Sentences with phrase «killing human embryos»

• A mover and shaker in the National Institutes of Health promotion of creating and killing human embryos in stem cell research is Brigid Hogan, a British researcher at Vanderbilt University.
Finally, add the well - developed moral and legal prohibitions on directly killing innocent persons and you quickly arrive at the conclusion that killing human embryos is wrong.

Not exact matches

What SINS were COMMITTED by EVERY child, baby, fetus and human embryo that justified torturously KILLING them?
Christian positions on embryos «Oh its human», Christian positions on guns that killed 6 - 7 years old's is: «Oh, we are not sure where we stand there».
and embryo is not a human, therefore it is not killing.
While all Catholic moral theologians seem opposed to the direct killing of human persons, some maintain that the embryo in the early stages is not yet a full human person, and therefore does not have the same rights as, for instance, the mother.
In a 16 February letter to Shalala, eight Republican senators, including Sam Brownback of Texas and Jesse Helms of North Carolina, expressed their fear that this research might «give incentives for the killing of human embryos
Finally, he opened the door to funding research involving stem cell lines created by producing human embryos by somatic cell nuclear transfer or other means specifically for research in which they are killed.
In its website alert, the MCCL said: «This legislation would specifically permit the University of Minnesota to destroy living human embryos for experimentation and to clone and kill human beings — and use taxpayer dollars to do so.»
You may start your persuasive essay on abortion with a brief overview of the Ten Commandments as they are presented in the Holy Bible and explain that killing a small embryo is similar to killing a human being.
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