Sentences with phrase «kilobytes per»

A byte, which contains eight bits, is a measure of memory storage capacity, usually expressed in kilobytes per second (KBps) or in megabytes per second (MBps).
Don't think like someone who in the 80's would say that TCP / IP would never have a global reach due to the lack of cables connecting companies around the world, or in the 90's would say that the Web would never become a media platform due to the hard drives having few megabytes, connections having few kilobytes per second, processors having a few megahertz, or because video compression technology was still rudimentary.
* How to submit your work: — Please send us up to 10 JPG portfolio images (100 - 700 kilobytes per image recommended) and / or up to 3 direct links to video / web / interactive art, your artist statement, and bio.
APPLICATION Please send us up to 10 JPG portfolio images (100 - 700 kilobytes per image recommended) and / or up to 3 direct links to video / web / interactive art, your artist statement, and bio.
Many readers will remember the first computer modems, which connected us to the Internet at the then lightning - quick rate of 14.4 kilobytes per second.
A computer with enough processing power and memory to handle upload speeds of 500 kilobytes per second for normal broadcasting or 1 megabytes per second for HD pictures

Not exact matches

But because operators bill at such a high rate for data roaming — at about 15 cents per kilobyte of information in France, for example, which is roughly the amount of information in this paragraph — consumers typically reach that limit within a few hours of downloading standard e-mails.
In a separate tweet, responding to Zcash Foundation direction Andrew Miller, Ethereum co-founder cited costs per kilobyte «may vary from $ 0.02 to $ 1.81.»
The minRelayTxFee setting allows Bitcoin full node operators to select the minimum fee rate (satoshis per kilobyte) required for transactions to be included in the node's mempool and relayed to other nodes.
The standard bitcoin fee is 0.0001 BTC per kilobyte.
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