Sentences with phrase «kind of a destiny»

Being Muslims, we are ready for any kind of destiny because we do not look upon it like you have lost your life.
While we nonetheless do not know what kind of destiny will throw the 2 again in combination, Jamie Lee Curtis has defined that the brand new film is similar to the unique along with her «granddaughter» taking her position.
We get clever flashes of the drama to come and a bit too much narrative that these characters are headed toward some kind of a destiny.

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It's kind of like building a railroad track, but it's not like it's time for Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion, where we have the East Coast colonized, and now we want to colonize the rest of the country.
That kind of bold artistic vision pays off: Activision Blizzard announced this week that it shipped $ 500 million worth of games to retailers, good enough to make Destiny «the biggest new video game franchise launch in history.»
To me, America sometimes is synonymous with the open road and Route 66 and this kind of freedom and individualism that comes with owning your own car and having your destiny.
With CMIT Solutions, you will no longer be a cog in a massive corporate wheel, instead taking control of your destiny and building the kind of business you want
For if Being is in Heidegger's description a kind of ersatz divine principle - a debatable premise it must be said - and if Being, as noted above, is in some sense temporal, then this implies that God is also bound to time, to change, to the enigmatic whims of destiny.
the belief on the existence of the devil was concieved by theologians of the past thousands of years, there was no other way of explaining the bad experiences of people in the past because we were not educated yet to the kind of what we have now, Why this happened because that was part of the learning process that God wants us to know, in pathrotheism, we are part of God, and He himself is evolving because He is the universe, We are now the conscious part of Him, our destiny in accordance to his will also be His destiny because it is His will.Although He prepared first all the material reality of the universe ahead of us, The experiences for us humans including the supernatural is just part of nirmal process for learning because its natural process, today we reach a point of not believing the practices of the past, but it does not mean its wrong, Just like a child, adults loved to tell mythical stories to them, because we knew children enjoys it as part of their learning process.
But using two proof texts, Genesis 3:16 («To the woman he said, «I will greatly multiply your pain in childbearing...»») and Titus 2:4 - 5 («and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be sensible, chaste, domestic, kind, and submissive to their husbands»), he nevertheless concludes: «Wife, mother, homemaker - this is the appointed destiny of real womanhood.
Some kind of interim solution would seem called for if these acts are neither to be simply dismissed (which would call into question how responsible / accountable we really are) nor to deny us our destiny forever.
Salvation, according to our interpretation, does not consist primarily in the destiny of the soul after death, but in present participation in the kind of life over which the fear of death has no dominion because it has been shown not to be permanently frustrated by death.
The differences in citizens» beliefs about the origin and destiny of human life may keep them from coming to politics with the kind of shared enthusiasm and exuberant rivalry that they bring to sporting events.
Thus, Israel's destiny of being a «light to the nations» was actually being fulfilled, not by the kind of Messiah that was expected but by this quite «unmessianic» Jesus.
Furthermore, this kind of approach will free us from supposing that because this or that particular description of man's destiny is found stated in this or that particular way in Holy Scripture, we are obliged to accept it as necessarily «the case».
Now what I want to know is, What other sort of nature is there beside human nature, and how does this connect with the age - old Christian belief that there is a personal destiny, a continuity of some kind between this life and the life hereafter?
These biblical stories, while not being accounts of actual incidents, nevertheless have a connection with actuality which stories of the ordinary kind do not need to have, Thus the creation story is true only if God is in fact the Creator of the heavens and the earth and of man in his image, and the story of the fall is true only if man is in fact alienated from God and thus actually falling short of the glory of his own true nature and destiny.
This at least gave the appearance of not singling out Noble for the kind of gross incompetence the mayor had hoped to prove before their date with destiny in just 55 days.
I am a spiritualist who believes women and children are the ones who suffer most when the basic fundamental human rights are not adhered to in a country, and for the Rawlings family to have fought for the welfare of women and children all these years, Ghanaian women and the youth must learn from their moral life and the kind of unity in their marriage, and practice it,» Mama Destiny noted.
ends up as a kind of a self - help book for the human race, enjoining us to take control of our destiny.
I wish to have a soul mate 29 - 55 yrs, kind, good looking, soserious minded, good personality, sincere, clean, sweet, friendly, romantic, and kindhearted animal lover and can take care of his family and his wife.I would like to love and be loved, I believe in destiny.
Now, Destiny 2 is kind of a big thing, running in the same mainstream circles that fans of Red Dead are active in, meaning the target audience of the «interested in Red Dead but not fully versed in how Rockstar operates» people would still likely catch this error.
In this, the darkest of the films, the characters grow as each fulfills his or her destiny so that they, as well as the story itself, achieve a kind of closure.
That it was a remake (of Lina Wertmüller's squirm - inducing Swept Away... by an Unusual Destiny in the Blue Sea of August) was strike one; that it starred Madonna, a lousy film actress considered box - office poison, strike two; that Ritchie is married to Madonna, marking Swept Away as the kind of vanity project that power couples make to spend more time together than their private life allows, strike three.
Eidos Montreal's The Avengers Project is another unknown, to the point where we don't even know what kind of game it is, though rumors have pegged it as being some sort of Destiny - style co-operative experience.
He knows how to create an emotional universe in which this kind of improbable thing doesn't seem a matter of screenwriting convenience, but destiny.
This, the worst kind of reboot, spends so much of its latter half talking fate, destiny and the inevitable that not a single syllable of it counts for anything.
Black's Envy, Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny, and Be Kind Rewind all grossed more.
I've wanted to write about people who come to LA and that manifest destiny kind of ideal.
Whether you're one of the millions of fans who are already a part of this community, or you are brand - new to the Destiny world, this game is something all different kinds of fans will enjoy and appreciate.
And while Belle is a young woman in charge of her destiny, it's not totally clear what kind of happy ending there is for her, beyond wifey for lifey.
While this need not necessarily stifle anybody's dreams, the narrator finds herself falling into neatly laid out roles, struggling with the smothering of her ambitions while also finding a guiltily satisfying release: «It's an absolute despair and at the same time a kind of sweet relief,» Grushin writes, «to give up worrying about achievements for a spell and surrender to the inevitability of her temporary escape from destiny
-- SLJ, starred review»... Miles is a witty narrator who manages to be credible as the overlooked kid, but he's also an articulate spokesperson for the legions of teen searching for life meaning (his taste for famous last words is a believable and entertaining quirk), and the Colonel's smarts, clannish loyalties, and relentlessly methodological approach to problems make him a true original... There's a certain recursive fitness here, since this is exactly the kind of book that makes kids like Miles certain that boarding school will bring them their destiny, but perceptive readers may also realize that their own lives await the discovery of meaning even as they vicariously experience Miles» quest.»
Yes, this was a landmark understanding and launched human kind into a new world of control of our destiny and the shape of the dogs we partnered with.
So Destiny is kind of replacing Call of Duty for Activision and Anthem is sort of replacing Mass Effect for Electronic Arts and Watch Dogs is sort of replacing Assassin's Creed it's not saying that those games will disappear or anything like that but clearly that those developers are releasing new intellectual properties just like they did the previous generation.
You fight battles by selecting which battles you want to fight by moving your character around a board game map kind of thing, expending «Destiny Points» to enter encounters with enemies or open treasure chests.
Ben shared some new details with us about what the event entails, how the Destiny 2 team has learned from their Curse of Osiris expansion, and — of course — what kinds of sweet, sweet loot Guardians can expect to earn.
I hate to say it but from a glance Oversight looks kind of crude when comparing it to Stories: The Path of Destinies.
Ever since Bungie announced that Destiny 2 would be the first game in the series to come to PC, one question lingered: what kind of a rig do you need to play the game?
Never once has a Destiny 2 Raid had the same kind of threat that Atheon, Crota, Oryx, Aksis, or even Skolas did.
As PlayStation.Blog's resident Destiny aficionado, I reached out to our pals at Bungie to find out what kinds of goodies Guardians playing on PS4 or PS3 can expect come Tuesday.
I don't know how popular that kind of mode is in Destiny, but I'm guessing that's not what most people mainly play the game for.
Even in its vanilla capacity Destiny 2 dazzles with the kind of real - time visual effects that Bungie has been awarded for.
Destiny is kind of like an MMOFPS but isn't built with a subscription service or pay - to - win model in mind.
The Vault of Glass Raid was the best thing I played all year, and the prospect of tackling Crota's End (the second of Destiny's raids, «natch) in the near future has me all kinds of schoolgirl giddy.
But the developers are holding off pushing Destiny 2 towards that kind of environment unless it's something that players are interested in.
Destiny, the half - billion dollar charade, that shameless game with the most presumptuous name, is the kind of game that makes me despair, briefly, for all videogames.
After playing the Beta last month, it became clear what Destiny had become and even with the restricted experience with this beta, which operated more like a demo (if you know Bungie do things you will be accustomed to their practice) we got a very good impression of the kind of experience that awaits us next month.
Ben: I really, really enjoyed the original Destiny, before dropping off it massively when it started to introduce all kinds of new mechanics with no discernible tutorials given.
One is an attack and defence game, the first of its kind for Destiny.
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