Sentences with phrase «killing other human»

Instead, it lies in changing hearts and minds such that killing an unborn child becomes as unacceptable as killing any other human being.
But in that case why did it not yield to the judgment that convenience, or the avoidance of embarrassment, could not possibly be taken as the justification for killing any other human being?
To kill for food was a natural and normal part of life — even if it meant killing other human beings.
This is true even for killing other human beings.
First, people often kill other human beings because they believe that the creator of the universe wants them to do it... Second, far greater numbers of people fall into conflict with one another because they define their moral com.munity on the basis of their religious affiliation...»
It is not for me to interpret God's word as carte blanche to kill other human beings.
People dumb enough to live in the dessert and killing other Humans in name of a God is absolute lunacy.
So in your opinion humans can kill other humans actually.
No individuals who live in civil societies require weapons designed to hunt and kill other human beings... even if the target is a Christian evangelical (but then again).
Religion however has tried to supersede our humanity and tell us it's okay to kill those other humans because they aren't like you, they don't worship the same God as you, they don't have the same hope for an afterlife, they aren't special and «chosen» by God like you... that is the true face of evil on the planet, the one that tries to make you forget your humanity with bribes and extortion.
I was making a not so veiled putdown of the average xtian believer who wears his WWJD lapel pin while cleaning his stash of high powered guns hoping to one day use them to kill other human beings.
People do not need the God of Abraham to live a moral life, no more than the millions of religious zealots who use their interpretation of religious dogma to dominate, subjugate and kill other human beings.
The world around, humans kill other humans.
Suspect it's going to be full of gunfights with other humans because who needs more nercomorphs when you can kill other humans.
But at their root, the debate here is whether the principle that only humans should decide to kill other humans is sufficiently important that we are willing to accept more death as a result.

Not exact matches

Western countries and human rights groups have denounced Duterte for an anti-drug campaign that has included more than 2,000 extrajudicial killings by masked gunmen on motorcycles and others.
After a preliminary investigation, Police chief Sylvia Moir said that the collision that killed 49 - year - old Elaine Herzberg wasn't Uber's fault and the accident «would have been difficult to avoid» regardless of whether the other car was autonomous or human - driven.
Managers killed those programs (including one highly anticipated drug aimed at coronary disorders that was about to head into human trials) and prioritized others where there was a clear genetic target for the drug.
CARACAS Rogue Venezuelan helicopter pilot Oscar Perez was killed in a police operation on Monday along with six other anti-government militants, the interior minister said on Tuesday, spurring opposition complaints of human rights violations.
The Bible explicitly states that every other human and animal on the planet are killed.
Humans killing each other would be no more right or wrong than being kind to each other.
Oh look humans getting defensive and trying to kill each other over garbage.
As humans created in the image of God we are capable of divine expression even in our pitiful fallen state; even the soldiers in World War 1 had a brief respite on Christmas and walked out of the trenches to greet each other only to return to the trenches the next day and resume killing each other.
From a human point of view it seems ridiculous that a human being could torture, maim, and kill others relentlessly during her lifetime or that he could sexually abuse child after child with no remorse and then upon a sincere deathbed confession of Jesus Christ as Savior, be granted eternal life, no questions asked.
So if those human beings feel that flying airplanes in to buildings, or torturing other humans, or killing their unborn children is right, they can.
It doesn't have any direct effect on the human system other than the negative aspect of getting appendicitis and killing you.
nobody has a right to mock about others, you are judged by your actions and deeds, it's not possible to know about every faith in this world, but how ignorant can human mankind be especially after innocent Sikhs killed in Oak creek Wisconsin which was very widely covered.
If we actuall had a Congress who cared about the People they swore to serve and did not take vacations 1 week for every 2 they work (new Boehner rule when he became Speaker), actually did work and created bills that were other than ending abortion rights or killing Medicare, stopped opposing ending the fraud Bush wars that raise our debt by more than a trillion a month (and Republicans then blame Obama for the rising debt from their wars), and acted like humans we would already be well into recovery.
If a person needs the fear of eternal punishment by a make believe god to deter them from killing, stealing or any other sort of malevolence, they are not decent human beings to begin with.
Liberals generally are for the killing of babies and other horendous ideas that war against the sanctity and liberty of human beings... Giving men with this kind of a world view «equal time» isn't what I think God desires.
A pure human invention used to dominate and kill others that don't think or believe like us.
Ironic how human beings want to kill each other to avenge the honor of God, much less the honor of the violent, hate - talking prophet Muhammed, a mere human being, not a god.
Regardless of what others may say, there is no reason civilians need a weapon whose SOLE purpose is killing humans, Christian or otherwise.
Others believe that the killing of other animals should be viewed in much the same light as the killing of human beings.
Only 10 % of the cells in and on your body are human, the other 90 % is the trillions of life forms that inhabit and live on your body... some of them can kill you if they get too numerous.
Prepare your selves for the worse coming now others will try to copycat him... shame really that human is over taken by the evil forces whether he is Religious or non religious... killing is evil.evil.evil..
I just wonder why they are not fighting just as hard against other forms of «killing humans» like the death penalty (no one can say no innocent people have died on death row) the poor and sick and many elderly being allowed to starve and freeze because the religious right doesn't want to shoulder that burden through their taxes.
Unfortunately, as a former Christian, well acquainted with sin and confession and the whole bloody business of sacrifice to appease Someone who thinks that shows «love,» I question the whole ancient story, all the animals killed, all the trees cut down (for temples and churches and crosses and «holy books») and all the human beings left to feel separated again and again from the universe, Nature, each other and their «gods.»
Versus humans killing humans who can't even figure our own lives out, yet we think we have what it takes to judge others.
More people have been killed in the name of God than by any other event in human history... guess «Thou Shalt Not Kill» is just too hard to understand.
Humans have hated each other since Cain killed Abel.
On what other great question of human rights, in this case the most fundamental right, which is the right to be protected from willful killing, does Cafardi say «the battle is over - permanently»?
People invent all sorts of reasons to do others harm, they have to because if just left with basic empathy and compassion no one would think it right to kill another human if they can put themselves in that other humans shoes.
Christians should be very slow to kill or harm other human beings.
Still others retrieved unsettling data about what it has cost us to find and kill bin Laden, in dollars and human lives.
Until we figure out that the only real truth out there is that we are all equally human and treat each other as we would want to be treated as a fellow human being, we will continue to stupidly hate and kill over myths and stories and eventually utterly destroy ourselves over who has the better imaginary friend.
For example, an atheist and a theist can agree that killing another human for no reason other than malice is a bad thing.
after years of study I have concluded that more human beings have been killed and or oppressed by the followers of the «prince of peace» than any other religion in the history of mankind....
The majority of people are not using the Bible for their code of conduct, hence the killing and every other type of wrong human behaviour.
It's rough out there in nature, whether in the wilds of a rain forest or an urban jungle, partly because the earth is jammed with devout human predators unlike all others: we not only kill for food, we kill each other along with the natural forces nourishing life on this planet.
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