saving for their own retirement.
Check out these nine slides to see how business mavens, such as Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Sheryl Sandberg and more, parent their kids while running their empires.
Not only does the feature have a good deal of franchise history behind it, but it also has the same advantage that all family films have, in that kids going to see the film will be dragging along their parents, ensuring extra ticket sales.
Parents even can see their kid's real - time location by logging into an app or listen via voice monitoring.
«In China, we see parents very passionate about their kids» education and we have already seen a lot of after - school learning centers import our robots,» Vikas Gupta said.
As NBC Nightly News report, parents with high - interest PLUS loans are often able to refinance them with private lenders at lower rates (see, «Parents can refinance student loans they take out for their kids.&parents with high - interest PLUS loans are often able to refinance them with private lenders at lower rates (see, «Parents can refinance student loans they take out for their kids.&Parents can refinance student loans they take out for their kids.»)
Look and see the wars that leave kids maimed and wounded, Look and see the cold hearts that cause us to abort the very life we as parents are sworn to protect.
One powerful way for our kids to experience God's light is seeing me, as their parent — their father — engage them with humility and asking them for their forgiveness.
Ebert made no effort to challenge Clark's notion that «some» kids will see his movie with their understanding parents who will then take them down the street for a milkshake and a heart - to - heart chat about AIDS.
Worse yet, I had seen good parents with bad kids, and bad parents with good kids.
It seems to me that Christian organizations have a long history of not supporting those who are seen as having fallen from grace or those deemed unacceptable and unChristian (ie: parents of LGBT kids should kick them out of their homes because of course you can't support their «alternative lifestyle»).
So to change it to Friday morning would mean that kids will miss school and that parents may not be able to come and see their children play.
This is heartbreaking to see our kids turn to drugs and immorality to fill the hole in their lives that they are not getting from the parents and the world.
@PUZZLED — well see my issus lies with the fact of how women were treated in ancient times — they were property and so allowing them to go thru all the emotionals and physicals of carrying and then giving birth only to toss it off a cliff isn't what i'd call good parenting — having an abortion for many people who should NEVER have kids is (in my opinion) good parenting!
the third: kids graduating from elementary school are coddled by delusional parents haven't seen anything about this either, but seriously, why would you celebrate that you have 8 more years of school left?
I see parents who adapt the «let them be natural», «do not correct / control» attitude on kids who become hell - raisers.
As a parent of teenagers / college aged kids I am looking forward to seeing this.
How many times they had to take a back seat in activities, or not be defended as another parent probably would have because it would be seen as «the pastor» is playing favorites with his kid, rather than a father is defending / supporting his child.
The kids inside hardly realized it but they got scared as soon as they saw their parents freaking out.
«But we need to question whether parents are so controlled by children that they can't say no when kids see something they want on TV»
I was tempted at first to give maybe a 10 point list of advice for parents going through deconstruction in front of their kids... things like let them see the books you read and answer their curiosities about them; teach your kids how to think, not how to believe; tell them everything you're going through and let them deal with what it means for them; ask them what they believe and listen objectively and engage in conversation about it; openly share your struggles with what you're going through with the church and let them process it themselves, and so on.
@truth Yes, well kids will be kids but one would hope after seeing the two screw - ups she had for parents, she might rise above it.
Kids take their cues from adults on how to feel about these things and see their parents reactions.
However, the kids we raised during musically subpar parenting phases found their bliss in other ways, and today I see little to no correlation between our kids» professional - personal fulfillment and whatever instrument everyone played.
We muslims don't call our women: Bitches, hores... and the majority of muslim women actually have the choice to choose to wear the veil (if you go to a Catholic church women are asked to wear the veil... nuns are fully covered... even Marry the mother of Jesus used to cover and that is because these women know they are diamonds and you have to really deserve her to be able to see more and that is only gonna be her husband, and parents... If you have a precious and very expensive diamond in your possession don't tell me you would leave it outside of your house but you would leave your trash outside of your house... same thing with women especially and by the way this apply to men as well in Islam... A woman actually is the queen of her household, and when they are so aware of their status within her community, as more like a mother, she is committed to her husband, kids and parents exclusively... she is busy taking care of her loved ones and enjoys it and happy so why you ask her to show you her cleavage if she doesn't think you deserve her... Muslim women are not any different than all women, they only like to wear the veil and not show their beauty to you... what?
And the thousands of kids who don't even know if their parents are alive... If you didn't get a chance to see...
I keep seeing countless parents around me who feed their kids whatever they can find — which includes, of course, foods straight out of frozen bags (and I'm not even talking about veggies).
That's because every Friday night they see the kids and parents out, and they know what's going on because they see them on a consistent basis.
I love seeing parents hand their kids the tube and then they take it from there.
It was fun to see how many memories I shared with some of the parents, and how we all wanted our kids to create their own memories of play.
When I saw people talking about gun control and watch parents who lost their kids in those horrible tragedies, I stop and think and imagine.
Seeing a parent go psychotic cheering for their kid isn't a new idea if you've every played or watched sports.
I choose to see it as parents sending their undoubtedly talented kid to stay with a relative to cut out distractions and complacency that comes with his farmiliar home environment and get some focus.
Parents and fans watching from the bleachers see only a group of sweaty high school kids preparing for another football season.
Says the Reverend Julie Yarborough of Summit (N.J.) Christ Church, «You see kids coming to Sunday school late and their parents coming early to get them for games — if they come at all.
and we're kind of at the point where we have to have some of «the talks» on a number of fronts and I can totally see why parents sometimes shelter their kids forever.
It breaks my heart that my parents can no longer run around with my children or travel out to Connecticut to come and see them, and that my kids won't know what their grandparents were like when they were a bit younger.
I see this idea a lot — that kids raised with gentle discipline, Attachment Parenting, whatever you want to call it — are brats whose overly - permissive parents give them no boundaries.
I was also happy to see many parents handling more than one kid.
I think it's extremely important for kids to see their parents fight for togetherness.
the disappointment of seeing your kids disappointment and feeling like a crappy failure of a parent....
Also, no offense to all you camping parents out there — I'm thrilled that you're teaching your kids to enjoy nature, canoes, campfires, and burying your shit in the woods — but I've seen SO MANY OF YOU in my newsfeed lately, and it seems to me that you're all doing the exact same stuff.
I've felt this many times myself; I see other moms with their kids in public and just assume they are so much better at parenting than I am.
I would love to see parents give their kids this holiday season and beyond:
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