Sentences with phrase «kind of god word»

What kind of God word Gene Simmons is spreading?Or Sasha Cohen?Or Bernandke?Or tons of Hollywood Jews promoting Satan agenda??

Not exact matches

I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
Even just a kind word or a greeting card to someone who's hurting can make such a difference in their lives and it makes me feel full of God's love at the same time.
A gentler mercy followed in which pulse and breath joined in the kind of visceral, somatic prayer that felt upheld by the grace St Paul renders, «The Spirit intercedes for us in sighs too deep for words...» And, in awe, it occurred to me that my very breath proclaims the presence of the God who breathes me.
The people of God have been instructed for thousands of years to be kind with their words.
God so loved the world He gave His son Christ... I would not want my last hours on earth to be filled with only kind words, but also with the truth of salvation thru Christ... because of God's gracious love.
If he's telling them comforting words when they're not right with God it's the worst kind of treachery.
«It's not about same - gender relations — it is about se.xual idolatry and worshipping false gods» ---------- It does refer to certain kinds of idolatry, sure, but you have to remember, all sin is idolatry, therefore when using the word ar.senokoitai, it refers to the idolatry (sinful act) of same gender s.ex.
it reminds me the way Michael Frost (and many others in other words, like NT Wright, Bonhoeffer, and even Ellul) explain the kingdom of God as being some kind of a «trailer» for the Kingdom that is coming, and christians would be already living the the Kingdom reality right here in this world, where it seems to the eye that there is no kingdom of God at all.
Let's face it — you don't have to be a scholar of any kind to know that no real God would have given such bizarre, tangled, contradictory and downright weird books as his Word on Earth.
I always thought I was the «kind» of atheist who - at the risk of alienating every single believer - used to say, «The Bible is an interesting book, and it might even help some people, but it's NOT the word of God
Your kind needs to repent of your perverted and wicked lifestyle and find the true Jesus as manifested in the Word of God.
Feeding on God's Word truly and successfully combats every and any kind of human evil.
The same kind of abuse would be like the bragging criticized by God through Jeremiah, «Do not trust in deceptive words, and say «This is the temple of the Lord, the Temple of the Lord, the Temple of the Lord.»»
Bible is a ensiclopedia which included God's word and words are changes to get more understanding rather than forcing people to learn Armenic kind of very remote languages.
For by «mental» prayer traditional writers have intended to denote the kind of conscious relationship with God that does not require the use of words, spoken or formed.
The Bible says the same kinds of things about people who don't worship the one true god... it even tells you you to kill people who try to convert you... the difference is that we have grown as a society and we no longer murder people for what they believe... islam hasn't caught up with the rest of us... it's a problem and threat to the civilized word.
I don't happen to agree that adding the word god makes something a prayer because I do not believe that prayer works and if you think that puts me in line with a life in hell, so be it... I'd rather be anywhere that the likes of you and your kind aren't.
The same kind of thing is true for a limited atonement, unconditional grace, total depravity, inability to forfeit salvation, etc. — in other words, in every place where classical Calvinism departs from God's Word.
While it is of course true that those who belong to this school are perhaps most vocal in their assertion that in our Lord alone may God be seen at work, and while it is they who denounce the concept of «general» revelation as a vain fancy of sub-Christian speculation, a considerable number of other Christian thinkers take what in effect is the same position when they make central to their teaching a kind of uniqueness in the coming and the person of Christ which effectively removes him from the context of the total sell - expressive operation of the Eternal Word.
The language we have inherited from our fathers has already given some kind of content to our use of the word «God», whether we regard ourselves as believers or non-believers.
It is unfortunate but nevertheless the truth that man (kind) in his natural state is unable to understand the Word of God, in fact he can not understand them, because they are spiritually discerned: meaning to be able to discern between darkness and light (1 Cor.
It is, so to speak, a kind of «Marian» waiting upon the Word of God and its fruitfulness.
I tried to gather together a diversity of women to honor the passage's instructions that older women are to teach younger women to «love their husbands and children, to be self - controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God
Well, another blessing of God's word is that it tells us how to stop doing these kinds of things.
God has given you the skill to speak truth based on your knowledge of the Word, your ability to apply logic and common sense to that knowledge, and express yourself in a kind and gracious manner.
I may never believe in any kind of God, but I truly respect the new Pope for trying to return the Church to the teachings of its God, the original, pure words of Jesus Christ, and not the «amended» interpretation of the US religious right.
In other words, i was hoping would see that she wouldn't take that kind of love from God either.
In the Reformation preaching image the Word of God may wrongly be equated with the solid lines of type in the book; the solidity of the pulpit may be misrepresented as the authoritativeness of something or other; and the preacher's power to interpret may be mistakenly equated with some kind of weight — not necessarily the girth of his stomach, but perhaps the athletic cut of his shoulders, or more probably the weightiness of his voice.
They were not just Christians, but Christians of a particular kind: Bible - believers or, more precisely, believers in the Inerrant - Word - of - God (preferably pronounced as one woWord - of - God (preferably pronounced as one wordword).
Restraint is not a word that most people associate with contemporary Christianity, but at Holy Communion restraint is not a spiritual avoidance tactic, but a kind of balance that leads to a deep personal relationship with God.
Actually Brehvik does not consider himself a christian in his words, «in the strictest sense», so the first part of your point is moot... Secondly I think a fairer statement would be that not «all» muslims are violent extremists, as many who don't live in western countries are, as their book does instruct them to kill any and all who do not procalim allah as the one god and mohammed as his prophet... As far as having extreme passion for one's beliefs, if someone was truly to be an «extreme» christian that person would be completely loving as this was Jesus» command to love both God and everyone... to take that to the extreme would mean «extreme» loving, like the radical kind of love that caused Jesus to endure the cross for the sins of us all... includinig the man who committed this atrocity and yes any and all of the muslim's who have committed similar thingod and mohammed as his prophet... As far as having extreme passion for one's beliefs, if someone was truly to be an «extreme» christian that person would be completely loving as this was Jesus» command to love both God and everyone... to take that to the extreme would mean «extreme» loving, like the radical kind of love that caused Jesus to endure the cross for the sins of us all... includinig the man who committed this atrocity and yes any and all of the muslim's who have committed similar thinGod and everyone... to take that to the extreme would mean «extreme» loving, like the radical kind of love that caused Jesus to endure the cross for the sins of us all... includinig the man who committed this atrocity and yes any and all of the muslim's who have committed similar things.
«Trinity» did not originally mean, as it does for some later, that there are three kinds of revelation, the Father speaking through creation and the Spirit though experience, by which the words and example of the Son must be corrected; it meant rather that language must be found and definitions created so that Christians, who believe in only one God, can affirm that he is most adequately and bindingly known in Jesus.
To talk in that fashion is not to speak of a kind of meaningless re-enactment of what went on in the creation; it is to speak of a vital, living, and ongoing movement, where God knows and experiences (if that word is, as I believe, appropriate to the divine life) that which has taken place, but knows it and experiences it with a continuing freshness and delight — and, if what has taken place has been evil, with a continuing tinge of sadness and regret — such as must be proper to the chief creative and chief receptive agency who is worshiped and served by God's human children.
'' [The Christians] were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate, and then reas semble to partake of food — but food of an ordinary and innocent kind
This is kind of like asking god to answer my prayer because I said the magic words, «In Jesus Name» at the end.
The revelation of the Word of God is a matter of the free decision of God, not a matter of bringing to the Bible the right kind of pre-understanding or the latest findings in form and redaction criticism.
His religious difficulty came from the kind of theology he found around him, its habit of identifying words in a book (written by human hands and thought by human brains) with the words of God, also from the habit of playing fast and loose with the dangerously ambiguous concepts of omnipotence and omniscience, and taking these more seriously than any definite affirmation of the freedom of creatures to make decisions that are their own and not God's.
Thank God for you, Fishon, because I can count on you staying «in play» (You may know the word «argument» (argo) originally stood for a process that could lead toward a shared «shine» or vision — common ground, on - the - same - page kind of a deal.
... 3that aged women likewise be reverent in demeanor, not slanderers nor enslaved to much wine, teachers of that which is good; 4that they may train the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5to be sober — minded, chaste, workers at home, kind, being in subjection to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed:...
Because he was really God, he could perform all kinds of miracles, he possessed the knowledge of all truth, and every word he spoke remains true and absolute for all time.
I was under the impression that Jehovah's Witnesses didn't believe that Jesus died on the cross, that's why the New World Translation renders the Greek word «stautos» as «torture stake» instead of «cross...» Anyway, if you believe that Jesus was a created being (Arianism), and that He isn't God, but was some kind of demi - god, then he had no power to save us from anythiGod, but was some kind of demi - god, then he had no power to save us from anythigod, then he had no power to save us from anything.
(HG36) In other words, for Adam's body God could have used some kind of already existing anthropoid.
Embedded in the debate about what register of language and what kind of words we might use in the Mass is a more fundamental, and vital, question: how valid is it to use any kind of human language to talk to, and about, God?
The general idea of ascribing a kind of personal existence to the creative and revealing Word of God was no invention of the early church.
Because it is in the Bible and I believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God, so since the Bible says its ok and talks about how slaves need to obey their masters and masters should be kind to their slaves in Ephesians 6:5 - 9
well Fred, i believe the word of God over man and He tells me He created «each according to it's kind».
so much so that they seek out something without any merit nor even a shredd of evidence and then claim it to be more then truth but the word of god who for all intents and purposes is equal to every other make believe creature in the entire history of man - kind!
When people wonder what sorts of things they can and should pray about, and what kind of language and words to use when communicating with God, it is often not enough to just tell them that they can have a conversation with God just like with any other person.
He is truly amazing and worthy of all our praise so kind gentle and loving.The beauty of God is beyond compare there are no words to describe it.
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