Sentences with phrase «kids time outs»

While today's parents grew up in a generation where physical discipline might have been the norm, many of them have taken a more «modern» and less punitive approach to discipline, like giving kids time outs.

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It turns out that parents spend far more time arguing with their kids about how much time they are spending online than they do discussing with them what they're doing online.
I started to allow another parent to pick up my kids instead of getting out of work early to do it every time.
Youth in higher - income homes spend more time than disadvantaged kids in reading the news and searching out information online.
By taking the time to think about it, you may also realize that you could use help figuring out how to finance your kids» college educations, plan for a comfortable retirement or determine if you have the right types and amounts of insurance coverage.
FreeTime lets parents set time limits on how long kids can use the Echo, filter out explicit song lyrics, and add educational or kid - friendly content to the device.
As PookleBlinky also points out, citing research from The New York Times, minimum wage earners aren't kids working summer jobs anymore.
In fact, The Kid President videos started out as a way for Brad and Robby to spend time together.
Too much time spent with devices is bad for kids» sleep and crowds out essential activities like physical exercise and social play.
He also pays out bonuses each time his kids hit a milestone.
... We have to figure out if a kid feels like at 16 or 17, he doesn't feel like the NCAA is for him or whatever the case may be, we have a system in place where we have a farm league where they can learn and be around the professionals, but not actually become a professional at that point in time.
Lower average test scores might not be a problem if you can find out that kids are rapidly improving over time, making that cute house in the cheaper part of town not only good for your wallet, but good for your child's education too.
I'm very conscious of making time for my kids, whether that means working with them (my oldest is interning in the office this summer) or carving time out to go to tournaments and games.
Sage - Hayward says this often happens when the founder shuts out the family from the day - to - day interactions of the business or is so busy building the business and not spending time with their families that the kids begin to resent the business and want nothing to do with it when they get older.
We've all heard the story dozens of times: A brilliant kid drops out of college, turns his or her idea into a business and ends up becoming a multi-billionaire.
The same things you probably stress about when you see your kid staring into an iPad screen, mesmerized — cyberbullying, exposure to age inappropriate content, the crowding out of more beneficial activities by screen time, and the danger of developing an addiction to the devices» hollow pleasures.
When was the last time you went out to dinner and saw a table full of kids without iPads or iPhones in their hands?
«There came a point in time when I had to say, «I'm in my mid-thirties, am I willing to wait until some of my kids are out of the house... [to enjoy] my life to the extent I imagined I would?»»
It wasn't a revolutionary idea — college kids and moonlighting teachers have done it since the time of Socrates — but by vetting tutors, most of whom are state - certified teachers or professionals like CPAs or engineers, Lucas took a lot of the guesswork out of private tutoring.
Most kids are native technology users by the time they enter elementary school, with 8 out of 10 5 - to -8-year-olds using mobile devices, compared with only half of all children just two years ago.
Instead of looking to work more or grow his business, Ellis says he's aiming to «hang out with my wonderful kids before they reach an age when they're off all the time doing their own thing.
With three kids and full work and writing schedules, I don't get much time for social outings.
For him, that means dedicating time to doing things that he cares about — liking dropping his kids off at school, watching shows with them at the end of the day, and carving out time in the day to exercise and think about the big picture.
As a business owner, I have the flexibility to carve out time for my kids when they have something important in their lives.
Pay the mortgage on a $ 10m mansion as well as a $ 5m summer place in the Hamptons, put four kids through Ivy League colleges, fly first class anywhere you'd like, make half a dozen angel investments at $ 250K each, eat out every night at three star restaurants, vacation on the Riviera, and have a full - time cook, butler, nanny and chauffeur.
I would love to move to a state with enough land and a warmer climate for my sons to ride their race bikes, my daughter to have the horse she dreams of and me to finally be at peace, I also believe that there should be someone home with the kids no matter what their ages are and as a single Mom with no family support or father involvement being at home for me is even more important, especially now that they are teenagers, There are no more nap times or time outs and the things you worry about during this age are so much more dangerous than falling down and hitting their heads as toddlers.
If your adult - age kids have moved out of the house and you have a lot of empty space, it might be time to downsize.
Considering that we will never get that many chances to spend time together as a family after kids head out to college, this addition is worth it to me.
VICTORIA — It's time for the B.C. Liberal government to stop taking money out of the hands of B.C.'s poorest kids say the New Democrats.
Parents, time to start finding a new way to talk your kids out of getting a tattoo...
She knows that every time we choose open - door living — whether in our homes or by taking hospitality on the road just like Jesus — those we invite in get to experience the lived - out Gospel, our kids grow up in a life - lab of generosity, and we trade insecurity for connection.
If you act like a little kid we're gonna have to give you a time out.
She was an academic - turned stay - at - home - mom writing a dissertation, and I was a full - time teacher - mom driving 45 minutes to and from work with 2 young kids, one who puked regularly out of carsickness.
I think we've finally let go of the idea that we need to figure everything out ahead of time before we raise kids of faith.
By the time kids have been in and out of biological family homes, foster care, bounced around aunts, uncles and grandparents, they ofter have behavior issues and are difficult to place.
So we know what the kid gets out of the releationship, but what an adult gets from spending an innordiante amount of time with a particular child is less clear.
Daisy and the five go on to have their own respective kids, those kids have their own kids, and so on and so on, up to the moment where the sun burns out and the universe experiences heat de.ath to what remain are cold, cosmic cor.pses and eternal blackness for everything residing, or alive at the time.
And speed and time are the addictions of all space outside of heaven and the kids are standing there looking us now in the eye and we are stumbling out of bed and looking in the mirror and wondering if we've grown into the lives that we prayed for or have we fallen into something else?
They don't give 2 chits about starving kids, or homeless old people... But they do take time out of their busy schedules to whine about how oppressed they are, which is also fantastic, and helps society tremendously.
Kids grow out of this over time with no deceit necessary.
I was kidding, but he liked the idea, so when he came home from work he maintained a cheerful silence (communicating via sign language that he wanted a glass of wine, whereupon his silence grew even more cheerful) and spent some time sketching out a little liturgy involving the reading of the Gospel story, the handing - over of a baby doll, the writing of a note, and the loosing of his tongue to proclaim the Benedictus.
It also reminds me of flaking out myself every time I sat down with the baby, when my kids were small!
Last time I tried to talk to a kid in the park, I didn't get through half a sentence before the parents yelled out, «OK, Tommy, time to go home!»
I've told them, «Why can't you just get a regular, steady job, marry, have kids, and stay home all the time and keep yourself out of danger?
The one time my former wife I and did get into a disagreement about was when I told her I had no consideration toward telling out kids about Santa Claus as being nothing more than a old, worn out tale.
Why it couldn't convert hex to something useful and spit out English and Arabic numbers instead hex is one of the greatest mysteries of all time, therefore proving the existence of some higher being... just kidding.
Civilization has moved on to being more progressive and caring — its time this kid's religion and his family do the same Or at least stay out of organized sports and other public events if you can't handle being around diversity.
i have had those thoughts before but trying to control people is witchcraft and God is there for people no pastor has the time to be able to help everyone out and be a good husband and father to his kids at the same time.
FREE Cowboy Cookies Great back to school, or pack - up - and - mail to the student or the kid that's moved out of town for the first time.
Great back to school, or pack - up - and - mail to the student or the kid that's moved out of town for the first time.
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