Sentences with phrase «kind of a person you are now»

Not exact matches

Now you have to explicitly state what kind of people you're looking for.
People are now trying to figure out what kind of decline the energy sector is in.
I have a lot of photos stored there that I'm too lazy to move, and I want people looking for me to be able to find me easily, and every now and then I have something to share with a lot of people, whether it's a magazine article or a baby photo (although the decline of organic reach has made that kind of sharing less rewarding).
So whilst the closed door discussions will be about how to keep the status quo regardless of the rapidly increasing power costs and breakdown of service that is now being experienced around the country, the open conversations being had by the people are excited discussions about the future because we trust the likes of Elon Musk and Mike Cannon - Brookes to get the job done more than we trust big power and Government to come to any kind of meaningful and affordable long term solution.
And we're making some of the same kinds of decisions now: when do you commit to a full - time person?
Ecommerce has been around for nearly two decades now, and while it's given people all kinds of convenience and flexibility in making purchases, it hasn't erased their underlying fears about safety.
«I would venture to guess that probably 90 % of people missed out on this kind of revolution that's going on in biotech right now,» he said.
Spurred on by visions of spending more time at the beach, many people are now encouraging businesses to adopt this kind of work plan.
Thanks to advances in telemedicine, physicians — even psychiatrists — can now monitor patients and do the kind of detailed patient workups and counseling that had once been possible only in an in - person visit.
Most people are now coming to see the costs that are left in the wake of this kind of financialized technology.
Now I am in charge of making sure all the details are taken care of as well as hiring the right people and creating the kind of culture that attracts great clients and teachers.
I need people to help me process these kinds of challenges I'm having right now, who will offer unique insights from a whole bunch of perspectives, all of which are valuable and necessary.
@CP: before the age of 24 I buried my Mom and 2 children... tragedy didn't make me believe then and it certainly won't make me believe now... if anything those tragedies made me question what kind of an evil monster god really is if he allows 3 innocent people to die horrible deaths (my Mom was an avid believer and went to her grave believing she was going to be with god... it was a comfort for her and eased her mind... I just don't see it as a necessity)
I served this country, volunteered for war, and now am left to deal with idiots like you who want to see stories like this, read some kind of republicanized twist into everything, blame Israel and Obama for your own personal failures (to include turkey farms - which I abhor unless free range), then go ahead: you're embarrassing yourself, your family, and every good person, Jews included, that you know.
I can talk to anyone now without any kind of, «Oh my gosh, I'm talking to this person
So more and more people who are approaching retirement age now kind of know that retirement in prosperity will likely not be an option for them.
Now think about doing that for all eternity and just what kind of people they are.
Religion and god is a by product of fear, Isn't killing people in the name of God from the beginning of man kind up to now a pretty good definition of insanitis a by product of fear, Isn't killing people in the name of God from the beginning of man kind up to now a pretty good definition of insanity.
I now believe it does a tremendous disservice to honorable people who are faithful believers to place on them the additional burden of guilt, shame and magnified suffering that comes from the kind of doctrine that promotes (sells) prayer as a magic talisman which will somehow change God's mind, alter physical circumstance, and fix intractable problems — if only the one praying has enough faith or asks in the right way or lives a holy enough life or professes Jesus enough or waits patiently or never gives up or any of a hundred different gotchas that can be called upon to justify the lack of an affirmative answer.
Married people and parents, almost all of them by now survivors of the sexual revolution, weren't asking for the task force's kind of help, and homosexuals will not be assisted by the church's lying about Scripture.
«Now more than ever, good people need to stand up and claim for themselves the tools that can be used to stop that kind of evil,» he said.
Now these people, divided into occupational compartments of knowledge, skill and experience, are a kind of parable of what is happening in the realm of thought.
Examples of one or other of the two kinds of divine and unchangeable law would be, that a marriage between brother and sister is now invalid independently of the will of the Church; that a validly consummated marriage between baptized persons is indissoluble and that the Church has no power to alter the fact; that the Church can not abolish the fact that there are seven sacraments, nor alter the ultimate features of the Church's own constitution.
Now the question is, what kind of person are you to throw gays under the bus just because you believe doing so will better your chances of getting into Heaven?
These kinds of ugly theories have existed for far too long now and the people who perpetuate such ideas need to be called out and and seen for what they are; ignorant racists and hate - mongers.
First, the anti-Obama people were saying that he wasn't a Christian at all, now they are saying he's the «wrong» kind of Christian?
This sense emerges from data, admittedly controversial, about the kind of people who are now coming — and not coming — to seminary.
the belief on the existence of the devil was concieved by theologians of the past thousands of years, there was no other way of explaining the bad experiences of people in the past because we were not educated yet to the kind of what we have now, Why this happened because that was part of the learning process that God wants us to know, in pathrotheism, we are part of God, and He himself is evolving because He is the universe, We are now the conscious part of Him, our destiny in accordance to his will also be His destiny because it is His will.Although He prepared first all the material reality of the universe ahead of us, The experiences for us humans including the supernatural is just part of nirmal process for learning because its natural process, today we reach a point of not believing the practices of the past, but it does not mean its wrong, Just like a child, adults loved to tell mythical stories to them, because we knew children enjoys it as part of their learning process.
My heart is full of so much joy right now, Muslims are kind people.
People refusing medical treatment because they think they can pray disease away, The demoralizing way religion makes you feel about yourself (I am a wretch, a sinner, a bad person by nature), the religious wars that have been fought for millenia, the self righteous passing laws based on THEIR beliefs (change to the pledge of allegience which now excludes anyone who does not believe in a fairy godfather, the change to the national motto that turned it into the lie «in god we trust», the bigotry that «my religion is the right one and you are wrong so I'll pray for you» kind of crap... don't you realize that it is insulting to me when someone says they will pray for me... its the same as saying I'm going to do something for you but there won't be any effect, so it is just a waste of time.
Now you can't say «All the people I've talked with who are involved with these kinds of things admit, some to their shame, that they are completely useless undertakings anyway.»
Whereas, earlier, it had been believed that the Aryans found only peoples of relatively undeveloped culture, now it is known that at least some of these early Indians had developed the arts to a high degree, that they even had a kind of hieroglyphic writing, not yet deciphered, and probably an equally well developed religion which, suppressed for a time, gradually reasserted itself and greatly modified Vedic religion, gradually transforming it into the Hinduism as practiced in India today.
Once upon a time, I would have been horribly offended at the thought of a group of people praying for me to be led back on the «correct path», but now it seems kind of like a warm fuzzy.
Churches can marry people in the religious sense and as far as the secular world is concerned we can all go to having the kinds of community property and power of attorney rights that are already available to anybody who wants them now
Now that people are more aware of how this scheme works it might be a different story, just as how more people are now aware of how the Bible was actually written and the actual age of the universe to actually accept it as completely factual and as any kind of evidence for a gNow that people are more aware of how this scheme works it might be a different story, just as how more people are now aware of how the Bible was actually written and the actual age of the universe to actually accept it as completely factual and as any kind of evidence for a gnow aware of how the Bible was actually written and the actual age of the universe to actually accept it as completely factual and as any kind of evidence for a god.
In truth, very few people realized then, nor do they realize now, that the kind of capitalism that ruled in the bank fiasco is unsustainable.
If the counselor decides, however, that there is no imminent physical emergency then he will be free to move into the second kind of assessment and determine, in detail, what kind of crisis is now in effect, what the stresses are, and what they mean to this person at this time.
He did kind of stink, and I'd noticed he was scratching a little, and I do have a horror of fleas in the house, but all that isn't really sufficient to explain why I find myself suddenly wet to the knees and keeping company with two thoroughly soaked short people, not to mention a wet dog who now smells like Pine - Sol — the flea shampoo was marked «Mountain Fresh,» or something like that.
The price is that we who follow Christ must now be a different kind of people in the world.
Everything in society is now viewed through that very instrumentalized lens and unlike a lot of other people who hold the kind of job that I do, it's totally understandable that that would be the orientation, because higher education has done a spectacularly poor job of delivering on its promises: It has racked up over $ 1.4 trillion in student loan debt, putting an immense burden upon the next generation, not only financially, but dampening their ability to innovate and create.
They've been great to my family, but what it means is that people now come to my events from this essential oil kind of fan group and sometimes they bring me bottles of essential oil as a gift, as a thank you, which is great.
Now it's celebrated as a sacred right that demands veneration from the whole culture, including the millions of ordinary people who see this kind of officially blessed homicide as a gravely evil act.
But, you see, he was not a mere thing, a robot helplessly pushed about by circumstance; he was a person with the power of decision, who could choose his own kind of response to any situation, and stand up to life, saying, Come on now, I'll show you!
«Laws of the kind now before us,» he writes, «raise the inevitable inference that the disadvantage imposed is born of animosity toward the class of persons affected.»
Okay that's good, now what kind of job helps people?
We all are appalled at what we see, but we tend to think of these people as «they're just crazies» and I think most muslims kind of thought that these extremists and political hacks would just somehow go away and only now are we seeing how entrenched they are becoming.
Now this kind of correspondence between patriarch and people, as with Abraham and Jacob, is imprecise.
I do hope you saty as authentic as you are right now, and I'm looking forward to hear all about the development of Deliciously Ella, as myself have the dream of starting this kind of business oneday Thank you for doing what you do and to inspire people to be healthier.
Now that I have finished watching season 1 of the excellent Sons of Anarchy I feel that this is not the coward kind of show, which makes me love it even more - apparently the people behind it don't compromise either so season 2, here I go, and as soon as possible.
«People are looking more and more to beverages as snacks as opposed to the traditional bar or bag of something... drinks are now included in that kind of option,» Hunter said.
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