Sentences with phrase «killing of unborn children»

The systematic killing of unborn children in huge numbers is part of a general disregard for human life that has been growing for some time.
An administration with a slavish devotion to the brutal killing of unborn children through abortion would face even GREATER consequences!!!
«Are we acquiescing to the killing of the unborn child in our country?
His defence of human life in Evangelium Vitae rallied the Church to the cause of defending the vulnerable and opposing the killing of unborn children and the frail and weak.
As long as our country allows the killing of the unborn child, we will continue to witness the collapse of moral life, particularly among families.»
As is the killing of unborn children to be condemned.
That our laws permit the killing of unborn children is already a sign of the barbarity which arises from radical individualism, albeit it dressed as virtue in the claim to be ensuring the «right to reproductive health».
And so I stand with the young woman in the above video in defense of modesty, chastity, and piety, just as I stand with Muslims like my dear friends Shaykh Hamza Yusuf and Dr. Suzy Ismail against the killing of unborn children and the evil of pornography, and with my equally dear friend Asma Uddin of the Becket Fund in defense of religious freedom.
«The killing of an unborn child through abortion via abortifacients or any other means is an intrinsic evil, a sin that goes against God's plan for our salvation.
Complicity in the killing of unborn children is certainly that.
Jesus would in NO WAY have been for any measure that provides funding for the killing of unborn children.
I am puzzled about the «killing of unborn children» and the «gay agenda».
I'm also glad he admits that decriminalizing the killing of an unborn child when a woman is attacked with intent to kill her and the baby is no longer going to be considered homicide.
The letter went on to say that «each day they [abortionists] grow wealthier from the killing of unborn children — some of whom have been heard to cry as they were dropped into surgical trash cans.»
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