Sentences with phrase «kind of a challenge when»

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When we heard that other employees had kids suffering from a cold or a challenge or any kind of illness, it resonated more with us.
There are a lot of challenging social dynamics at play when someone this young is in this kind of position, and I have to go above and beyond what is required normally to establish my legitimacy in this position.
This is quite the challenge, especially when it comes to luxury products of any kind.
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
Then when someone challenges them with one of these kinds of questions you make up some theory to address it.
Moses exemplifies this kind of work when he mobilizes a people to engage its most pressing and difficult challenges.
I confess that there was a period in my life when I wondered if praying was merely a historically sanctioned procedure for challenging me to bring the separate aspects of my psyche into some kind of integration.
[18:55] Nothing prevented the people from believing, when the guidance came to them, and from seeking the forgiveness of their Lord, except that they demanded to see the same (kind of miracles) as the previous generations, or challenged to see the retribution beforehand.
Navigating this kind of evolution can be very complex and challenging — particularly when you are engaging with multiple «audiences» and seeking to be pastorally sensitive to people's readiness and ability to engage the nuances and complexities that this topic demands.
When we think of all that has come from him in the impulse toward human freedom and dignity — the challenge of ignorance and the attempt to remedy it, the concern for and conquest of disease, the sensitivity to the needs and plight of the weak, destitute, helpless, and those in every kind of suffering, the stabilizing of the inner lives of millions of his followers around the world, and the fostering of a prophetic attack on such giant social evils as prejudice, injustice, and war — when we consider the things that have stemmed from this «penniless teacher of Nazareth,» we are dull indeed if the wonder of it does not sweep over our soWhen we think of all that has come from him in the impulse toward human freedom and dignity — the challenge of ignorance and the attempt to remedy it, the concern for and conquest of disease, the sensitivity to the needs and plight of the weak, destitute, helpless, and those in every kind of suffering, the stabilizing of the inner lives of millions of his followers around the world, and the fostering of a prophetic attack on such giant social evils as prejudice, injustice, and war — when we consider the things that have stemmed from this «penniless teacher of Nazareth,» we are dull indeed if the wonder of it does not sweep over our sowhen we consider the things that have stemmed from this «penniless teacher of Nazareth,» we are dull indeed if the wonder of it does not sweep over our souls.
If all we are doing is saying «male headship» and «wives submit to your husbands» but we're not really defining what that looks like... in this kind of culture, when those things are being challenged, then it's simply going to go away...»
When a friend is diagnosed with cancer, raising kids is a challenge, God seems distant, or life is hard, this kind of worship can seem irrelevant and disconnected from everyday life.
That is the kind of productive license writers can take with sacred stories, the kind of story Tóibín could have told, when the storytelling effort is born of a freedom ordered — and indeed enlivened by the challenge of being ordered — to the realities of tradition, Scripture, teaching, and belief.
It may well be true that self - consciousness about standing on such shaky ground is the reason why the talk of a woman's «right» to abortion services has become an uncritical mantra, rising to a aggressive assertion when challenged, for this kind of feminist.
When you look at the kind of impact food loss and waste has on our environment, economy and society, it's clear why the United Nations included it among the most urgent global challenges the Sustainable Development Goals would address.
So this week has been kind of ground - breaking here at 3Boys because I rolled out my #betterbaking series and explained what I'm doing here, which is challenging people to think about the products and ingredients they are using when they bake.
The exclusive two - day event will play host to The Dieline Conference London, the first of its kind outside of the US, which will deliver a series of sessions from both leading and emerging brands, as well as packaging suppliers and design agencies, to discuss the challenges and opportunities that arise when designing for a brand.
«You don't ever want to throw food away,» said Kate Safin, marketing and members services manager, «but it's challenging when you don't have staff or labor or trucks or any of that kind of stuff to move the stuff that's leftover.»
To me he kind of seems like the guy who will get loud but back down when challenged.
It's kind of mind - blowing when you are forced to challenge your values and pre-conceived notions about the world.
Alison Jones, Oxford, UK Photos: Esther Edith La Leche League When I feel depleted, give me a meeting with mothers, like of mind, kind, with tea and snacks, where no one attacks choices, and challenges are met with gentle voices, and choruses of «me too» and «this is what I do.»
When mom is in that emotional tailspin of being a new mother all wrapped up in that baby and that feeding experience, oftentimes, it's dad who's the one who can kind of pull out these facts from his memory and use that male analytical thinking to help be supportive and help her figure a way through any difficulties or challenges.
Okay when we come back we're going to explore some of the challenges we've been talking about our success and everything which is awesome but we want to kind of dive into some of the challenges that we have faced and how we overcame them perhaps we are still working through some of this and we also are going to share what advice we have for moms out there that are just now getting into it in the beginning so we'll be right back.
This is Part 1 in a 5 - part series of the most common kinds of challenges AP parents go through when our kids grow out of infancy and into toddlerhood.
Taking care of children, when you love them and enjoy them, is challenging but it's the best kind of challenge.
When it comes to breastfeeding, many moms tough it out through all kinds of challenges.
«Kasich is kind of in limbo — his time as governor will end when he's termed out, he doesn't have a path toward any other office in Ohio, and if Trump runs for reelection, I doubt he'll challenge him,» said Ryan Williams, a former aide on 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney's presidential bid.
Our body can handle a lot of challenges from a lot of different sources but when the combination of all of those things reaches our limit and causes our tub to overflow, we will experience a health crisis of some kind.
When you work through challenges with all kinds of tension, you might achieve your goal, but you'll be stressed, tense, and narrow - sighted during your process.
Devinne: I started the blog at a time when my job wasn't challenging me, and I knew I needed some kind of creative outlet.
Some of my favorite questions I get asked when I interview potential candidates are about what the most challenging parts are, what the culture is like, and what kind of opportunities there are for communication and collaboration across the agency.
And while there are many reliable sneakers out there (I will never not own a pair of both Vans and Converse), there are also interesting and alternative kinds that, even when seemingly challenging, are equally as dependable in their wearability.
«All business is pain, all businesses are challenges... If it was easy everyone would have a business, everyone... business is not easy to do... You give up kind of a lot of the human interactions that most people get when you're not the entrepreneur.
When your relationship gets sour to the extent that it breaks, you are faced with challenging of starting a new life, something that may not be practical given the kind of love you have for your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend.
Single player mode offers unlimited continues, which kind of ruins the challenge of this game, but it allows you to just pick up and complete the game in 30 - 40 minutes when you feel like playing it.
Charlie's condition, serious enough for a recent ex (Cameron Richardson) to have written about for a scientific report, creates all kinds of challenges for the principal when he softens his stance on only dating the kind of women he can never fall in love with (like an oversharing racist played by Rachael Harris).
When Gifted Kids Do nt Have All the Answers by Jim Delisle and Judy Galbraith is another book that provides all kinds of activities to help students with challenges they may face.
«At a time when the recruitment of headteachers is exceptionally challenging with many posts attracting at best single figures this kind of sensationalist report does nothing to help us to achieve the ambitious vision headteachers are working so tirelessly to turn into a reality for our education system.»
Your challenge with this kind of student, especially in a large class, is to catch her when she is on task and then praise her immediately and genuinely.
It's kinda hard to challenge that kind of «insidious rhetoric» when it has never occurred.
This kind of assessment is tricky: academy chains tend to take on local authority schools that are performing below the expected level, even when you take their challenging circumstances into account.
Because, you know, when you're classroom teacher — and you've been a classroom teacher, you know what it's like — we're so focused on our day - to - day, and «I've got to teach this tomorrow,» that making these kinds of shifts can be challenging!
This is especially challenging when [residents] have already had a long track record of not having that kind of involvement.
What type of professional learning experiences lead to this kind of intense teacher commitment, as seen in this teacher's statement, to value all students even when it challenges established teaching patterns?
Another 300 teachers joined the TLI in 2014.55 All participating teachers learn skills associated with three kinds of leadership: instructional leadership, or how teacher leaders can improve the systems that support teachers and students within schools and districts; policy leadership, or how teacher leaders can influence policymakers at local, state, and national levels; and association leadership, or how teacher leaders can advance the goals of their local and national unions.56 When they return to their districts, these teacher leaders work to address leadership challenges that they identified through their training.
Yet talking about and planning for assessment design can be a challenging endeavor, especially when this kind of work was never part of our schooling or training.
I wish that I had gotten an inkling of the kinds of behavior challenges I might encounter so that I could be one step ahead of the game when students threw things at me.
For new teachers, this kind of success can be elusive and the demands of the job overwhelming — and the challenges are even greater when a teacher begins his or her career in a struggling priority school.
Given that observations «can be hugely time consuming, and given the serious workload challenges already facing teachers, there is an urgent need for further evaluation of other kinds of lesson observation to understand where, when and whether they may be effective in developing practice», she said.
It's certainly got the goods to embarrass all kinds of bigger, more expensive machinery, especially when you put it on a twisting, challenging hill climb course.
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