Sentences with phrase «kilowatt hours of electricity into»

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Energy experts have questioned government's decision to cap electricity price, in terms of power purchases negotiation, at 10 cents per kilowatt hour, stressing that it will not attract investors into the power sector.
It costs $ 500 to $ 600 to store a kilowatt - hour, and the round - trip efficiency is 65 to 75 percent — meaning the battery loses 25 to 35 percent of the electricity put into it.
Those inefficiencies meant that it cost $ 64,000 for the space shuttle to put one kilogram into low - earth orbit (LEO); an elevator, Laubscher calculates, could do it with 17.2 kilowatt - hours of electricity — about two dollars» worth.
What I'd like to know is, taking all of these factors into account, how much extra we, the consumers, will have to pay for a kilowatt - hour of coal - fired electricity 5, 10, 20 and 30 years from now (a point in time which even WV's own Nick Rahall says will be when the most productive coal seams have been mined out) because our leaders today decided to facilitate an increase in the consumption of coal through the laughably mis - named «climate bill.»
A feed - in tariff typically guarantees generators of renewable electricity a long - term purchase price for each kilowatt - hour they produce and «feed into» the grid, providing a powerful incentive for installing such systems.
To put this into context, estimates of life - cycle global warming emissions for natural gas generated electricity are between 0.6 and 2 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt - hour and estimates for coal - generated electricity are 1.4 and 3.6 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt - hour [14].
For carbon - intensive electricity, all suppliers of electricity to end users would pay the fee, calculated based on the total number of kilowatt - hours sold to customers minus the kilowatt - hours for which the supplier has purchased renewable energy credits (RECs) or entered into long - term contracts for clean energy.
If you take into account what that does to electricity prices, that would see a price rise based on our models of about 6.5 cents per kilowatt hour which equates to about roughly A$ 8 per household per week». under «Electric Vehicles (EVs)»: «Miles per gallon of gasoline - equivalent converts kilowatt - hours of electricity into gallons of gasoline (based on 33.7 kilowatt - hours per gallon)»
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