Sentences with phrase «killing hordes»

If you like classic, top - down shooters or games that require killing hordes of extraterrestrial monsters, then Shadowgrounds is the game for you!
This game isn't about killing hordes of zombies, and instead is more about finding creative ways to avoid them.
In Zombies, 4 characters journey via time to battle an evil cult, whereas killing hordes of the undead alongside the best way.
In general, Destiny seems to combine the best things about the Borderlands series — loot collecting and co-operatively killing hordes of enemies — with Halo's sci - fi story line and fantastical setting.
The Last of Us and Telltale Games» The Walking Dead series both tell mature stories, but it is more in regards to the human characters and their survival practices, questioning whether they are more savage than the zombies as opposed to the morals of killing hordes of undead people.
It's full of humor and deadly traps and the payment system are a bit spotty, but that should not deter you from killing hordes of evil minions, well for, you know, loot.
It has little elements of variety through the different game modes, which although not a lot, will still feel refreshing after killing hordes of enemies, making it a game to keep a very keen eye on, fans of the genre or not.
Killing hordes of zombies is encouraged here, as kill counter is labeled in the corner of the screen!
What's better than killing hordes of Zeds?
Diablo clones revolve around killing hordes of enemies whose diversity makes little impact on gameplay.
Killing hordes of enemies just like the beta lol
Lots of blood, gore and different ways to kill the hordes.
involves navigating the zombie - infested mall in third - person perspective, using whatever weapons and store goods Frank can pick up to kill the hordes, rescue survivors, and explore the shopping centre for unique clothing, items and weapons.
The best part of Dead Rising has always been the fun of killing a horde of zombies in the most creative ways and with the recently released Dead Rising 4, Capcom Vancouver have upped the ante and doubled down on this aspect.
You've got waves of different enemies marching toward your base (a castle, in this case), and your job is to stop them by planting various weaponized towers in strategic places that will slow or kill the hordes.
Hero Defense is played via a top - down perspective, and has you dragging multiple characters onto various areas of a map, at a high vantage point that enables them to work together and kill hordes of enemies as they stroll along below them.
A game where you raid dungeons to find epic loot, kill hordes of evil undead and find lost legendary rock stars, all the while listing to awesome rock music?
You can blow up cars to kill hordes of zombies and destroy certain structures to alter their path.
The zombies and mutants range from your everyday zombie and easy to kill horde, to harder mutants who come with special attacks up their sleeves.
Yes, I did find myself turning in circles to kill hordes of mutants.
Not infrequently, it can be a frustrating exercise to having initially succeeded in killing a horde of demons but later needing to kill the same horde of demons again because you fail to reach the next checkpoint in time to save the game.
Kill the horde of Skull warriors and collect the ectoplasm to set up towers and defenses whenever the magic stones light up: CATAPULTS, to throw flame to the enemy; BARRICADES, to block the attackers in their path; BARRELS, to shoot fire arrows and explode them in the middle of a skeleton legion; POISON PLANTS, to hit the warriors and slay them slowly while they walk... There are diverse types of magic energy to use at war: LIGHTNING, to defeat targets with metal or steel armor; FIRE, to burn light armor troops and blow up the exploding barrels; ICE, to turn your victims into ice cubes and slow them down; POISON, just one drop and the victim will succumb little by little to its toxic effects; STUN, to shoot and make their heads spin and leave them stupefied; EXPLOSIVE, to send everything flying with its strong TNT head... Use all with the different kind of arrows and do individual, radius or multiple damage.

Not exact matches

There are some who hold this view, that the brutality of mankind was so great, that it was justice to kill them all, and among those who were the innocent victims in the flood (for certainly there had to be some), it was merciful to put them out of the misery of living under a horde of Hitlers.
It's the only thing we know of that kills White Walkers, and the Night's Watch doesn't have nearly enough to arm itself against the undead hordes, but I'm just gonna give it to you, wildling lady I just met.
Accius is the man who led a horde of protesters to shut down entry to the Golden 1 Center for a March 22 Sacramento Kings» basketball game, four days after police killed Stephon Clark.
He advised princes, in a pamphlet published in 1525, to kill «robbing and murdering hordes of peasants».
In many ways, it is comparable to perpetually living in that scene from The Walking Dead where they pretend to be a fellow zombie, but could be detected and killed by the horde at any minute.
And while theres not hordes of enemies to kill as in Halo, it seems balanced for this adventure and you'll never get bored.
There are hundreds of different objects and ways to kill the undead hordes found within Parkview Mall: Firearms and blunt weaponry, household and sporting goods, and hilariously funny everyday purchases.
Not simply concerned with billionaire arms dealer - turned - metallic hero Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), Justin Theroux's story features a bevy of superheroic figures outfitted with deadly artillery, from Stark pal Lt. Colonel Jim Rhodes (Don Cheadle, taking over for Terrence Howard) decked out in his own silvery weaponized War Machine suit, to a straggly haired, heavily tattooed Russian genius named Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke) who mimics Stark's tech to create an outfit equipped with energy - beam whips, to a horde of gigantic drones programmed to kill.
Now, when Frank fights his way through a horde, he can just kick them out of his way and knock them back without being forced to get kills to build up the hit counter.
brand of terror juxtaposes brilliantly against the hilarious ways you can kill zombies or human enemies during normal gameplay, like putting novelty masks heads on their heads, or filling the floor with oil and watching zombie hordes tumble all over some marbles.
Riddick barks and bites like a vicious villain, but he only winds up murdering those who are presented as irredeemably wicked; the rest are either spared or killed by hordes of scorpion monsters.
When a heroine is as invincible and indestructible as the one portrayed here and kills off hordes of faceless henchmen without even so much as breaking a sweat, the action becomes simply repetitive and pointless.
Be mindful of your surroundings, shoot to kill, and make the most of each equipped weapon * and * power - up to give the horde some lasting, painful memories.
A character controls an arrow with his mind and we see the weapon working its way through hordes of people, entering and exiting the bodies of each and killing them; in one of these sequences we see some tissue damage as the arrows exit.
In two minutes, we get to watch scads of different ways to kill the game's trademark hordes, from the simple to the absurd.
In addition to stopping hordes of Chitauri, Frost Giants, and other soldiers, Thor destroyed the giant Frost Beast on Jotenhiem, rendered the Destroyer useless, killed Surtur the Fire Demon, matched blows with the Hulk, and he even used Mjolnir to destroy the Bifrost.
Sure, it has cutscenes that set up each episode, but they never extend beyond «Trembles has become an oil baron and wants to kill Naughty, punish him for this» or «Sunbeam accidentally called down a horde of aliens, teach him what's what».
Warbeck is also fine in his role with him being effective if the slightly dumb hero in the film's zombie - filled climax, shooting a horde of zombies everywhere but the head despite having killed several of the coffin dodgers by turning their heads into craters.
I've spent countless hours going out with friends killing the zombie horde and even participated in the diamond glitch.
A mild horde quickly became unmanageable in one run, killing the only guy I had that could fix my car.
The challenge missions usually emphasise a particular skill, such as sneaking and stealth kills, but there are also Horde style survival modes and other straight action encounters.
Though it follows standard Horde Mode tropes, the interesting variety of Zed types and balanced difficulty increases make this a great way to get some mindless zombie killing done in small doses.
Slaying the vampires who killed his father was only the beginning... the undead hordes are back, and more dangerous than ever.
At only an hour in I was already level 8, run around a magical forest (it's not a fantasy title without a magical forest) killing trolls, found my way into an underground cavern filled with rampaging steam robots and been attacked by an unending horde of giant spiders thanks to being sucked into a portal created by killing a frenzied wolf.
The scenario we see here is called «Assault» and features Marcus Fenix doing what he does best — killing off hordes of Locust.
You don't get to move through the level as you kill enemies, you just stay in that one little zone It's like the developers had zero concept of how a good run and gun game should work, namely that movement needs to be fast and responsive so that the player can weave through the vast hordes of enemies, and the levels need to be designed to facilitate this.
«With a brutal combat system, stunning art style, and a deeply compelling story, Bloodforge empowers you to slaughter hordes of demonic soldiers, deformed worshippers, and the gods themselves, using ferocious Rage Kills, devastating Rune attacks, and furious Weapon Combos.
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